
Accidentally falling for you.

She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -

Joanette_Gates · perkotaan
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28 Chs

Chapter 21 When the world seems small

We had a lot of eyes on us while we entered the Gala where tables decorated in a sort of gatsby theme titivated the big space and art pieces covered the white walls all around only leaving spaces between the pieces to compliment the next sale. This was just the front. An eyeblind for the few clean players on the slate. The real auction and money to be made was behind the closed doors. In one of these private rooms that they kept guarded and I was eager to enter, but I needed to stick to the plan to ensure Angela's safety as well as Mia's and everyone else putting their lives on the line to assure this mission goes down perfectly.

"The two of you must be new around her, because I have been attending this prestigious event since it was first hosted in 1987 and I have never before seen the two of you here." A tall older man with salt and pepper hair extend his hand giving mine a solid shake before he moves over to Angela taking her hand in his and then plant a soft kiss on the dorsal part of her hand. "I might be old, but I bet I would have remembered such a beautiful couple." he adds complementing us although the three of us knew that his words were meant for Angela.

"Ben and Angela." I swiftly introduce us trying to not give away or wallflower existence, but I fear I might have been too late, because no normal man in this room was going to look pass Angela in her blood red dress that hugs her perfectly around the waist.

"Welcome to our annual art exhibition. I am DoctorJames Smith and I hope you enjoy the marvelous event as much as I do every year." He chuckles at his own words. James Smith? The mention of his name stir something inside of me, but I couldn't out my finger on what exactly it was that bothered me about him.

"Thank you." Angela gives him a smile.

"Doctor Smith." I let it roll of my tongue before I were able to stop it. "Your name sounds so familiar." I explain my sudden interest.

"I am a plastic surgeon here in New York and I have mostly high ranking patient if you know what I mean? Maybe that is where you knowme from?" He is eyes shamelessly falls to Angela who immediately appears to be offended by the sylables he utter, but she doesn't deny it? Did our Angela have work done?

"No that is not it." I frown defending Angela's honor while contemplating where I know him from and then it struck me. "Do you perhaps have a son?" I question him, could the world possibly be this small? Was this man that is a doctor, who is supposed to be making lives better part of the human trafficking process happening tonight behind closed doors?

"I have two." He declares. "The oldest James Smith Junior is a real business typhoon here in New York and the youngest Jake Smith still at University following in his father's footsteps." I am sure he is bragging about his kid's accomplishments as if it was his.

"Didn't James recently expand his audit firm?"

"He did." He answer excitedly before his smile turned to a frown.

"He was recommended to me when I was looking for someone to assist me with the books in my new business venture here in New York." I lied, but I needed to calm down his suspicion before I started to attract the wrong attention our way.

"You wouldn't be making a mistake if you decided on going into business with my boy. He has a thing for numbers." And a thing for using women too, I wanted to snare, but I couldn't afford to start something fresh.

"I will consider it." I nod my head placing my arm around Angela's back slightly pulling her towards me as a signal for us to rather move forward.

"Enjoy the show Angela and remember ten percent of sales go to charity and a beautiful lady like you deserves two chef-oeuvres." He chuckles as we pass him. I bet these charities have offshore bank accounts.

"You know him?" She questions.

"Not him. His son." I whisper into her ear, trying to blend in between the couples filling the spaces between the tables covered with all types of snacks and drinks from all foreign countries and walls decorated with interesting and way overpriced pictures.

"Might as well buy something." Angela shrugs catching me staring or rather trying to figure out what the purpose of the different shades of green paint seeped a cross the white canvas was supposed to represent.

" I am buying back what was mine to start with in the first place," I growl reminding her why we were here attempting to remove my eyesight from the painting in front of me.

"Subsequently." A woman's voice pierces into my ears. "The name of the painting." She explains. "I saw you looking at it with that intense and that is a sign that the painting chose you..." Her words fade into the blend of color.

"It is time." The server whispered passing me.

"Wrap this up for me." I blurt at the blonde standing next to me without even contemplating g the idea of where I was going to proceed with the piece of art that I just bought. Nowhere in my house was it going to match any of my decor. "I will have it picked up."

"Yes, sir. " She nod her head placing a sold card at the corner of where the piece was situated against the wall.

"Angela." I interrupt her conversation with the older female at the statue of a tall and well build man revealing more than necessary. "We need to go." I inform her placing the palm of my hand on her back leading the way the waiter is leading us.