
It's far too early.

Knights were stationed outside Allen's room, all on high alert as they waited for his appearance. They had gotten an order from Oliver that Allen had broken free from his chains and control.

They were certain that Allen was still far too weak to even fight in his condition, but due to Oliver's strict instructions to dispatch a standard amount of knights who were well trained, they had no choice but to standby outside the boy's cell. Awaiting for further instructions from the higher ups before making another move.

Sensing mutiple presences outside his room, Allen stayed calm and even started smiling. 'Ah, you've always been such a sharp person, Oliver.' he walked towards the metal door that he had once despised for holding him imprisoned.

Placing his hands on the metal door, red smoke starting circling around his arms and blasted through the metal door, making an exit big enough for Allen to walk through.

However, the knights didn't move when the door was being blasted as they were all unaware of what was happening at that moment. They were all frozen in time. No body movements could be detected as they stand holding their swords like statues.

Allen walked out of the broken down door with no one stopping his exit, he touched the mark on his neck as his eyes glowed even brighter with gold. 'You really do work.' he thought in his mind before turning and leaving the underground area.

He walked past the knights and spotted something that one of the knights were in possession of, he strolled over to the guard and snatched a brooch off of the knight's coat.

It was an artifact that offered protection against magic, summoning a light shield that reflected magic that was hit against it. Allen took it and pinned it on his ragged shirt and walked away.

He made his way out of the underground dungeon and to his suprise, he found himself in the Krul's castle itself. He had expected himself to be located near to the Krul's place but not directly underneath it.

Allen, not knowing where to find the person he was looking for, he navigated around for a while, before coming to a dead end. He didn't had the time to continue finding Oliver at this pace, so he placed his hand on the ground and unfreezed time. Gold blinding light exploded around him before he could hear and sense people on the move again.

He heard noises around and underneath the castle, they were all in chaos as commands were being given out continuously, when they had realized that Allen was no longer in the dungeon.

Feeling satisfied with the chaos he made, he moved to the next step of his plan. He stood up and held his two hands together as he chanted a simple fire spell.

Soon enough, fire started spreading like a wildfire throughout the whole castle, even burning through the tough bricks and gold that were scattered all around.

"People's priorities here are always the royaltys themselves. So if I cause a huge threat to them such as a fire like this, won't they prioritize the royalty's safety from the fire instead of searching for a missing brat?" Allen asked Kairos, not expecting an answer back as he knew that his observation was right.

Allen soon followed behind the knights that were frantically rushing towards one direction and spotted mages that held water enhancement artifacts. It was most likely that they were heading towards where the royals were to distinguish the threat.

"This might be a pain." Allen said as he let out a frustrated sigh. He followed after the mages as he continuously spreaded the fire without stopping, he was still keeping track of his mana as he released his crimson fire upon the castle, hoping for it's downfall.

A mage that was behind the group came to an abrupt stop as he had sense subtle bloodlust that ticked him off. Listening to his gut feeling, he casted a water shield around him and turned around as quick as he could, trying to spot the odd person was giving off the bloodlust.

'Ah, I should proabably be more subtle.' Allen thought as he stood beside the mage who was now looking behind in panic, but not spotting anyone or even sensing the bloodlust anymore.

Knowing that the mage had already thoughtfully placed a shield over himself, Allen didn't attack immediately as he knew fire was weak against water.

Feeling daring, he started summoning fire in the palm of his hands and forced out the deviant of fire, electricity. He wasn't sure whether he had mastered the fire affinity in the first place, but it seemed like he did. As electricity started forming from the fire, crackling in his hands.

Without wasting any time, the moment the mage was focusing his attention back to his main task, turning around. Allen strucked him with lightning forcefully as he used the barrier of water the mage had casted to his advantage.

The mage started uncasting the barrier as he groaned in pain and fell down to the ground. He concluded that he was being electrocuted by likely the same person who gave off the bloodlust.

The moment the mage removed the barrier, Allen instantly switched back to the affinity that he was most confident in that could kill. His hands moved at the speed of light as fire rushed through his veins and reaching the tip of his fingers as he blasted the magicians chest.

Blood spilled out the gaping hole of the magicians chest. "That won't heal. Afterall I'm a royalty, we have the power to kill, even without the need of my unique fire trait." Allen said as he witnessed the magician grabbing a vial that contained a green familar liquid.

"Goodluck than." Allen said as he walked away, he stopped and turned around. The magician was sure that such a small boy couldn't commit such a sin, like killing, even if he was a sinner that ended up in hell.

Expecting the child to help him, the magician breathe out a sigh of relief,he felt the pain getting worse and placed his hand over the injured area. "I feel bad for you." Allen said, now looking down at the fallen mage. "Don't worry, It'll be painless process so lay back."

The moment Allen said that, the mage felt his vision blurring as he caught the last glimpse of his life. Shiney red eyes that was calm as the sea. However, hatred also filled his eyes, making him look unsettling and dangerous like a bomb that could explode at any given moment.

Many people were too frantically rushing to even realize that the prisoner that they were watching out for was among them. Allen was well hidden as he wore a black coat that he had last minute taken from the from the mage that had noticed him earlier.

Finally, Allen had reached his destination, the throne room. Watching the mages working together harmoniously to extinguish the roaring fire that filled the castle. The throne room was the core of the castle so it'll be much more effective to extinguish it from there and saving the royalties was their main task afterall.

The royalties were being protected by a high tier water protection shield as they all stood together, figuring out the cause of such a dangerous fire. If it was a normal fire, the royalties wouldn't have been this alarmed, but as soon as they saw the fire being able to burn through the diamonds on their thrones. They knew it was anything but normal.

Oliver was shivering in fear as he closely hugged his mother, crying in her warm arms. Suddenly he fell onto his knees as he felt a familar presence that he had been living in fear of for past few years. "Monster..demon.." he whispered out in fear as he placed his hands on his face.

His mother bended down and comforted him, assuring that he was alright with her smooth and calming voice. However, Oliver did not calm down when he looked up and noticed those familar pair of horrifying red eyes accompanied with an eerie smile looking at him from afar.

Oliver grasped the sleeve of his mother, in hopes that she would be able to understand his distress. However, no response was given back to him as the room went silent.

Feeling his heart beating even faster than before, his whole body went numb, he felt the pressure around him thickened and pressed him down. All Oliver could hear was footsteps getting further away from him and his heart beating fiercely.

"Ah, this is so fun." a familar voice said in a joyful tone. "You made the same exact face as I did before." the voice said, extremely pleased.

"It's not fun if you're not replying, Oliver Krul." he stated in an annoyed tone. "Fine." the fire that was extinguished earlier came back to life as it surronded the Krul Family, leaving them with no route to escape.

Oliver started shaking his parents and siblings frantically, wishing that they would break free from the spell that they were under. Tears flowed down from his hazel eyes like a waterfall. "Dad..?" he said as he shook his father. He saw the fire getting closer to his family and the people he treasured.

"PLEASE! STOP!" Oliver cried out. "I'm sorry.. So please stop.. Please..please!" he said as he hit his head on the ground and bowed down to Allen who was now sitting on his dad's broken down throne.

"Ah, no wonder you kept hurting me." he says. "It's really entertaining to see people cry and beg at your mercy, isn't it?" Allen suddenly had an idea. "What if I burn your family..to death? While you watch?" this made Oliver flinch as he looked towards his family, the fire moving even faster.

Allen unfreezed time for the Krul's family. Afterall, a painless death for them is too boring. He slowly watched as the family looking around their surrondings, in a frenzy. They all started finding ways out, as the queen used her water affinity to calm the fire but to no avail.

They soom notice a small boy seating on the Krul's king throne, unbothered as he looked down on them as if they were just actors on a stage, acting for his entertainment.

"You bastard of the Drakos family." Marcus yelled out in anger bur felt a tug on his shirt, his brother, Oliver face was full of tears and so was his shirt. Witnessing this sight made Marcus heart throbbed.

Allen frowned at the sight, "Your life is in my hands afterall. So is it really appropriate to use such a tone?" he asked.

"For a bastard like you.. It's appropriate." Marcus replied as he slammed the floor with his fists in anger of not being able to help his family get out of the mess they were in.

The fire reached the Krul Family and soon they were being burnt alive, screams of horror and pain started echoing around the huge throne room. It felt like music to Allen's ear as they begged for mercy. Even the proud and mighty king was pleading to Allen, who remained unbothered as his eyes watched the scene intently.

After a while, Allen unfreezed time for everyone as he felt his body not being able to sustain the power anymore. However, his purpose had been fufilled. He extinguish the fire and with little to no effort, left the throne room without anyone noticing.

As all the mages and knights focus was on the scattered burnt body of the royalties they so much admire and fear, they all started rushing to the Krul's while extinguishing the little fire that was left behind.

The Krul's wasn't dead but was unconscious on the ground as parts of their body was burnt to ashes that littered and dirtied the throne room.

"It's far too early for you all to die after all the pain you've caused me. I'm not as forgiving as a saint." Allen said to himself before heading out of the castle as he reconnected his bond with his family members that were nearby the castle.

This was.. A long chapter. I'm not really sure if this reached even half of your expecations.. I really tried though.

I won't be uploading for 5 days as I wrote even more chapters than I had promised! I've got exams the following week.. ╮(╯_╰")╭

MIKA_creators' thoughts
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