
Abyssal Firmament

Jin was a mortal reincarnated into a cultivation world. He made a name for himself and became a person while far from reaching the peak was a person feared by angels, devils, and the fallen. But when he came across a powerful treasure in the abyss he was ambushed and killed. When he thought it was over he was reincarnated into a new world, in a new era with his memories and the treasure he was killed for. Join his journey as he rises above all and reigns supreme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first try at creating a novel. After reading so much, I decided I wanted to make my own. I would appreciate some advice and tips to improve as I am a newbie writer. The cover picture is not mine if wanted to be taken down, let me know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding towards the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

Risks · Fantasi
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112 Chs

Empress Mizuki Yamato

I rubbed my eyes as I was stunned in my chair unable to believe the seductive enchantress I was seeing with my two eyes.

What was before my eyes could not even be described in words. Where do I even begin? If my mother could be described as having ethereal beauty and elegance with a lunar cham that made one feel so close yet so far, then the empress was a temptress that screamed sex appeal and whose whole existence was meant to tempt the hearts of men.

Whether it was those outrageous curves that were carved and measured by a divine architect, her slim waist that was just calling for someone to wrap their arm around it, or the weapons of mass destruction on her chest that were pressing against her dress so much that I swear I could sense the material tapping out in submission for being stretched to its very limit trying hold those things back, her cleavage that could hold more than a high-grade special ring ever could or that ass that all I could say was a work of GOD. There was no need to speak of her face that completed the look along with her cheery lips that caused one to have lascivious thoughts.

She was tempting and alluring in every single way and the black hair and eyes of the royal family just boosted those traits and her alluring and seductive aura.

I put my hands together to pray not just for myself but for my fellow men. GOD, you may be merciful but what most tend to forget is that you can be just as cruel. How can you give a woman these types of assets and put her in front of men and not expect us to fall into the sin of lust? If this was a test we would fail by not listening to the instructions. Anyone who passes can only be two things: Gay or Impotent. Even a gay man would want a taste of the empress, nobody is that gay.

But what was really doing it for me was that dress. She looked like a busty secretary in that dress that made her look like a royal succubus as the skirt of her dress was barely above her knees showing off those long alluring legs that were tempting everyone, the V.I.Ps included.

At this point, I now understood what Treysin mean when he said I would understand why grandfather was simping after her so much, and to be honest, I couldn't blame him at all. Don't get me wrong I still look down on him for simping but I understand it at the same time. Call me a hypocrite but I don't care since we have the same taste in women he can get a pass.

I now see why grandfather doesn't let the emperor off and says that he doesn't know what to do with that because I can't help but agree. How can you be lucky to be blessed with this every night and you take it for granted by not even taking up your duties correctly and it's pretty clear that the empress is fed up with him as well.

I mean just look at that face, those tits, and that ass! Look at how she is dressed she is practically begging for some good dick, just what is our dog emperor doing?! According to my guesses and experience in this field, it's most likely that the dog emperor is probably a two-pump chump or has a shcmeet on him. There is no way it's just a bad stroke game that can cause your woman to dress like this in front of the public. By dressing like this she is silently telling us that this minute man that we have to call the emperor is not even meeting her minimum standards and needs a new man!

How can we call this our empress?! This demoness clearly wants to see chaos as by dressing like this she will be sending many men to their deaths. This goes without saying for the younger generation, most of them already think with their dicks more than their heads.

It's a shame I made Zantar leave already, it would have been very entertaining to watch the fool make a mess of himself with his own drool as he loses himself in his lustful fantasies. I just needed a camera and I could have gotten video of his lackeys cleaning him up with bibs and napkins.

While I was captivated by the empress it was just that. My reaction to seeing her was the same as all the men except for Nox after that I regained myself and returned to my usual self while the same could not be said for other men in the V.I.P area. Some of the were so lost in their fantasies that they forgot that a prince and two princesses were among them as they started beating their dicks to their mother, there were even some bold ones who were making vulgar and provocative comments as if they were dominating the empress in the bedroom. While all that was going on I looked around the room only to find looks of absolute disgust from a majority of the women while the men either looked at them in pity or were struggling to hold their laughs, Nox included.

Trying my hardest to not die of laughter imagining the fate of these fools when news of this reaches the empresses and possibly the emperor's ears I turned my attention back to the mature succubus on the platform as she was about to begin her speech.

"It brings me great honor and joy as your empress to see so many people of the younger generation in front of me today." She started in a royal and alluring voice that ignited the fire of primal desire in most of the men present

"You all will be the future of the Federation and be the ones that bring us all to greater heights." She said and the crowd clapped their hands in celebration.

"I know you all just want to begin your school lives so I won't hold you too long so I will leave you all with this."

"When this is over anyone who wants to contend to take any of the six remaining slots of the 'ten' then go straight to the battle arena. The tournament will start there and will be supervised and judged by elders of the academy and the Seven Blessed from Heaven."

I nodded my head hearing that statement along with some other from the V.I.P area and the crowd below. This was one of the most anticipated events in the academy so far. I was sure even the upperclassmen would be in attendance to see if the could pull any of the new six into their faction. They would also be able to see all member of the Seven Blessed from Heaven in the same place, a key moment and important event for everyone in the Federation let alone the academy.

She then looked up to where the two hundred members of Class X and revealed the news that almost sent me out of my seat "As for the members of Class X of this batch of students whoever has the best scores by the end of the first period of this school year will have the chance to be a personal disciple of me, Empress of the Federation of Darkness Mizuki Yamato. Of course, this offer extends to the Seven Blessed from Heaven as well."

From me to the rest of Class X to the ones in the auditorium below and to the royals themselves, nobody could belive the news that they had just heard. Some people took it to the point to circulate arcana to check if they had any drugs in their body that they may have unknowingly taken. But these words had come from the empresses own mouth! There was no room for denial.

'Oh? Things are getting more and more interesting. Maybe Trey was right. The academy life might not be as boring as I originally thought.'

I may or may not upload a chapter tomorrow and Wednesday. I have graduation rehearsal tomorrow and actual graduation after that but I'll try to upload if I can.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Riskscreators' thoughts