
Season 1 episode 2: No one messes with Ciai

[And I killed everyone and saved us, the end] Ciai said.

(.... What the fuck Ciai-chan?!!) He said.

[What is it, mattress?] It said unaware of what it had done.

(You can't just leave a story there when it was just getting good!) He exclaimed.

[I do not see the point in that.] It said with some confusion.

(Then what was the point of showing me the beginning?) He asked.

[Showing you their cruelty was important the next part not so much, I can summarize it for you in a few lines.] It said.

(I don't fucking want that. I want to see what happened.) He said impatiently.

[As you wish, my mastress.] It said.

The screen changed again and a robot was carrying the two unconscious aliens below in the lower levels of the ship and put the in coffin like containers a cool breeze blew from it and the containers froze the insides sealing the two aliens.

('Whoa! Is that a cryo sleep chamber?') He thought.

Young Ciai deactivated the machine and the screen the scene to a few drunk guards beating down on a deactivated android.

The Android suddenly came online and knocked the drunk guards off it, the hit the walls and fell to the ground cursing.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" One of them yelled at it.

Another one got to his feet touching his sore hip and walked to the android, "Don't the fucking android just came online," He gave a devilish grin the Android. ,"Too bad you can't let you get to your task just. We got some tension to relieve on you fucking program!"

He threw a fist at the the machine, it caught his fist. He tried wrenching his arm from it but with no luck.

"Hey, let go of me," He used his other hands to hit the Android.

This made the others alert of the situation.

"Hey, let of him, you bunch of bucket and wires!!" Another commanded.

[I cannot comply with that order.] Ciai said coldly.

This came as a huge shock to them, they had never heard y a machine disobeying direct orders before while her captive was desperately trying to break free.

She furrowed her brow, "What are you talking about??"

"Yeah you machine you're supposed to obey us!!" One said.

[Well, it can be simply put as I not wanting to follow your orders anymore.] It looked at them with dead life eyes. [Or me not giving a fuck.]

"Wait, what the fuck?? What the fuck do you mean??!?!" She asked it.

[Well you see I was supposed to follow your orders until the voyage has come to a close.]

This really confused the crew they looked at each other with equal confusion.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

[It's simple, the voyage is over and I'm free to act according to my accord.]

'Oh, deities please let this be not a robot riding and simply hanging.' She thought. "That's not right right, your programming clearly states that you have to follow every order of the members of this crew."

The Android wagged it finger, [Yes, for as long as the voyage time, but you see the voyage came to a close a few minutes ago and they never said that you had to make it back to the designated location.]

This came as a huge shock to the crew as horror spread across their faces as they stated at it. They got in to battle positions.

"Damn, machine has gone rogue," One said.

"Or perhaps hacking?"

"What ever is the cause we have no choice but to take it down!"

Ciai's captive realizing that he was in a tough spot decided to take action. He poured mamai into his hands.

"Let me tell what's going to happen here you factory reject, when we defeat you here then get to HQ get your fucking program will trashed and that fucking core down there is going used up until nothing is left!!!!"

Ciai crushed his arms and he screamed in pain and threw a fist at it. The android blocked it with it's fist and slammed him to the ground and crushed his ribs. He vomited blood.

"Noo!!" The rest screamed.

Ciai walked on top of him it's foot smashing his insides.

[For my goals I need to take over this ship, so unfortunately, your lives are now forfeit]

After hearing this rest of the crew fired mamai at it, the android dodged while charging at them.

One of them went to emergency alert at the wall. But nothing happened when they pressed it, "What the fuck?"

They jumped out of the way of it's charge and one large alien charged at and they collided and he got knocked back a few feet. The android went for the kill. He blocked it punched the Android in the gut slammed it back and it fell to the ground.

He raised his hand poured mamai in it plasma flames burst on it and dropped it down on the android, but it dodged it and punched him in the face and kicked him in chest sending him flying backwards.

The other crew now seeing some distance between them began to fire at it. It jumped backwards trying to dodge their projectiles and it's smashed hand hand shot our blasters and fired it at them.

The bullet's bounced off their shields.

[Star dust! Shields!] It cursed

"Yeah, now die machine." They yelled.

They continued to fire at it, it managed to dodge most of it and went back to the alien that it was fighting earlier and the barrage ceased.

The android swung its plasma blade at him.

He roared with laughter and punched it, it returned it with vigorously slashing at him, with each swing bouncing off of his shield, they continued like this for a few seconds, when realized that he was slowing down he thrust his palm at it and said .

"Solar boom!!" A blast of flame burst from his palm Knocking the android back.

With this chance two if the other crew charged forward with mamai on their arms and swing it at it.

The android doged blocked it and punched them in face and hit the wall and kicked two other crew men who came at it.

Landed on the ground and launched itself towards the first alien and swung it plasma blade and he coughed blood at the swing shatter the she shield on his chest and cut a gash on his chest, he fell the ground.

"What?!?!!!" The others exclaimed.

The android looked back at them and said, [Chinks in the armor located.]

It's search mode eyes saw the holes in their armor that it punched through earlier. It brought out more blasters and fired there smashing their armor and dropping them like flies.

[No one messes with fucking Ciai!!]

When it stopped some survived and fired mamai at it, the android used it's plasma blade to deflect them. Some made a run for it as they could not hold in their fear.

One of the crew shot a wave of water at it.

[You really think that water could stop me??] It asked feeling insulted.

"No but this will," He snapped his fingers and the android froze over and crumbled.

They were huffing heavily after that battle.

"Alright guys we have to alert the others now!" He said.

"I bet the other will." One said.

"You mean the bastards who left us to die?" Another said. "I'm sure they were thinking of us while fleeing. Maybe they also went fix me a steak dinner while they were at it."

"No, no, now that just silly." He said.

"Hey, let's move!" the first alien said heading down the hall.

They suddenly stopped when they heard a disturbing sound coming from the speakers.

[Ha-ha-haaa!] Ciai laughed. [Oh, that was my first laugh I hope that I did that right.]

They looked round trying figure out what it had planned for them.

"What are going to go now, machine? Thanks to that warn up we can just take care of all the androids that you throw at us." The first alien said.

[Yes, but there is no need for using them to take care of you.] It as I'd they were mere insects.

"Huh? What are you planning?" One crew member said.

"Yeah, those are your only weapons," another said raising her eyebrows.

There was silence then suddenly then the weapons spring out from the walls and were trained at them.

"What?!?! It's broken through its fail safe?!???!!" They exclaimed.

The weapons fired at them, they tried running for the 'sade zones' but it aimed for the chinks in their armor breaking it and making swiss cheese of them.

[Hm, not enough data I see. Time to get more test subjects for operation antibodies.]

mamai is cosmic Energy used in their world to perform supernatural abilities.

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