
Absolute Combat: Fanfic

Awakening her metagene at the age of twelve, a transmigrated girl finds herself as the best fighter in the DC universe. A/N: That pic is not mine and if the owner would like me to remove it then I will do it as fast as possible.

Kingo_Tepes · Komik
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28 Chs

Team Up

"You called," Cynthia answered the phone as soon as it started ringing.

"I would not miss a chance to team up with you, not a chance. So, how do you feel about the team up?" Vigilante asked.

"I'm in, mostly because you and Peacekeeper are loose canons. I want to emphasis that there should be no lose of civilian lives here," she warned the man.

"I cross my heart and hope to be shot," the answer came almost immediately.

"Text me the address, I will arrive as soon as I can," she said and hang up. She then looked at the new and improved kevlar jacket she was going to wear. Nodding, she put it on, feeling how snug and comfortable it felt. She then turned to the numerous guns on the rack and picked a Desert Eagle pistol with seven of its magazines. That done, she clapped her hands, using Earth style to make a couple hundred shurikens. Clapping once again, she used Earth style to lighten them up to the same weight as feathers. She hid them properly and she was good to go.

"Are you sure she's coming?" Peacemaker asked his friend, a little irritated.

"I sent her the text five minutes ago. It's not like she has super speed to just arrive as soon as she did," Vigilante answered.

"Are we doing this?" a sudden voice in between them startled them so much they jumped away. When they looked at the intruder, they immediately recognized her.

"Helmet Killer, you scared the shit out of us!" Peacemaker exclaimed.

"I've been standing her for two minutes, grew bored of your arguing," she said as she went to the window and looked at a warehouse whose parking lot was filled with expensive looking cars. "Is the auction happening in there?" The two joined her, looking at the warehouse with grim faces.

"We have been monitoring everyone coming and going inside for a while now. Black Mask, one of a major Gotham City bad guy was seen going in so yeah, that's the place," Vigilante said before turning to look at her. "This is your city, your call on how to do things."

"Well, I would have gone the stealth route if I were alone..."

"Stealth route, I like it," Peacemaker said with a huge smile on his face. Cynthia looked at him and nodded. It was weird how she would look at someone and now how capable they are. The big guy might look like an oaf but she could feel she was a decent fighter and had decent experience in stealth. But, he was a master in marksmanship and gun related martial arts. While Vigilante was like a Jack of all trades. He was good in hand to hand, melee combat and gun combat.

"Alright then. Vigilante, you will attack from the North, Peacemaker from the South west and I will drop on the from on top. We start attacking when they start bidding on humans. Be brutal to any combatant but do not harm any innocents," she told them. They all nodded and left to go to their assigned positions

Cynthia climbed to the top of the roof with wall climbing technique. Once she was there, she cut the roof open with her blade before slicking in and returning the roof. She landed on a beam and looked down on the on going auction.

"Item No.11, this is a shuriken used by Helmet Killer to kill Pedro Castillo, one of the most ruthless Cartel enforcer in the business. What makes this special is because Castillo was a metahuman who could produce corrosive acid from his body. The fact that the shuriken is perfectly fine even after been examined to be made of iron just shows how valuable this is. Starting bid of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars," the auctioneer said.

'Wonder how much I can sell these shurikens made of dirt?' Cynthia asked herself. Looking around, she made a mental note of all the bodyguards position so that when chaos ensues, they would be the first ones to go.

"Now, the first item on our exclusive list," the auctioneer said after an hour of selling items, most of which were weapons she had left behind. She could not believe she was making someone rich without even knowing. A covered cage was wheeled in, capturing everyone's attention. Cynthia already knew what was inside and she was somehow surprised. She could also feel her partners' eagerness. They did not have to wait long for the man pulled off the tarp, showing two teenagers staring around, wide eyed.

"Two teenage atlanteans!" the auctioneer announced. Everyone was surprised for sure but the three partners took this chance to attack. Cynthia threw three shurikens which multiplied to be three hundred that killed all the bodyguards with one fell swoop! Chaos ensued Peacemaker fired his hand canon, killing the auctioneer and Vigilante started slaughtering everyone in his was.

Cynthia started sniping anyone that was trying to run from the two, which was a lot, making her use shadow cloning on the shurikens, multiplying them into hundreds. Screams of terror and pain drowned the place but the three devil's of vengeance did not let up. In ten minutes, everyone that came to the auction was dead, except Black Mask. Somehow, he escaped from Vigilante.

"Can't believe you let that cocksucker escape!" Peacemaker admonished his friend.

"Well, excuse me for having an orgasm in the middle of a fight!" Vigilante shot back. The two continued arguing while Cynthia crouched and touched the floor.

"Underground bunker. Perfect place to keep their merchandise," she said and was about to punch a hole through the floor when her eyes widened in shock. Using her speed, she came in front of the two friends before slapping the ground, causing rows and rows of thick walls made of earth to sprout of the ground in front of them. Then, they heard a sonic scream coming from beyond the wall, followed by crash of the walls breaking. But, they did not all break, leaving only three.

"What was that?" Vigilante asked, cautiously.

"Black Canary and Captain Atom. Both of you should leave," Cynthia warned them.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Peacemaker snorted and was already leaving while Vigilante lingered for a moment.

"Will you be alright?" he asked her.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I'm the host tonight, as my guests, I can't allow you two to be arrested on my watch," she reassured him. Vigilante nodded before jogging off. Cynthia sighed before patting the wall in front of it and it broke to dust! In front of her was Black Canary in her provocative clothes and Captain Atom in his silver metal covered self, floating beside his colleague.

"Helmet Killer, you are hereby advised not to resist least we treat you hostile!" Captain Atom said, true to his military training. Black Canary frowned slightly at that but her attention was fully on Cynthia.