
Beautiful eyes.

" We are not going to some funeral, right? Why are you not answering me? " Ryan asked them displeased by their behavior.

He contemplated about something then said to them politely while moving his hand around. " You are mutes aren't you? Actually..."

" BRAZEN ! "

" Haven't you ashamed yourself enough already? You should continue indulging in your stupid thoughts. " The 16 year old girl interjected him, disgust evident on her face.

This sex maniac wanted to speak to them, how? what was there to talk about. just thinking about it made her filled with contempt.

" Ooh! Did I spout something stupid in my dazed state? Ohh, I know, Ha! Ha!" He pondered about his earlier thoughts and he can't help but blush scarlet without even hiding it.

"Ha! ha ha! ha! ha! ha!, my babies just wait for me, I am coming." He blurted out without even thinking with his heart pounding loudly with excitement. He was now even having some digestion problems due to it.

Stop thinking, I have to stop thinking, I have to.

The 16 year old girl stared at Ryan contemptuously with a disdainful smirk while shaking her head in disgust.

Is he crazy or did he bump his head to a wall?

What is so hilarious here? It is such a shame to that pretty face of his, he has completely turned into an idiot

other passengers - ರ╭╮ರ

The frigate finally arrived at a station in a small City that was facing the sea. It then docked on an electromagnetic hangar attaching to it perfectly...

Ryan and the teenagers came out of the frigate as Mr Charles took his packets of cigarettes from the dashboard before following behind the group nonchalantly towards the academy's vehicle waiting nearby.

'I thought we have reached to the academy already...'

Ryan sat beside the 16 year old girl in the vehicle as other younger teenagers took the backseats and Mr Charles beside the driver.

" Hey! I don't know you guys, why don't you tell me your names please. " Ryan asked expectantly.

"Why should we tell you our names, shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking us? " The sixteen years old girl was reluctant.

'This girl. I didn't ask her, I asked everyone, why does she stick so much on my way? Did I offend her that much?'

Ryan stared at her with a displeased look without even blinking, he found himself hypnotized by her attractiveness now that he was staring at her this close.

" Hey, why are you staring at me that way, is there something on my face? " she asked embarrassingly while rubbing her face and looked down trying to hide her blushing face.

" Actually your silver eyes mesmerized my heart, it can't help but stop beating for a lifetime ... If I can know the name of the person behind these beautiful eyes, I will never sleep for the rest of my life, I will just be thinking days and nights about these pretty eyes..." Ryan complimented her and chuckled.

" Humph! Don't even dream." A blonde boy behind them interjected with a look of contempt.

" It is not your eyes that I want to look at, it is her eyes. What does it have to do with you? "Ryan asked, displeasure evident on his face.

" Yes, it has something to do with me! She is my girlfriend after all, don't you know? How ignorant and blatant are you to flirt with her in front of me. "

" Young boy, you are not even fifteen and yet you want to court your mother, are you a gigolo or something???? " Ryan was speechless.


" How dare you insult brother Kyle in front of us! Do you know who we are? Apologise this instant or else Mr Charles will have to pardon us for making a scene here. " A twelve years old boy uttered angrily.

" Enough Hole! This friend of ours only wants to know us there's no need to put up a fuss over something as trivial as this. "The 16 years old girl reprimanded Hole nonchalantly.

" So have you decided to tell me your name my LOVE?" Ryan asked while peeking at the raging Kyle from the corner of his eye.

He found it amusing in annoying this group of young teenagers who seemed to know each other well, despite having met recently.

" Humph! Why should I tell my name to a despicable sex maniac , do you think I am like you? I can not stand that low." The sixteen years old girl answered with contempt, a little bit embarrassed.

" Which sex maniac are you talking about, Is it Kyle or brother Hole, " Ryan asked astonished.

These young boys sure were nasty.

please check out my new book [ survival of the fittest (demonic system) ]

alu_sachicreators' thoughts
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