
Just like you

After putting on safety gloves, Valencia started to fix the toy car. She made the car able to levitate, drive on water, ride on land, fly in the air. And the car automatically follows the owner like of it was a child the car will inform the parent or guardian where the child is, in case the child is lost. The car also has a remote so the kid can also have fun controlling the car.

When Valencia finished repairing the car she asked the kid what color the kid wants the car to be. The boy looked up towards Valencia "I want it blue, just like Aunties hair!!" Valencia was shocked to hear what the boy said, but she didn't show it on her face. "So you want it to be the same color as my hair?!" Valencia smiled, waiting for his answer. The little boy nodded in response.

She took out a bunch of blues, Valencia looked at her father "Father, which color seems close to my hair color?" James looked closely at the colors and picked out a color in the middle. "That should be the color" Valencia started to color the car with that color.

After finishing the coloring Valencia asked the boy one more question "Do you want any other details?" the boy nodded and got the black color, he looked at Valencia and put a black dot on the left side of the car, under the cars left headlight. He then got a white color, "Can you sign it?" Valencia didn't refuse so she just signed.

"Okay, that's all!" the boy smiled, so Valencia smiled back. "Do you know your parent's phone number, we can call them so you can go home" the little boy nodded and Valencia passed her phone towards him. The boy dialed his father's phone number and passed the phone towards Valencia. "Who is this?" there was a bit of a panic in his voice, "Sir, I was calling about your son, he's here at State Aquil Mall. We found him in a toy store. So I informing you where he is at". Hearing what Valencia just said the person over the phone responded quickly "I'll be there" after that hanged up.

Hearing that the person hanged up, Valencia put her phone up. "Do you want anything? We can buy you anything". Valencia waited for the boy to answer. The boy nodded and took hold of Valencia's hand and led her to a bear store. The boy pointed at a blue stuffed rabbit. "Can put a recording of your voice in it?" Valencia nodded in response. Valencia went towards a room to make the recording. Then she handed it to one of the employees.

The employee put the record in the rabbit's ear. When you press the ear you would hear her voice come from the rabbit. When the rabbit was finished, Valencia gave the rabbits to the boy. The boy hugged the stuffed rabbit tightly.

They left the store and started to walk towards the entrance of the Mall, waiting for the boy's dad to come. After waiting for a few minutes a car arrived and a tall male came out. The man walked quickly toward the boy "Nial (his middle name) why did you run off again. We were so worried about you". The male cupped the boy's cheeks "Dad I--" before the boy could respond Valencia interrupted them "Aren't you Ke Kenth, CEO of Ke corporation. I didn't know you had a son!" Valencia looked back and forth between them.

"Well, no one is going to really know until I show him in the public" Valencia laughed a bit because of their situation. "Pfft, that was like our situation too" Valencia paused a second and looked towards James "Isn't that right Father?" everyone looked towards James. James nodded, seeing their eyes on him.

But one of the person's eyes were wide open, from shock.