
Blood moon

Greysons pov

"SHIT SHIT SHIT, Meredith do something!" Lilac started screaming like a maniac. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO MY MATE!" I looked a Lilac pissed as hell. I saw Alex crying holding on to my mate, I growled "mine!" He started to cry even worse. "EVERYONE NEEDS TO CLAM THE FUCK DOWN!" Merediths rage was written all over her, for some reason no concern for my mate. "I would listen to her if I were you..." Holden whispered from behind me. That enraged my beast even more, another growl escaped my throat. I wasn't in control not anymore, when my beast gets out of control I can't do anything about it.

Meredith was looking at me in the eyes and my beast took that as a challenge, he was even more pissed then before. He was whining on the inside but pissed on the outside, my beast was going for the kill before Merediths face turned red and angry. She held up her hand and I was instantly holding my ears from the pain "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" I screamed in pain as I fell on my knees praying it would stop. "I told you... to calm down!" The pain stopped as I slowly looked up "don't mistake my kindness for weakness child" she made her way to my mate and Alex, she got on her knees and put her hand on Alex's shoulder.

"it's alright Alex, I'm a good friend of your mothers... I know what's happening. But I also need you to step away from her" she whispered. I stood up as I watched Alex shake his head no as he cried more "look Alex I can't help your mother if you won't let me-" all of the sudden Aalayah started to lift in the air with a scream of pain. It started to snow out of no where "shit! This is the new power. Alex, you know what happens to you when it's your birthday right?" He looked at my mate and then looked back at Meredith and nodded his head. "That's what's going on with Aalayah, I'm telling you all to step back for your OWN safety" she said looking around. Alex's eyes went wide and he ran to me and hugged my left leg.

My eyes softened, I felt myself begin taking control again and feeling regret for the way I acted. I bent down and picked him up he dug his head in my neck as he began to cry. I looked at Meredith for assurance "I've got her Greyson..." she assured me I nodded determined "how far do we need to be?" I asked. "Not too far from here is Aalayah's castle, just head east... it'll be there, it is in another dimension so you will have to go through the mirrored window" I scrunched my brows "how do we get in?" She smiled.

"well Holden and Lilac is going, since Lilac can shift into any animal she desires... she can see it. Only Dragons are able too, and they know not to dare mess with them so you shouldn't run into any problems with the guards... seemingly they're so close to Aalayah- you can take your pack with you too. You've got to remember to watch out for the animals in the forest. Aalayah designed them for intruders..." ice began to grow around Meredith and Aalayah "HURRY GO! YOU DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!" She screamed as the block began to form around them more quickly. I looked at my brother who was just as confused as ever, I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone. "Alright let's go, Tyler go get out pack and meet us east at the end of this village" he blinked and nodded.

I watched as he ran to my pack. I looked at the others and nodded, taking off east. When we got to the edge of the run down village my pack was already there. "Alright you all have to listen to me and Holden, if you don't you may die-" I cut Lilac off "what do you mean die?" I looked at my mates kid and back at her. She sighed "if you listen to the voices of the animals, you won't be dead but not exactly there either. You won't be yourself, the only things you'd be able to do is convince others to stay with you. In the forest." I pushed my hand through my hair "what kind of bullshit is this?" I looked at everyone.

"cancel out all hearing only use mind link. If Holden or Lilac is in trouble... that's not our problem don't turn around and stay together" my pack started to look at each other concerned "do you understand?" Using my alpha tone they all looked down "yes alpha" they all said in unison. I then turned back to Holden and Lilac "I know you have done this many times before so I'm not worried about you both, my pack hasn't. I would appreciate it if you didn't distract them" Holden let out his fangs angered as Lilac put a hand in front of him to with hold him, my pack growled in warning. I put my hand up "fall down. Listen vampire (I slurred his kind) I've killed more of your kind then you can count, don't test my patients."

Lilacs face said she was pissed all over "You should know not to test me either. Stop acting like children, we need to go before we all become popsicles. tch" she then made her way to the woods. I was confused on what she meant and then I felt it. I turned around only to see the whole village was frozen "alright let's move out! Follow Lilac!" I looked at Alex "listen I'm gonna shift and your gonna ride on my back alright?" He nodded and I set him down softly. I instantly shifted and got lower, he grabbed onto my fur and swung his leg over.

I turned my head around to make sure he was on right and took off running along with a few of my pack members behind me. I caught up with a few of my pack members, in front of us Holden was next to the fastest in our pack, well besides me. "You've got a nice wolf, well not as nice as Aalayah's but... you get it" I scrunched my face and mind linked him "are you gay or something?" He turned around his eyes squinted still active"what no, is this not a w- how are you in my head?" I rolled my eyes as he ran into a tree with a big thud. Alex giggled behind me, but it was shortly lasted when he got up eyes fully red, looking over the tree. Soon all the pack members in front of me came to a stop.

I mind linked one of my pack members "Rishka what's going on?" I heard her growl "Alpha I think you need to come up here" I looked at Alex and closed my mind link with Rishka and opened one with one of my pack members behind me "Clay, take Alex and make sure nothing happens to him." I bent down and Clay came up next to me nudging Alex to let him know to switch places. "Alpha what's going on?" Clay asked as Alex switched places.

I shut off my link not bothering to answer and made my way up to the front. I saw a wolf I didn't recognize and realized it's Lilac. She was in attack mode growling ready to pounce, soon after Holden appeared out of nowhere next to me. His faces showed me he was pissed and ready to fight. I finally looked in front of Lilac, I shifted back in my human form and looked directly in the eyes of a tall golden dragon.

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