
Chapter 6 (Blood Spirit Ability)

After coming out of his room, Alex directly heads toward the bathroom that was close to the stairs. After entering the bathroom, the first thing he did is washing his face.

After washing his face, Alex took a deep breath and called in a low voice, "Blood Spirit Activate." As these words left his mouth, his whole body starts to change. Alex's hair, along with his eye color, turns Blue.

Without a single trace of red in them, and his body changed too. Right now, he didn't have a bulky body like the one when he awakens his bloodline; instead, the body is more scholar-like.

"Is this me? This ability is really something." Looking at himself in the mirror, Alex couldn't help but mumble. "My mind is more clear than before. Eh! Why do I feel like my memory also becomes sharper? This isn't all my brain seen to be working a lot faster than before. So this is the power of Mind Mode."

Feeling the changes that Mind Mode brings to his body, Alex deactivates the Mind mode of his Blood spirit Ability. The moment his body turns back to normal, Alex whisper, "Blood Spirit {War}."

Soon his body starts to change; it looks like he gains a few inches (in height), along which gaining few muscles. Alex face also changed; if in Wind mode, he looks like a model, then now, he looks like a handsome bodybuilder.

"So this is War mode. Eh!! The description of War mode was all true; It's only been a few seconds since I activate War mode, but I already want to fight someone. It's best to use this mode only when I am fighting. But having my battle awareness increase by many times isn't that bad."

Alex gains the basic knowledge about his Blood Spirit Ability; it was just basic he has to figure out the limits of his ability by himself.

After experiencing the effects of War mode, Alex decides to deactivate it. After turning normal, he took a deep breath *puff* and whispers in a low voice while looking at his face inside the mirror, "Blood Spirit {Fusion}."

[AN: Is *puff* word correct for expressing breathing sound. If anyone of u has some recommendations expressing breathing sound, please let me know in the comments]

As Alex said the words Blood Spirit Fusion, his body start to change. In a few moments, his whole body turned back to how he looked when he first awakens his Bloodline. His hairs were a mixture of blue and red color while one of his eye colors is blue and the other containing red color.

Aside from these changes, Alex can feel his senses increasing along with his mental capacity. It is like his Mind and War mode combined but 5 times better.

"This is great, but I don't think I can hold his mode for a long time..... I can't wait to unlock the other 3 modes. I wonder what secrets the other 3 modes hold." Felling the advantages that this fusion mode brings, Alex couldn't help but exclaim.

Blood Spirit the ability that Alex gained after awakening his Bloodline, consists of 5 different modes.

The first Red one that grants him high battle sense along with amazing control over his body, this mode is called War Mode. The Second Blue Mode, which is known as Wind Mode, grants him great intelligence. In simple words, he gains a perfect memory infinitely close to photographic memory, along which with a fast thought process.

The third Green/Wisdom mode increases his wisdom and understanding of things. The fourth Purple/Space mode helps him understand Space easily. And last, White/Darkness mode helps him understand Darkness better.

Right now, Alex is only able to access Wind and War mode; the other 3 modes are locked, and he doesn't have any idea on how to unlock them.

Soon the effects of Blood Spirit Fusion worn off without Alex having to do anything. Seeing his body turn back to normal, Alex couldn't help but sigh, "*sigh* it's hard to maintain this fusion mode...Eh!! I think I should do something about this extra fat." Seeing his somewhat fat body in the mirror, Alex started to rack his brain to come up with an idea.

'Maybe Life Nutrition has something that can help me." Alex walks out of the bathroom while thinking about ways to help him get rid of his extra fat. When he entered his room, he saw both his parents there, surprisingly his sister is also here, "What are you all doing in my room Mom Dad oh even sis is here."

When both Mai and Barton heard Alex's voice, they turn around and saw Alex standing in front of the door. Looking at him for a while, Barton said, "It's nothing! Ava just misunderstood something and thought you were suffering from a mental attack." As Barton said this, he cast a silent glare toward Ava.

"What!" Hearing what Barton (Alex's father) said, Alex, got shocked. "Dad, I think there is some misunderstanding going on here. I think I accidentally swallow a hybrid sleeping pill, and because of that, I lost my consciousness. Dad, you already know how difficult it is for me to sleep at night.

And why would there be any Esper in your Sky city so far away from Holy Spirit Empire? Even if there is some Esper in our Sky city, I don't think he/she will dare do anything in the US; only China is bold enough to something like this."

Listening to Alex, Barton just nods his head and heads out of his room. Seeing Barton walk away, Alex couldn't help but look at him with a strange look. Seeing this, Mai spoke to Alex, "You Don't have to worry to him; you are still his son. He is still proud of you; he is like this because he considers himself Greenwood's family head first and then your father.

But he still cares about you a lot; otherwise, he wouldn't rush here when he heard you were subjected to a mental attack." Saying this, Mai also walks out of Alex's room.

"Hope it's true," Alex mumble to himself as Mai (his mother) walk past him. Seeing everyone walk out of the room, Ava also followed behind. "Anyway, thanks, Sis." Just as Ava walked out of his room, Alex's voice sounded in her ears.

Listening to Alex's words, Ava's body trembles a little, but she quickly regains her composure and walks out of his room. As she walks out of Alex's room, a sweet smile appears on her face.

After everyone left, Alex *sighed* and close the door of his room. "I should only enter system space when necessary."

After closing the door, Alex opens his laptop and start browsing the internet for something. "There is nothing here that can help me. Now my only option is Body Refining Potion, but Body Refining potions are very expensive. Where can I get enough money to buy a Body Refining Potion?"

Body Refining Potion, as its name suggests a potion that can make the human body a lot stronger than the norm. Body Refining Potion is one of many available potions for common people. Although anyone can buy these potions, their price isn't something everyone can afford.

Each of these Potions available to the public has different categories; for example, the potions available to the public are E-grade, A-grade, and S-grade. But according to rumors, some special peoples have access to SS-grade and even Life-grade potions.

"Maybe I should sell the store; that way, I can get the money to at least buy an A-grade Body Refining potion. The store wouldn't mean anything after 6 days." Thinking about this, Alex contacted a few real state agencies, and luckily he found someone interested in buying his store. After discussing the price with the buyer, the deal was settled.

Tomorrow at 9:00 am the deal will take place.

[AN: I know selling or buying properties in any country can take about a week, but this Earth isn't our Earth. There are many changes in Earth's history as well as its geographical structure.]

After putting his laptop to the side, Alex decided to sleep. Although he isn't tired physically, he is mentally exhausted. A lot has happened in one day, and he is still having a hard time believing that it's all true.

Since I have to write the story once again from the beginning, there will be many changes in thee story.

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Undead_Forcecreators' thoughts
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