
Actually Training?

(A/N: I delayed the release date to today so that I could align my upload schedule to my liking.)


Fenrir sucked in a cold breath as the morning air brushed against his skin. The sun was beginning to rise as Fenrir watched as the sky bloomed with color.

"Pretty," Fenrir muttered absentmindingly while looking at the still somewhat foreign sight. After enjoying the sight Fenrir began to feel a deep panic erupt in his mind. Breathing somewhat erratically Fenrir's eyes glazed over slightly as he rushed inside the orphanage.

Closing the door slowly as not to wake up the others, Fenrir made his way to the bedroom.

Creaking open the door to see the other orphans waking up which caused a blissful but somewhat bitter smile to creep on his face. 'I'm not alone anymore,' he thought as he enjoyed the feeling of company.

Heaving a shaky sigh he walked into the room. He watched as Daniel and Ray attempted to wake up a snoring Evelyn. "BREAKFAST'S READY!" Charles yelled from the other side of the orphanage.

Immediately after the four heard 'breakfast' Evelyn shot out of her bed and hurried to the dining room. Fenrir snorted at the display before following after.

Breakfast was boisterous as Evelyn spewed compliments while stuffing her face full of food while Daniel -attempted- to get her to slow down. Ray watched the duo as he peacefully ate and Adam ate his food silently while looking down at his scroll with his one visible eye.

Fenrir himself awkwardly ate his food while reminiscing of the times his mom instilled table manners into his brain. Shivering slightly at the memory, Fenrir scraped some of the chicken curry and continued to eat his food in a daze.

"Fenrir!" Charles said as he poked the side of Fenrir's head.

Fenrir snapped out of his sudden daze as he saw everyone at the table looking at him. "Uh.. what?" He said nervously while squirming under the stares.

"We're going to the market to get Evelyn's school supplies and anything you need, so get ready. We have some old clothes that should fit you in the back," Charles stated with a kind smile.

Fenrir nodded his head while shaking off the momentary embarrassment.


Exiting the building the group of five, Evelyn, Daniel, Ray, Charles, and Fenrir made their way through the streets. Adam decided to stay at the orphanage and train as they other kids had said, "As usual."

As the five were walking down the streets Fenrir paused and asked Charles a question, "Can I get my hair cut?" Fenrir asked with a slight blush of shame.

Charles merely offered a soft smile from his wrinkled face, "Of course," he said warmly as he patted Fenrir's head.

Fenrir squirmed at the physical contact but ultimately resigned himself to his fate.

"Let's get moving then," Charles said as the group continued their walk throughout Menagerie.


"Ugh," Fenrir grunted as he faceplanted into his bed.

"I'm never going shopping with any of you again," he muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Fenrir's previously knee-length spiky hair was cut shorter, barely reaching above his shoulders due to Evelyn's insistence to not cut any more (A/N: Cover but shorter). His dark-blue hair still held the same spiky properties it had before. To Fenrir's side was a bag of clothes that held some decently made clothes that came out of the governmental funding for the orphanage.

"Fenrir? You okay there pal?" Ray asked with a not so hidden amount of mirth.

"Hn," Fenrir grunted as he sat back up from his previous position. "Just tired," Fenrir stated as he lazily stretched across his bed.

"I can get behind that," Ray agreed as he also sat down on his bed. "You shouldn't fall asleep until dinner though or else you'll miss out on the food," Ray said as he got up from his sitting position and walked out of the room.

"Ugh, I'll just go train then," Fenrir said as he begrudgingly untangled himself from a blanket and slipped out of bed.

Standing in the middle of the backyard, Fenrir doublechecked to make sure nobody was watching as his claws slid out and Gleipnir coiled around his forearms. Standing in front of him was a crude carving that was a spare he found in an old shed.

'Bloody Ascension,' Fenrir thought as he darted forward as he did a low sweep knocking the carving over as he imbedded his heel into it's jaw sending it into the air. Gleipnir shot out from under his forearms as it tightly gripped against the carvings wooden body. As soon as Gleipnir made contact with the wooden carving and it was held in its grip Fenrir used Gleipnir to slam it into the ground.

"That was.. way worse than I thought I would do," Fenrir said out loud as he looked at the positively mangled carved body. His familiarity and muscle memory of complex movements faded over time, leaving any skilled and precise movement he attempted to commit rough around the edges.

Ruffling his hair slightly in exasperation Fenrir decided it was best NOT to continue to use his martial arts on the poor, innocent wooden dummies. As he didn't want to cause any financial problems for his new home.

"Let's just go back to physical conditioning," Fenrir mumbled to himself as he looked down at his body. Although definitely not as malnourished as before it still had hints of malnourishment.

"Senjutsu would make this so much easier," Fenrir pouted as he began to run around the orphanage for endurance training.


Walking through the backdoor, a heavily panting Fenrir could be seen as his skin shone with sweat. He stumbled into the kitchen as he poured a glass of water and chugged it before walking to the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower to rid himself off the sweat buildup, Fenrir walked out of the bathroom while looking for the others. Stepping onto the wooden floorboards of the barren hallways, Fenrir aimlessly wandered through the shoddy orphanage walls.

With his oversensitive hearing he could hear the soft padding of 5 sets of footsteps inside the living room along with their breathing. Steeling himself, Fenrir walked into the room as he saw Charles, Adam, Ray, Daniel, and Evelyn lying on either a couch or chairs watching the TV.

"Yo," Fenrir stated semi-awkwardly as he himself sat down in an empty chair to watch what looked like cartoons.

""Hn,"" The three youngest barely acknowledged as they were too focused on the TV to be fully paying attention.

Adam said nothing while Charles was zoning in and out of sleep. 'This is.. peaceful,' Fenrir thought as he reclined as muscles he previously didn't know were tensed relaxed.

'How long ago did I feel this kind of comfort?' Fenrir pondered as scenes of him running through the woods smiling happily with two other children appeared on the forefront of his mind. His mother going out to hunt dinner as Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel played board games in the living room.

A small tear ran down Fenrir's face as he thought of those times but he quickly wiped it away as not to draw attention.

Adam however quirked an eyebrow whenever he saw Fenrir in his current state. Deciding not to pry, he said nothing.

*Knock Knock*

A series of knocks originating from the front door were heard by the group as Fenrir involuntarily tensed. The door opened to reveal a stern-looking faunas whom had Bengal tiger ears on top of her head, amber eyes, a dark complexion, and black chin length hair.

Her eyes scanned across the room as if looking for somebody. Once her eyes locked onto Fenrir he tensed and prepared himself to fight her, however much to his surprise she didn't look at him for long and locked onto Adam.

Adam wordlessly followed the woman out of the orphanage as the others didn't pay the lady any heed, confusing Fenrir in the process.

"Who was she?" He asked curiously while aiming the question towards the half-awake Charles.

"Her name's Sienna, you shouldn't mix with her kid. She's very.. VERY in the belief that Faunus remaining peaceful against prejudice is wrong and believes the only way to pave a path towards equality is to demand respect through fear. Peacefully or violently," Charles stated while he heaved a regretful sigh. 'Adam's already to radical in his beliefs.. please don't follow down his path,' Charles thought with a grim expression.

Fenrir nodded as he was going through a small mental debate, 'Prejudice.. guess it doesn't even change in other worlds. That sucks. Eh, whatever doesn't matter to me anyways.. if anyone fucks with me I'll just shove Gleipnir in some.. unforeseen areas.'

Fenrir was snapped out of his thoughts by a worried Charles, "You ok there kid? You've been staring off into space for 15 minutes," he spoke in a worried voice.

Fenrir absentmindingly nodded his head.

Charles let out a sigh of relief, "Good, dinner's almost ready. Make sure to go to bed early.. we got things to do in tha' mornin," he finished as he sat up from his recliner while walking into the kitchen.

Fenrir walked into the dining room and ate a filling meal.



(A/N: Any love interest suggestions? -Doesn't have to be RWBY-)

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