
A Witch's Little Life

This is a story about a girl who hasn't left her cottage in a while, bored she decided to travel around the places that interested her. On this Journey, she relies on her curiosity to guide her, in a world full of magic and mystery, she hopes it wouldn't lead to her untimely death. But she couldn't bring herself to care, Rubber Duck!

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A random Journey

Sighing, she got up from the floor and decided to get dressed and wandering around in the near by towns and villages, seeking entertainment.

Walking over to her fairly sized room, that was filled with bookshelves, paintings ohe wall and handcrafts. The bed itself looked comfy with its silk blanket and full pillows.

Moving towards the wardrobe, opening it's doors, browsing through a few outside outfits, soon found a dark colored small dress, with a pair of combat boots, a nice big cloak to match.

To complete the outfit she wore a small face mask. On her way to the door leading outside, she grad a dagger and her trusty bag that had always had everything she needed such as money, books, potions, herds and among others.

Putting on a smile, it has been a while since she left the cottage and the forest, she was hoping to find interesting things in this her journey.

In great joy, she skipped out of the forest and into a path that would lead into a town.

With curious eyes she began to warder into the lively town, passing by many weird and unique shops, people going in and out of them, some on the streets.

She smiled a bit, when last had she seen unfamiliar faces?