
A Wild Multiverse Adventure

Died, reincarnated, get stronger. Idk. First World: RWBY

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9 Chs

1 Killer, 1 Smooth Criminal.... And Ren.

This is a Timeskip.



(3rd Pov)

"You were worth every cent.... Truly you were." Roman Torchwick sarcastically said before glancing at Ruby Rose. "Well red, this has been an eventful evening... As much as I'd like to stay." He lifted his cane and took aim at Ruby. "I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

He shot at Ruby who managed to dodge it. However when she looked up, he was gone. Her eyes tracked him down, and eventually she sotted him climbing up a ladder.

She turned to the shopkeeper. "You okay if I go after him?" He hummed, and she ran off. Firing a bullet downwards, she propelled herself up and onto the roof. "Hey!"

Roman clicked his tongue. "Persistent." A couple seconds later a Bullhead sprouted upwards in front of him. He climbed on then turned to Ruby. "End of the line, red!" He took out some fire dust and threw it at her.


"WOHHOHOHO.... Huh?" Roman stopped his laugh, as the smoke cleared revealing Glynda Goodwitch.

She let out a hum and swung her riding crop. 9 purple streams of light flew into the Bullhead.

Roman let out a small grunt as he regained his bearing before heading to the front. "We've got a huntress." He spoke to the driver who merely shrugged.

"Let the boy handle it. We do need to decide if he's useful." Roman blinked before turning to the sleeping boy.

"Wake up." He gave a fierce tug to the boy's shoulder, prompting him to wake up

"...huh?" Ren let out a long yawn.

"Huntress. Deal with them"

"....ok." He gave a small thumbs up before heading towards the back.

(Ren Pov)

[Quest Added]

[Defeat Glynda Goodwitch and Ruby Rose]

[Rewards: 10K Exp, New Skill]

[Failure: Jail]

I gave a brief glance to the system before turning back to the two girls.

Cinder has already flew off with the Bullhead, so I'm kinda stuck here

"Wanted Criminal, Ren.... Reports have said you worked alone. What changed"

'How the hell does she even know my.... Oh.' I roll my eyes. Roman said it'd be a good idea to take a picture of my face and stick it to every place I robbed.

"I've literally been eating grass for the past month, and Roman happened to have stumbled upon me. yada, yada, I'm now getting actual food." Glynda raised an eyebrow, and the kind hearted soul Ruby looked at me with pity.

"Anyways. Can we get this over with fast? I've got to go to the Ice Cream parlor in about.... an hour." I checked my imaginary watch before taking my katana out It's scabbard, and rushing towards Glynda.

Instead of slashing through her my blade met her riding crop. The force of my blow barely managed to budge Glynda, as she waved her hand.

The broken parts of the building we were on sped towards me at alarming speeds. I click my tongue and jump back, blocking some bullets. I glanced towards Ruby and saw her taking aim.

'This is just swell. Even though I'm strong, Glynda is still stronger than me, and Ruby is also just slightly weaker than me. As much as I don't want to do this, It's not like I couldn't. If I disagreed I'm sure I'd be ashes.

Cinder thinks I'm weak, plain and simple. The crimes I've done I simply got away before anybody could show up.

'This is honestly the worst.' The speed of the debris picked up, as I hurriedly ran around. To make matters worse, I still had to block the shots of Ruby.


"SHIT-" I stumbled a little from a stump on the ground, as Glynda took her shot.

A large piece of debris collied with my body as I was sent flying off the building.

[-432 Aura]

Oh yeah, I have Aura. And now we're taking this fight on the streets... How pleasant. Though at this point, anybody within the area had already evacuated when the explosions occurred, so atleast nobody would get hurt... But I sure did.

"I suggest you come quietly." Glynda said as she landed away from me. Shouldn't you have said that BEFORE you tried to crush me with a rock?

"U-Uh Yeah!" Ruby being the third wheel, timidly yelled out to me, still excited about fighting with a Huntress.

I lifted the rock off of me and dusted my clothes. "No. Your bad, L." Is that a tik mark! The iconic anime funny thing!

Glynda gave a small huff before raising her riding crop up.

Before I knew it, hails of ice rained down upon me. I managed to block most of them, but some still scraped me.

Forgetting I was in a battle, a kick managed to hit my side, as I flew into a wall... Multiple walls.

I heard the shattering of my aura and groaned. I forgot how little of it I had.

Looking around, I saw myself aiming for a wall head-first.

"...Well fuc-


The world turned black.


My head slowly cleared up as I tried to move my body.

*Crhkl (No fucking clue what cuffs sound like)

Ah, I'm restrained.... Did Neo drug me again? She wrote she'd stop doing that!

Oh, wait, vision came back.... I'm in a jail cell, atleast I think. The walls look gross, and I'm trapped behind metal bars.

"It should be pretty late..... Be a shame if I just." I take a long and deep breathe.

"I suggest you don't." A calm voice spoke out.

"LET- Oh. I'm hearing stuff now. I knew I was going crazy after all that garbage. What are you gonna do voice in my head? Take control of my body? Scare me from time to time? Or are you going to brutally kill me"

"None of the above."

"No. Either A, B, or C.... Chose now"

"Enough!" I heard something smack the cell bars as I glanced up.

"Oh.... This makes alot more sense.. Though how'd I not notice your footsteps?"


"You can figure that out later." Glynda unlocked the cell doors, and I stepped out.

"Am I being let go? I thought the phrase, 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' would be taken more seriously- MHP!

Before I knew it I was now walking behind Glynda and Ozpin with my mouth taped shut, with a little struggle I managed to get the surprisingly strong tape off my mouth

"Ahh, that stings... You wouldn't happen to have any food, would you? Bitch decided I shouldn't get food... Hence the name 'Bitch'"

Glynda's footsteps got louder.

"You know I wasn't lying when I said I need to be somewhere. There's this nice girl named Neo. She's literally named after the ice cream... I don't know if that counts as a color name, but it is pretty neat. Also, she's not nice, but she seems to hear everything I say, so...Mh."

I heard Ozpin let out a slight hum... Weird.

"Speaking of Bitch, can we talk about what she did to me today. She had the gal to leave me off to fight against you! I mean it's not like I used my skills, I was trying to increase my strength, but still! This is exactly why I call her bitc-"

"ENOUGH!" Glynda roared, glaring at me. "Neo!"


"Oh...." Glynda? and Ozpin? shattered into glass particles, revealing Neo and Cinder. "...I'm not taking back the bitch statement."


(End Of Chapter)

No. I'm not dead (again)

Tanks For Rweading🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪