

About 35 years ago, the planet was just coming off one of the greatest disasters in human history. Early on in the 21st century, an highly contagious and airborne virus had swept across the globe inflecting almost 100,000 thousand people within its first few months. Humanities response, particularly America's, was careless and chaotic in its response allowing the virus to spread across the globe. Concerns were mounting, and in a desperate plea for guidance, they turned to the media for answers. Some were wise and chose sources that never held anything back and told it like it was, others were idiotic and chose to rely on those that sought to manipulate them and turn them against their leaders and the people in their communities. These down right evil people manipulated the people that put their lives in their hands, in order to downplay the severity of the situation and give a sturdy platform for a terrible man to once again drive the world into ruin. The virus killed millions by the time a vaccine had been rolled out, but the damage it did to societies around the world was even worse.

Even after that abomination had been completely wiped out, many people were left scarred and extremely terrified for what the future held for them. They had lived in a state of panic for years, so many had gotten so used to that feeling that that was all they expected. Due to this the economy crashed, since no one was willing to take any risk that could result in a horrible future. They lived unaware that because of their cowardice, they caused another disaster that would affect the world for decades to come, even bridging the capitalist and growth centered America down to its knees, eradicating the country entirely.

People lived in constant fear and anguish, until finally they were given hope for a new chapter when foolish men and women claimed to the masses that while society had failed, they would not, they would do everything in their power to give hope for change and a bright future. Many of them did succeed in getting temporary change, some were even able to band together and reform America under a new constitution, however, this still didn't really inspire hope in most and the citizens of the world continued to wallow in despair. Nothing changed until one exceedingly stupid and selfish man, accidently gave his life for a future yet to come.

Jack Joyous was a retired actor, mainly known for acting in the 2021 movie, "It's Not the End", in which he played an ordinary man living in a crumbling society who tries to hold himself together while inspiring the youth of the next generation. The movie was widely praised for its deep dive into the way a society can tear a human being down. The general audience loved it as it had provided them with an escape from the realities of Covid-19 and its aftermath even decades after the fact. It gave them a message that most people needed to hear at the time. Things will never be the same as they once were, they just won't. So rather than hold onto the past and hope that things will go back to normal, look forward and help build the road to something completely new. Jack Joyous rode on the back of this movie into fame and eventually the History Books, despite the fact that he gave a mediocre performance at best and the movie was actually carried by its incredible director, someone whose name even now is unknown to the public. However, despite his incredible success, it was the last movie he had ever starred in. Before, he was a struggling actor, he could hardly make ends meet. He was on his last legs, so he swore to himself that no matter what, this would be his last film, and he stayed true to his word, an incredibly stupid decision since the boredom of having nothing to do and a shit-ton of money eventually lead to his death.

He spent the last few years of his life exploring and adventuring, doing the things he never got to do as a struggling actor, like travel through the Amazon Rainforest, the proceeding to cut down 20% of said forest to build a woodland mansion that even to this day is still unfinished. His expeditions took him to underwater caves near and in South America where he plundered for treasure and nearly drowned alongside his guide. He teetered on the edge of life for the rest of his days, not intentionally of course. His last expedition however, took him to the Lhotse mountain. It cost him his life as he had run into an extremely dangerous beast. When his body was discovered, he had a huge grin on his face, his entire body had suffered from frostbite bite, and his eyes, oddly, had been burned to a crisp. In one hand he held a camera and in the other he held the broken head of a spear, with ancient Nordic runes never seen before carved in it. The camera showed a picture of a spear encapsulated in a block of ice , clear as day. A closer inspection of the spear revealed easily translated runes that read

"May The Will Of Odin Guide You"