
A Warrior's Path

From a child to an adult Drake has always given what he earned to others that lacked them.In his final moments of life while saving a little girl all he thought was ' I wish my next life would be like those MCs in novels having a system and fighting strong opponents ' As he thought of this the space around him shook and a slight crack was formed.From his body a speck of light flowed into the crack. Here starts the adventure of a man hardened by life and longing for adventure.

DreAm_b0At · Lainnya
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288 Chs

Chapter 2.World Resonance System

The vast neverending space.

Colossal orbs that seemed like it was made of gas was floating around the space and among them a speck of light was floating with them.At first it may seem like that light could go out any moment but somekind of force was keeping it together.

This was none other than the last remaining soul piece of Drake.As he floated around he knew for sure that he was dead but at the same time he was alive.This situation was impossible.

He floated alongside those orbs for an unknown amount of time until one day the space around him shook.Every single one of those orbs aligned in a perfect mesmerizing pattern with Drake at its center then all of these orbs released blinding amount of light that seeped into Drake's soul.

Unaware of what's happening around him Drake was very calm until he felt a warm feeling embrace him then he blacked out.

When he regained consciousness he felt like he was submerged in water.

Drake thought : ' when did I fall into water '. Then he heard a voice.

" 'World Resonance System' creation completed "

Drake: who was that??

WRS: master it's me 'World Resonance System'.i am your system.


drake was shocked.This was impossible.How could this happen?i got a system!!

WRS:it's very possible master.after all you created me.


Drake was shocked again.he created a system but how could he, a mortal create a system.

Drake:I created you? but how?.I am a human I could not even create a Banana.

WRS:it's thanks to your previous life master.

Drake:my previous life??

WRS:yes master.In you previous life you started earning money from a young age due to your father.All the money you earned you gave away to people who needed them more than you.You lead a humble life from a young age.Many children grew up safely due to you master and this action accumulated a lot of virtue to yourself.

Of course this alone won't justify my creation.My creation was due to the last girl you saved.

Drake:ah the little girl.what did she do?

WRS:With your life you saved her.Even till your last breath you showed her your smile making her feel secure and warm and that completely changed everything.

That little girl grew up to be someone kind and caring.step by step she changed society and it's people by showing the kindness you showed her.Not just her all the kids,elderly and others you showed kindness joined her in her cause.

When her time was over that torch was passed onto another and this is still continuing.The story of how you saved her and your smile to comfort her even in death became a story for the coming generations to understand what it's to be a human.

Drake was very happy to know that the kid grew up great then he asked: how were you created?

WRS:the virtue you accumulated was not enough to create me but after your wish at your dying moments your virtue unexpectedly kept rising and you were withheld from rebirth.After a long time your virtue accumulated to a certain point and I was created.

Drake: wait,you said it kept rising but how?

WRS: the story of you saving her was passed onto the people and coming generations and it is through this that they changed so in a way it is through you the world changed for the better.

This was a lot to take in but after a while Drake calmed down then asked: where am l?

WRS: your are currently inside your mother womb.

Drake: so I am reincarnating.

WRS: yes master.

Drake: what's your name?

WRS: World Resonance System.

Drake: that's kinda long. I will call you Navii.

WRS: yes master.