
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

The sudden match off

Ayanokōji takes a step forward and lunges straight at Kiba catching him by surprise at the speed Ayanokōji is moving at but he luckily ducks and avoids contact with him.

'His speed, I never expected for him to move that fast ' Kiba surprisingly thinks to himself

Kiba slowly turns around and notices Ayanokōji's back turned, seeing this as a possible advance he uses his speed to attack him with a punch but surprisingly Ayanokōji dodges the attack.

Kiba's face is almost pale in disbelieve on how Ayanokōji managed to avoid his close range attack without even looking his direction, with Kiba now being wide open, Ayanokōji proceeds to give him a staggering punch to the gut sending him flying back and landing on his feet gasping for air.

"Guhh- ahh, what hell I didn't even know Ayanokōji was this strong, and he's pretty fast as well I need to be careful" Kiba softly mutters to himself as he falls to a knee and struggles catch his breath.

"Yo Kiba are you alright over there, don't tell me that was all you had to give because if it was then I'm afraid this match is already over" Ayanokōji almost tauntingly checks up on Kiba

'He's right, if I don't manage to redeem myself, then this match is as good as over' Kiba says in his mind while taking heavy deep breaths for air

"You just caught me by surprise that's all so you don't have to worry about the match ending anytime soon Ayanokōji" Kiba informs Ayanokōji as he slowly gets up

"By suprise you say ? I apologize then but I did inform you earlier that I was in a rush, If it would make you feel any better than you can try to rush me" Ayanokōji calmy taunts Kiba

Kiba gets himself in position

Color me impressed Ayanokōji, for such a calm and layed back soul you sure are pretty cheecky, it makes me just wanna learn more about you

Kiba first starts brainstorming of what his next moves will be and does not want to be reckless, he then comes up with an Idea that might give him an upper hand

"Ayanokōji If it isn't much to ask would you try to rush attack me again"

Kiba's sudden request bewilders Ayanokōji for a bit but he knows that Kiba is trying to bait him to a possible trap but he also wants to find out if his plan will allow for him to get a hit on him.

"Okay ready or not here I come but I do prefer your ready"

Ayanokōji once again leaps forward with his incredible speed to go for the attack, that's when Kiba uses his sacred gear sword birth to summon a singular sword in his hands, he proceeds to throw his sword in the air, something that temporarily distracts Ayanokōji's focus, and that is all Kiba needed and lands a clean punch to his face sending Ayanokōji flying back and landing on his feet.

'What the Hell was that; a sword? where did it come from he just summoned it out of thin air, so this must be part of what these guys are capable of' Ayanokōji bewilderedly thinks to himself

"Congratulations Kiba you actually managed to get a hit on me even though it was via a distraction" Ayanokōji coments Kiba as he wipes off his face

"Although I do comment it on being a useful trick to temporarily distract me I can also assure you that I won't be falling for that same trick again"

Kiba starts smiling at Ayanokōji's bold statement

"No need to be paranoid Ayanokōji I wasn't planning on using that same trick again" Kiba taunting tells Ayanokōji

"I don't know about you Ayanokōji but I'm ready for round 3" Kiba says as he begins to square up

Ayanokōji does the same and also readies himself for the fourth round, they both start to lock in on one another not letting their focus wander away from each other and both place their right foot forward as to try and go on the offence at the same time.

Before their next match could proceed the school bell goes off signalling that break is over.

Huh over already? Kiba surprisingly comments on the end of break

Acknowledging that their time is over, Ayanokōji then lowers his guard

"That's enough for now Kiba we'd better head back now"

They both head to the school together, just as they are about to separate again Ayanokōji gives Kiba a few confusing words as his back is turned

"Kiba I would like you to know that I won't be doing this with you again"

Filled with sudden curiosity Kiba then turns around to question Ayanokōji on what he just said, but he's already gone, leaving Kiba standing alone in confusion.

The school day further proceeds as usual till the final rings

Ayanokōji and Issei head to the clubhouse. They enter the clubhouse and everyone looks ready for business, Ayanokōji notices Kiba is seated and still favoring his stomach from their last sparing match. The meeting eventually concludes and everyone is getting ready to head out, but Ayanokōji puts his focus on Asia and approaches her.

He greets her and she greets him back, he asks Asia if she wouldn't mind coming to his place to have a little chat, Asia with a surprised expression stutters to the sudden invite,

"Huh? Wha- really are you really inviting me over to your place at this time of the night, I don't know if can make it this is just so sudden maybe tomorrow or you can just come over to my house and join us for dinner"

Ayanokōji declines Asia's offer

"I'm afraid that won't work, the thing I want to discuss with you is really dire and can only be made possible if you and me are at a place where no one can disturb us which is my place"

Asia not understanding Ayanokōji's motivation on why he wants to meet with her at his place eventually agrees, she tells him that she will first tell Issei and the other's where she will be, to which Ayanokōji stops her and tells that she must not tell them her whereabouts are with him and should make up a excuse that she is with one of her friends, Asia asks why

"Just think Asia if you were to tell everyone that you would be at my place this late night who knows what thoughts might come to their minds and to be honest I get very easily embarrassed to such discussions which is the reason you see me so quiet in class" Ayanokōji explains to Asia

While hearing Ayanokōji's reason Asia gives him a nod of understanding

"Oh really!!??, okay then I'll come to your place and I'll make sure that no one finds out that I'm at your place" Asia says taking pity to Ayanokōji's confession

"But first wait Asia, you need to come to my place after you know for sure that everyone in your house has fallen asleep, only use the excuse that you were out with your friend when your caught sneaking out or in"

Asia starts feeling slightly suspicious on all the work she has to do but she just ignores it and gives Ayanokōji a nod of understanding.

Rias calls out to Ayanokōji and Asia to exit the clubhouse because she is planning on closing it, the group heads out and separates from Kiba and Ayanokōji on their way to their homes.

The rest of the group arrives at Issei's house and prepares themselves for bed after a tiring day.

A few hours go by after everyone head to bed.

Once Asia realised everyone was sound asleep she immediately goes on the move, she quietly opens her bedroom door and sneaks down the stairs, she quietly opens the front door and uses Issei's bike that he uses for deliveries to go to Ayanokōji address that he gave her at the clubhouse.

As Asia steps on the pedal she wonders what Ayanokōji wants to talk to her about and why it must be so late, all the questions seemed to confuse Asia even more so she dropped the topic.

After about 15 minutes of pedaling in the dark streets Asia finally stops infront of Ayanokōji's house completely winded and almost out of breath, she looks at the house number and notices it fits the description she remembers Ayanokōji telling her about.

She parks the bike on the sidewalk and walks to the front door and knocks, after 3 seconds and 53 milliseconds of waiting, Ayanokōji opens the door and welcomes Asia in, Asia finds a green couch to settle in and rests her legs, She starts looking around the house and sees that it's a pretty simple and plain one story house, as she looks around Ayanokōji brings her some hot tea to which she thanks him for, Asia takes a sip of her tea then asks Ayanokōji what he wants to talk about, Ayanokōji stands by his window and looks to the beautiful night sky, arms behind his back and tells Asia to tell him everything about the members of the gremory household including herself.

I was barely able to Publish this but here it is Enjoy....😭

They say it's the early bird that gets the worm but in actuality it's the early worm that gets the bird

Jayden_Swartzcreators' thoughts