
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Grocery Invite

The scent of early morning toast surrounds the inside of the Hyoudo residence, and the person responsible is none other than Akeno, she decided to have herself some early morning toast to kick start this beautiful morning

Akeno pulls herself a chair at the kitchen table and takes a seat to enjoy her freshly made toast as she looks through the window at the now rising sun, as she stares a the beautiful sunrise, that same moment Akeno gets a flashback of Ayanokōji saving her and of last night when Ayanokōji invited her to another date to the next Japanese Festival, she then gets the same tingling feeling she felt last night as it runs Chivers down her spine, Akeno then just starts chuckling to herself while bitting down on her toasted bread.

"Well someone looks astonishingly happy after just one date" (Rias seemingly out of nowhere comments in Akeno's early morning attitude)

Akeno gets starteld and asks Rias how long she was standing there, Rias just tells her that she stood there long enough and gives a little chuckle.

Rias pulls herself a seat out aswell and takes a seat, she then proceeds to ask Akeno how her date went yesterday, Akeno's face immediately changes as she now looks away and tells Rias that it was strange, Rias then asks her what she means by "strange". Akeno then replies by telling Rias everything that happened at the library date.

Rias jumps upright and moves her chair back in the process

"Seriously!!??, we have to find out who tried to kidnap you, did he hurt you in anyway?" (Rias concernedly asks Akeno)

Akeno then lightly smiles and tells Rias that he only hurt her wrists a bit but Ayanokōji saved her before he could do anymore damage.

After Rias then takes notice to Akeno's calm and collected body language she then calms herself down and tells Akeno;

"I can see your pretty grateful for being saved by nonother then your knight and shining armour, that's pretty cute of you"

Akeno hearing this just smiles and continues looking at the window, Akeno then adds to Rias by telling her that Ayanokōji has also invited her to join him at the next Japanese Festival

Rias's jaw almost drops to the floor as to express her disbelief of what she is hearing, Rias then slams her hands on the table and shouts;


Akeno with a polite smile tells Rias to calm down and tells her that there is something else Ayanokōji said, Rias calms down and  moves closer to hear what Akeno is about to say;

"Ayanokōji also told me that I have the decision to invite you guys with us to the Festival" (Akeno calmly informs Rias)

Rias then filled curiosity asks Akeno, "Really?", she then asks Akeno if she has decided to make them tag along yet, Akeno tells Rias that she still hasn't made her decision yet with a smile on her face;

"The Festival is still months away so it isn't necessary to ponder on if I want to invite you guys or not"

Rias grows a mischievous smile on her face then says to Akeno;

"Oh I see Akeno, You still haven't reached your decision because your mostly pondering after the option to enjoy your time with Ayanokōji alone"

Akeno then for the first time shows a look of shock and nervousness and yells at Rias

"Rias stop putting words in my mouth I never said that and you know it" (Akeno annoyedly yells at Rias)

Rias then bursts out laughing at Akeno's sudden outburst, while telling her that she's only just messing with her and releases another small chuckle, Rias now sits with her head tilted down, face resting on her palm and a small grin on her face

"I'd be pretty glad if you and Ayanokōji were to be a... you know what, and I would support you two every step of the way, Ayanokōji is a good guy for you and after witnessing what he did for us infront of my eyes and hearing from you that he saved you aswell, finally made me trust him with all of my heart as a real master should" (Rias openly admits to Akeno)

Hearing Rias's beautiful words, Akeno then wipes off her eyelids telling Rias excuses like something is in her eye, but in truth Akeno is actually wiping away her tears, not wanting Rias to notice them.

They both then hear lots of loud footsteps coming down the stairs. They are now met with Issei, Zenovia, Koneko, Rossweisse, Irina and Asia all standing in their PJ's while greeting them a good morning, Rias and Akeno also greets everyone a good morning, Issei then walks up to Rias and collapses on her thighs, while still feeling a bit tired, Rias just slowly rubs Issei's head while telling him that he can only rest on her laps for a little while since they'll be working later, Issei just makes a faint muffled sound to say that he understands

Rias just chuckles upon hearing Issei's muffled and tired, everyone in the kitchen just stares on to the morning couple including Akeno as she starts thinking to herself how something like that may feel like.

At 7 AM a alarm clock goes off and the morning sunshine creeps through the blinds of the curtains of a dark room, Ayanokōji sits up from bed and starts stretching his body, he then releases a yawn and while he puts his hands in front of his mouth to hopefully catch the smell of his morning breath and after smelling his breath he realises that his breath is as bad as he thought it would be.

He then sits-up out of bed and slides into his flops and then he turns off his alarm clock. Ayanokōji heads straight to his bathroom and grabs his toothbrush, he starts brushing his teeth and starts looking at his reflection in mirror and comments on how messy his hair looks calling it similar to a bird's nest, all of a sudden Ayanokōji hears a loud caw of bird that sounds like a crow outside his house.

Ayanokōji immediately spits out the toothpaste that was in his mouth and puts his attention to the crow that he is hearing and asks to himself;

"Why is this crow here?"

Ayanokōji is now grocery shopping for food because his refrigerator is as empty as nothing.

Ayanokōji's goes to grab himself a grocery cart to put all of his food in but his hand is interupted by a another hand, he quickly removes his hand and apologizes for accidentally touching the person's hand, as he looks up he notices that it's a girl about his age, the girl only smiles and tells Ayanokōji in a soft and gentle;

"It's okay accidents happen it's not like you planned to touch my hand"

Ayanokōji then tells her to take the cart and that he'll take another one, the girl thanks him and tries to pull the cart but then stops and turns her head to Ayanokōji, Ayanokōji then asks her if something's wrong, the girl tells him that nothing is wrong but she asks Ayanokōji if his house is in Jayden Street, to which Ayanokōji replies that it is, the girl starts growing a smile on her face again and tells him that they are neighbours

Being curious of this anonymous girls assumption of being his neighbour Ayanokōji then starts asksing her questions

"What you mean by neighbours, I've never even seen you in the neighborhood recently and I have been living here for almost a month??"

"Well there's a simple explanation for that, I recently moved here yesterday around nighttime so it would make sense why he would never have seen me"

"That does make sense, by the way as your new and current neighbour I hearby welcome you to the neighborhood"

The girl then thanks Ayanokōji with a smile.

"My name is Keizune Matskada it's a pleasure to meet you neighbours" (Keizune happily introduces herself with a now large smile across her face)

Seeing that the girl just so openly introduced herself, Ayanokōji then decides to do the same

"My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and it's a pleasure to meet you too neighbour or should I call you Keizune?"

"I know we're neighbours so you can call me Keizune instead, 'Ayanokōji' you say, thats a pretty unique name, I like it"

Keizune then pulls out her grocery cart then Ayanokōji follows after her and pulls out his own cart, Ayanokōji bids Keizune a farewell and pushes the cart to the direction of  his favourite food aisle but Keizune calls out to Ayanokōji forcing him to stop in his tracks, he asks Keizune if there's something she needs

"Since we are technically neighbours and your the first one of them I met, I was wondering if you and I can like go shopping together and after that you can show a quick peak of the neighbourhood if your feeling up to it or whatever"

This sudden request confuses Ayanokōji

"Well that's a strange request for someone you barely even know"

"Yeah I guess that's just me, (Keizune says while awkwardly scratching the back of her head), but their is something different about you Ayanokōji, as I look into your eyes I feel Asif I can trust you and certainly don't look like some who would try to molest me, (Keizune teasingly tells Ayanokōji while giving a small chuckle), so how bout it?"

Ayanokōji thinks about it for a few seconds but while in his thought process he realises that he sees something interesting inside Keizune, so he then takes a deep breath before answering

"Yeah-Sure why not"

Ayanokōji pushes his cart towards Keizune's and they both go around the grocery store finding their different food accessories together

Rossweisse is also currently at the grocery store and currently very hung over from the previous night, she lays her head down on her cart for a moment but when she lifts her head up she is shocked to see Ayanokōji also at the grocery store but she lifts her head up even higher when he sees that he is currently with another female grocery shopping, Rossweisse starts analysising the girl and comes to a conclusion, the girl and Ayanokōji look nothing alike and could not be siblings so she starts brainstorming on what they both most likely are to each other.

Two explanations come to mind, she's either a friend of Ayanokōji or his secret girlfriend, Rossweisse then sees Ayanokōji turning his head her direction and immediately hides behind the fish grocery aisle, she then immediately starts questioning herself on why she is trying to not get caught and takes a step from behind the shelfs but is immediately hit by a shopping cart making her stumble and fall.

Rossweisse scratches her head and tells the person that bumped into her to watch where their   going, she then hears a familiar voice apologizing to hear and asks her if she needs a hand, Rossweisse looks up and is suprised to see that Ayanokōji is holding his hand out to her

Ayanokōji tells Rossweisse that he didn't see her notices her in time because she basically jumped from behind the shelf, Rossweisse takes a then realises that the accident was all her fault, she embarrassingly grabs Ayanokōji's hand and he pulls her up. Rossweisse then apologizes for causing a scene and tells Ayanokōji that she takes full responsibility for it, Ayanokōji then tells her that a apology isn't necessary and that he knows that she didn't know they were about to turn the corner with the cart

Rossweisse notices the girl standing next to Ayanokōji so she asks him if

she's a friend of his

"She's just my new neighbour who I plan on showing around the neighborhood to later"

Rossweisse now understanding why they're together then takes a bow and introduces herself to Keizune by her first name.

Keizune does the same and introduces herself only by her first name.

Rossweisse now puts her attention on Ayanokōji

"Ayanokōji are you coming to the dinner party tonight that Rias or Akeno might have mentioned you?"

"Akeno mentioned it to me yesterday but afraid I'm gonna have to pass on that, I don't really do good when it comes to those sorts of events"

"You don't have to be nervous Ayanokōji, your a friend of us so you'll know most of the people there, even though there will be guests but that's something you don't have to worry"

"It sounds fun but like I said those kind of events just aren't my thing, so I'm still gonna have to deny"

Rossweisse still doesn't give in trying to convince Ayanokōji to reconsider

"Ayanokōji to be honest- I would personally like it for you to be present at that dinner party tonight, since I feel like I'm the only person in our group that still doesn't seem to know you, but I'm hoping to change that if your to come tonight" (Rossweisse confesses to Ayanokōji with a now lower and softer tone)

"Rossweisse I really appreciate you trying so hard to invite me I really do, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say-"

Keizune who is listening on to this conversation knows what Ayanokōji is about to respond with

Thinking quick on her feet she quickly sudden tugges Ayanokōji's arm back and pulls him closer to her,

Keizune then assures to Rossweisse that Ayanokōji will be attending the dinner part tonight and that she will also come along as his date.

It almost feels like the whole went silent for a few moments till Rossweisse brakes the silence

"Really Ayanokōji, is it true??" (Rossweisse in disbelief asks Ayanokōji)

Ayanokōji is just as in disbelief to what he is hearing from a girl he barely knows,

'Keizune you IDOIT!' (Ayanokōji thinks to himself)

"Yeah I guess I'll come, I had plans I needed to do first but then I remembered that there was a disturbance in my plans"

"Don't worry miss just give us the time and we'll be there!!" (Keizune enthusiasticly says to Rossweisse)

Rossweisse still being absolutely caught off guard takes a few seconds to get her mind straight, she apologizes for her delay then puts a fake happy smile on her face and tells her that the dinner part starts a 7pm, to which Keizune tells Rossweisse with an earnest expression

"We'll be there"

Rossweisse then remembers she has an invisible watch and informs Ayanokōji that she needs to be heading back

She then waves off to Ayanokōji and Keizune, Keizune waves back with a smile on her face until Rossweisse was out of sight while still holding on to Ayanokōji's arm, she then sighs a sigh of relief and let's go of Ayanokōji

Keizune apologizes to him for forcing him to join, she explains that what she heard from his and Rossweisse's conversation is that Ayanokōji doesn't like socializing even with people he knows so she took it upon herself to change Ayanokōji's decision,

Ayanokōji just looks at Keizune in annoyance

"I get that you were just concerned for my social life with the people I know, but what really confuses me, is why you told her that you were coming along and as my date no less"

"I didn't actually think before I spoke that time, the words just slipped uncontrollably" (Keizune nervously explains to Ayanokōji)

"It just slipped out, really?? Well then, when we arrive at tonight's dinner party, I'd suggest that you please try to make sure you don't let anything unnecessary  'slip out' "

Keizune just chuckles at Ayanokōji's suggestion then reminds him that they should finish up buying their groceries and head out of here.

Ayanokōji obliges and they eventually finish their hunt for food, Keizune and Ayanokōji walks out the grocery store each of them carrying 2 seperate plastic bags with each also containing a veriate of different food orders, Keizune looks at Ayanokōji's bag and asks him if all the amount of food he is carrying enough for him to bare, to which Ayanokōji calmly replies that it isn't trouble at all, Keizune then complements Ayanokōji on his strength and asks him if he works out, to which Ayanokōji replies with; I do some cardio exercises here and there, just enough to get my body feeling warmed up and ready for the day.

Upon hearing this Keizune then starts getting more interested in what Ayanokōji does for a living.

They arrive at their homes and Ayanokōji is suprised to see that Keizune lives in the house right next to him

"Huh? So we really are neighbours that's nice to see"

"Yup, that's what I told you earlier but I think you might have thought I lived further away then this"

"Yeah I guess you can kinda say that"

Keizune then parts ways with Ayanokōji, Ayanokōji waves off to Keizune while he waits to see her enter the house, Ayanokōji then enters his house and immediately starts unpacking his groceries to put them where they belong until he notices something in his bag that he didn't buy and sees that it's a red apple

'This apple must belong to Keizune that I put it in my bag by mistake, I should return it to her as soon as I finish packing the groceries away'

A while then goes by and Ayanokōji is finished

He takes the apple and goes to Keizune's house next door to return it, he knocks on her front door then after a few seconds he hears a voice on the other side ask, "Who is it?", Ayanokōji tries answering but stops and realises that the voice on the other side does not match Keizune's voice, instead it sound like another woman

"Who is it?"(The person on the other side once again asks)

Ayanokōji responds and tells the person on the other side that he is the next door neighbour and that he has something that belongs to Keizune.

The person then on the other side just suddenly shouts;


This sudden outburst makes Ayanokōji take a step back,

'Where did that come from, why's this person just so suddenly lashing out on me, did I scare her or something?' (Ayanokōji tries logically assessing the situation)

Ayanokōji then just starts contemplating if he should do as she's says before things get ugly or stay put and try to explain that he isn't who she thinks he is

Ayanokōji then decides to stay put and try to explain that he isn't who she thinks he is, he starts calmy yelling to the person on the other side that she mistaking him for someone else,

He tells her his first and last name hoping to get her to see that he isn't who she thinks he is and indeed someone else, Ayanokōji doesn't hear any reply back from the person on the other side which makes him question if the person even heard a word that he said,

Suddenly the door gets swung open and a female with a pretty face, wearing a blue tank top, navy blue tights, and white shoes is holding gun towards Ayanokōji with a look of hatred and fear in her eyes, the girl then tells him that she has had enough of them following them and then proceeds to pull the trigger, the bullet propels straight towards Ayanokōji but he quickly dodges it

The girl's face then turns pale out of disbelief and shock as she starts to question herself on how this boy was able to dodge that bullet at such a close range, the girl then tries shooting Ayanokōji again, but he avoids contact with the bullet once again, the girl at this point just starts unloading the bullets at Ayanokōji but not one is able to land on him, Ayanokōji evades all the bullets with incredible speed and eez to the point where it doesn't even look humanly possible

The girl again tries releasing another bullet but the clip has emptied out, the girl then just stands there with a pale face filled with terror as she questions in her mind why none of her shots connected, Ayanokōji then finally replies and says;

"Hey you should be careful who your shooting at with that thing, I could've gotten seriously hurt if one of those bullets touched me"

The girl then drops her weapon and just starts yelling at Ayanokōji to leave her alone, the girl then readies herself to slap Ayanokōji but Keizune catches her arms

"Sis what the hell do you think your doing!?"

"Keizune go inside, one those- filthy people followed us here" (The girl says while quivering from fear)

"Calm down he's not one of them, please just look a him for a second, he's the neighbour that lives next door, me and him walked home together, if he wanted to do something to me I probably wouldn't have come home!!" (Keizune tries calmly assuring her sister while gripping on to her arm)

After a brief pause, Keizune's sister lowers down her hand and immediately drops with her knees on the ground and just starts breaking down with fountains of tears running down her face, Keizune then comforts her sister by assuring her that they made the right decision moving here and that no one is coming after them this time, Keizune looks up to Ayanokōji and apologizes to him for seeing his sister like this, she then politely asks him for his reason for coming to their place, Ayanokōji then tells her that he had accidentally took her apple and placed it in his back,

(he then proceeds to give it to her)

Keizune thanks Ayanokōji and tells him that she hadn't realised that it was gone

Ayanokōji tells Keizune that he thinks it would be best that he goes back home after all the trouble he caused, Keizune advices Ayanokōji to not take the situation that has played out as his fault and tells him that it has a darker history.

This statement makes a Ayanokōji become curious but he decides that he'll not try to push their likely trauma even further, Ayanokōji then walks to his house with his mind filled with questions but he just ignores them as soon as he enters his home.

Back at Hyoudo residence

Rossweisse enters the front door and calls out to everyone in the house that she has arrived from the grocery store, she is then met with Issei and Kiba carrying a table to place it by the pool, Issei and Kiba sees Rossweisse and welcomes her back, Rossweisse then asks where Rias is and Issei tells her that he thinks she is in the shower

Rossweisse then tells Kiba and Issei that there will be two new guests joining them at the dinner party tonight, this sparks a sense of curiosity in Kiba and Issei, Issei asks Rossweisse who these two new guests will be, Rossweisse with a joyful smile tells them that it's going to be a suprise then just walks away leaving Kiba and Issei in the thought of who these mysterious guests are

Rossweisse then enters the kitchen and places all tonight's foods on the table, Akeno enters the room and welcomes Rossweisse back from the grocery store, Rossweisse sees her and then just starts forming a huge smile on her face, she informs Akeno that she has exciting news that will be revealed at tonight's dinner party that will catch everyone by suprise, this statement creates a sense curiosity in Akeno so she asks Rossweisse what the suprise will be

Rossweisse just chuckles to herself and tells Akeno that it's a secret that will only be revealed tonight, Akeno asks Rossweisse out curiosity why this suprise is so special that she won't even reveal it till it happens, Rossweisse doesn't reply and just starts preparing the food. Akeno just stands there with her mind questioning this strange suprise Rossweisse is speaking of, but she puts it behind her as she goes to help Rossweisse prepare tonight's food.

Zenovia and Irina are undressing and changing themselves in Issei's room and are discussing/reminiscing on the days they used to serve God together and all the fun they had doing his bidding before finding out about about his death

Their conversation gets interrupted when Asia enters the room, Asia gets starteld seeing Zenovia and Irina in Issei's room and asks them why they are here, Zenovia and Irina explain to Asia that they for some reason feel more comfortable undressing in Issei's room, Irina then asks Asia why she is in his room, Asia gets starteld at the question and explains that she also feels more comfortable undressing in Issei's room, Zenovia and Irina then invites Āhsea to undress herself with them

Asia approaches them and starts undressing herself, Zenovia then seeing Asia naked then notices something about her, Zenovia starts fondling Asia's breasts and starts complimenting Asia on the fact that her breasts are finally growing

This catches Asia by surprise as her face begins turning peak red, she tells Zenovia to stop fondling with her breasts because they are very sensitive, out of nowhere Irina starts fondling with Asia's breasts as well and also compliments her on her excessive growth, Asia embarrassingly begins pleading for them to stop but Zenovia and Irina show no signs of stopping

The door then swings open and Lo and behold, Rias has entered the room while covered with a bath towel. She stares at the three with a confused expression, Rias asks them why they are in Issei's room and why they are touching Asia's breasts, Irina and Zenovia explain that they originally came in to undress themselves in Issei's room but they then got sidetracked by Asia's growing breasts, Rias's confused facial expression then turns into annoyance, she asks Zenovia, Irina and Asia why they are undressing in Issei's room and not in their own

They all look at each other with nervous expressions on their faces, Zenovia then explains to Rias that they came to Issei's room to change because they felt the most comfortable changing in his room with a nervous tone in her voice, Rias then glares at them with frustration and tells them;

"Have you three forgotten that Issei recently confessed to me?, because if you did, I remind you now that he did, so that means you three aren't allowed to just change yourselfs in his room whenever you guys feel like anymore"

Zenovia tells Rias that they heard what he said that night and says that it still doesn't mean that she can have everything about Issei to herself

Rias just scoffs at this statement and tells Zenovia that Issei's her man and that everything about him does belong to her, Zenovia then boldly tells Rias that if she wants to take control of this part of Issei's possession then she'll have to force them out, Rias's eyes then starts glowing in anger and she starts clenching her fists, Zenovia's face then turns pale as she now realises that she made a huge mistake.

(Back At Ayanokōji's home)

Ayanokōji is sitting infront of the television while eating through a pack of Jayden's Seasoned mushrooms, he then hears someone knocking at his door then gets up from his seated position and goes to open the door

Ayanokōji opens the door and is suprised to see that it's Keizune's sister, she has her head and body slightly bowed down and her arms straightly positioned, she then apologizes to Ayanokōji for almost killing him today and that she was only trying to protect herself and her sister

Ayanokōji looks at her and tells her to stop bowing and look at him upright, Keizune's sister gets confused but does what Ayanokōji asks,

"You don't have to apologize to me, I'm not mad in the slightest"

Keizune's sister is suprised that the boy she nearly killed just so calmy forgave her

"But I wrongly accused you of being someone you weren't and almost killed for it because of my lack of better judgement, you should be furious at me about it"

"Well what you did I must admit was pretty reckless, but atleast it was for a good reason"

Keizune's sister then looks at Ayanokōji with a look of intrigue and forms a embarrassed smile.

She then thanks him for forgiving her reckless actions and promises to never leash out on him like that again.

The girl then introduces herself to Ayanokōji as Mikami.

Mikami then tells Ayanokōji with smile that he can visit them anytime he wants as an apology, Ayanokōji just looks a Mikami with confusion

"Thanks for the offer, but still you shouldn't be so giving towards me since you still barely know me, and after seeing your reaction earlier it seems to me that that's the attitude that got you so worried and easily startled in the first place"

Mikami then faces her head down and tells Ayanokōji that he is right on her being too trusting towards others but also tells him that there is something in his eyes that makes her feel like she can trust him

Ayanokōji then gets a flashback to when Keizune said the same thing to him and starts thinking to himself on how interesting it is how people judge others by just looking into their eyes, Mikami then bows down and bids Ayanokōji a farewell then heads back to her house

That very moment Ayanokōji's mind starts coming up with new ideas and new strategies

" It looks like I already have most of her trust, she can be very useful in the end"

It is now 6:30pm a whole 30 minutes before the dinner party starts

Ayanokōji is looking through his drawers and closets in search for something that would make him look sophisticated, he finds a black suit, black tie, black pants and a white long sleeve collared shirt, Ayanokōji is amazed after putting it on how good the fabric looks, he then hears a knock at his door, assuming it's Keizune, Ayanokōji yells out that he's approaching the door, when he opens the door, he is almost blown away at how much Keizune was going all out

Keizune is wearing a long white expensive looking dress that has straps over her shoulders, Keizune even changed her hair a bit

Ayanokōji then compliments Keizune by calling her stunning and also calls her dress beautiful, Keizune's face turns red as she shyly looks away and tells Ayanokōji that it's her first date so she didn't know exactly what to wear, Ayanokōji responds to this and says;

"So you decided to take a page from a romance novel and dress like a princess going to the ball with her prince charming"

Hearing this makes Keizune's face turn peak red, she embarrassingly starts yelling at Ayanokōji for referring her attire to that of a princess, Ayanokōji nervously takes a step back and tells her that it was a complement

Keizune's face once again starts turning red as she tries scolding Ayanokōji.

She eventually calms down and suddenly gives Ayanokōji some interesting news

"Oh that reminds me, we have to go to my house to see if she's ready"

Ayanokōji then asks Keizune what she means by "to see if she's ready"

Keizune tells Ayanokōji that Mikami is going to be joining them aswell

OMG 😱 The twists gotta love it