I gasp as I feel cold and wet, trying to move around I want to cry out in pain as I feel my body burning me from the inside. I feel hands grasping me gently and I see... This story is about a young kid who gets the Kaledeiscope, The Second True Magic but he has absolutely zero idea what it is and he won't even know what it is called or how to use it, on the huge upside, he won't have any meta-knowledge at all, and the only advantage he is going to have is that he has magic circuits, that's it.
I gasp out loud in pain
Feeling the cold around me
Looking around I see trees covered in snow
"Snow" I whisper as it is the first time I have ever seen it in my life
However, I note that parts of the tree are burnt while some are still on fire
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH," I let out a scream of pain as I feel like my body is burning on the inside
Looking at my hands I can see glowing lines around me and in my mind and image od a range of various colors appears for a moment before I settle back down
Hearing footsteps, I try to turn my head around and I see a man wearing a mask with a big nose coming closer
"A little one..." He begins but I close my eyes as I black out
The next time I open my eyes I am being carried gently into a town, or what I believe is a town before I pass out again
Groaning I open my eyes to see myself in a room, most of the pain from before is gone, but I still feel some
Trying to stand up a sharp pain comes over my heart as I quickly grab at my chest
Gasping again, I breathe in and out for a while
"This is a weird room," I say moving my eyes around and taking everything in
I am lying down on the ground on what seems to be a mattress
I think
A door opens as I see a woman coming in and seeing that I am awake quickly runs out of the room
"Ok," I say as I didn't get a good look at the woman
A moment later I hear footsteps coming and I see the woman again with an old man coming into the room
"You are finally awake, gave us quite the scare young one," He says as he comes closer to me
"I am Tecchin Tecchikawahara," Says the man with a mask covering his face
"Where am I?" I ask nervously as I don't know these people
They both turn to look at each other
"You are safe," he says dodging the question
"Now what is your name?" He asks getting a bit serious as I stare at his mask-covered face
"I am, I-I don't know, I can't remember..." I say as I try to remember my name
"I am..." I begin but stop as if a long-forgotten memory tries to rise to the surface but, it's just not there anymore
Oh, there it is
"Tommy," I say as I finally remember my name
That was weird
"Tommy-san, a rather unusual name. Now, what were you doing outside the village naked and with fires around you?" he asks
"I-I don't know, the last thing I remember was playing around with my friends then this hallway appeared in front of me. It seemed to be made out of light, with a lot of different colors, like a rainbow," I begin as I recall what I was doing
"Then I was falling for a long time, I was screaming for hours until I just got tired and just stopped screaming. After a while, I began to scream again as I felt like my skin was getting pulled off, then I was on fire and I fell on the ground," I finish as that is the best I can say as my memories of my fall are fuzzy
Tecchin stares at me for a while before he turns to the woman who is wearing a blue colored mask with a different design
"Make sure, he doesn't move around much, some of his bones are broken, while his ribs are cracked..." He begins to to say a lot of stuff that goes over my head and all I get is that I am going to be bedridden for quite a while
"Rest well," He says before turning around and going back out
"So, is he a danger?" Asks a member of the Demon Slayer Corps
"No, so far he doesn't seem to be a danger, nor is he a demon but...he talks far too much like a an rather than a child. As well as the glowing blue lines around his chest focusing on his heart and his eyes when I saw them..." I stop as I remember Tommy's eyes
When I found him buried in the ground, his eyes changed color
Red, yellow, blue, green, pink, orange, and a whole bunch of other colors
His eyes, at that moment his eyes seemed like precious jewels
Something about them gave me a sense of power like never before
I have fought a demon before
He does not feel like one
Those glowing blue lines on his chest though...
I don't know what it is about them but they gave me goosebumps
Almost like those lines were something unnatural
"What will you do about him?" I hear another ask
"Going by this boy's name, he must be a long way from home. As I have never heard his name or something similar to it in a while. Also, when he talks his mouth moves completely differently to what he is speaking, almost like he is talking in a different language entirely, yet I can understand what he says..." I say as an idea pops into my head
"Is something wrong?" Another asks
"No, but I may have come to a solution," I answer as I think about it some more
Given his age...
Glancing at the Demon Slayers next to me
Given the increased Demon attacks recently and the increased recruitment of new Demon Slayers...
"So, am I going to live?" I ask a bit nervously
"Yes, you will," says the woman as I stare down at the woman putting fresh bandages on my torso
"Thank you..." I say after she finishes changing the bandages
She stares at me for a moment
"Mizune," She says as I want to ask her name
"Thank you Mizune," I say again
I don't why I notice it now but she seems to be much more relaxed than before as I finish saying her name
She stands up as we both turn to see Tecchin coming back into the room carrying something
"Well Tommy, I know that you are currently resting but, I needed to ask, would you happen to know where your home is?" He says pulling whatever he was carrying apart
A map
"Yeah, I live here, ugh..." I stopped to let out a groan of pain as I try to move my arm to point to the United States
"Sorry about that," He says getting closer to me as I move my hand around and point towards my state and as I do both he and Mizune go quiet
"Hmm, it appears that we have a problem," He says and a pit forms in my stomach
"What is it?" I ask
"You are a long way from home, a very long way," He says seriously as he looks at the map
"Where am I?" I ask
"You are in Japan," He answers and my mind goes blank as I try to process it
"Whaaaaaaaat?" I ask as the pain returns and I stop
"But, how?" I ask and Tecchin and Mizune just look at one another and the hallway of colors comes back to my mind
No way, do I have powers?
"There is no way, we are sending you back there in this climate? Especially since the New Year is coming up," Says Tecchin, and I blink at that
I am pretty sure it is June
"1922," Says Mizune looking at my reaction
"The year is going to be 1922," she says as my eyes widen and I try to keep my composure as my brain processes it
It's supposed to be 2019
"I..." I begin but I stop as something in my gut tells me to keep it myself
"Thank you, Tecchin," I say trying to change the subject
"Don't thank me yet, kid, after you recover, would you like to be trained in the ways of demon slaying," He offers and I blink at him as I try to process it
Demon Slaying
Like actual demons
"I-uh, need some time to process everything," I say as I try to process everything he has said to me
I am somehow in the past
"What is your age?" Asks Mizune
"I am eleven," I answer as I try to go over the conversation in my head
"Don't worry, everything will be ok," She says looking at me and while I can't see her expression due to the mask she is wearing, I can tell she is smiling and I smile back although, I am very nervous about what may happen now that I am very far from home
Practicing some stances with my new sword
A nichirin sword
Something that I bled for, something that I accomplished with my own effort after surviving my trial, and getting my ore from Mount Yoko
Looking at the sword, a bittersweet feeling comes over me
Thanks to Tecchin introducing me to the Demon Slayer Corps, I was able to get accepted into it
I faced a lot of discrimination from the other recruits due to being American
I frown a bit at how I feel about being here now
I am one of 6 out of 15, that passed the Final Selection test
I close my eyes as a pain in my heart resurfaces
Not being close to any of them lessened the pain, but I...
Shaking my head, I go over my stance or rather my Breathing Style
Steel Breathing
It is very simplistic as I focus on defense rather than offense
Utilizing tight moves, subtle dodges, and short sweeps designed to provide maximum defensive coverage against close and ranged attacks by mimicking the rigidity of steel
At least, it's supposed to
I have a long way from truly mastering this Breathing Style as it was something that I came up with due to not really being able to use the well-known ones
It's difficult to learn when most of your teachers tend to look down on you
I did my best, learning Total Concentration Breathing, it is a breathing technique that involves expanding one's lungs to intake as much air as possible, accelerating one's blood flow and heartbeat which gives me numerous benefits
I can lift small boulders, move way faster, and I can stay awake for 2 days without feeling tired at all
Though as the name implies, I have to concentrate on my breathing, and I am now working on being active at all times
Which requires a major focus on my part to keep it on constantly
I practice with my style for a few more hours until it is near sunset
Closing my eyes for a bit, I lament another day of being left out of anything important
I haven't been included in a lot of Demon Hunts
I have killed 13 demons in total
Granted they were all really weak and I was careful and relied on both my blade and Wisteria
Which is a poison derived from a flower that is incredibly lethal to demons
I am being paid an alright salary but I currently live in a hut around 3 miles away from the Demon Slayer Headquarters with hardly anything to my name
Sighing, I prepare to leave for my home
Trying to say goodbye to the other slayers around only earns me some stares and I just leave as I want to go home
Leaving headquarters I begin to run while on the road to get to my little hut
Reaching it in around 2 minutes, I smile at the fact that I am so fast now and if I want to get faster and stronger, I need to...
"Huh," I say as I stop near my home as I get the feeling of...
Ducking my head as something goes past where my head was
I lash out unsheathing my sword toward my attacker
My eyes narrow as I focus on controlling my breathing as I look at the demon for a moment be he attacks me again
Keeping my composure, I defend myself, while retaliating when possible
This demon has blood-red eyes and his skin is a dark blue color but what catches my attention more is that several demons are running past me and to...
"The Corps," I say as I cut the demons head off
"Recently turned," I notice as I begin to make my way back
I am halfway back before, I am ambushed again
This time by a group of demons
7 of them
I force down a gulp
I have to be careful of what I wish
They all lunge at me and I am force to retreat as they are all to much for me to handle alone
I try to lead them closer to the Corps to possibly get some help
Only for that idea to be squashed to pieces as I get tackled to the ground and I look up to a demon trying to bite down on me
I close my eyes for a moment as I think about everything that I went through
The constant mocking of the other trainees, being overlooked in most situations
Training through the night as I had to work a lot harder than everyone else, a single thought was put on the forefront of my mind
I want to live...
Blue lines appear on Tommy's body as he screams as his body begins to let out heat
The demon on top of him descends down to eat his heart stops as his limbs begin to burn from the immense heat coming from Tommy
The next moment a number of colors spread out from Tommy as his eyes change color
From blue, red, green, yellow, brown, white, violet, and a whole lot more
Tommy begins to disappear alongside the demon
Tommy disappears along with the demon
Falling that's all I feel along with my hand still grasping my sword tightly
Until something hits me in the face and I open my eyes as I begin to fall close to the demon who is screaming as the sun seems to have come back somehow and we continue to fall to the ground
Taking the opportunity I cut the demon's head clean off and I use the remainder of his body to cushion my fall and I look around my body in pain as I see numerous blue lines covering my exposed skin
"BRAT, HOW DARE...what?" Says a voice as turn my head to the voice
"Who are you?" I ask
"My name is Silvers Rayleigh and you just broke my house..." He says before everything goes black
The Ultimate Warrior Reborn is free on Webnovel and is 5 chapters ahead of web novel
For this story, it will become 5 chapters ahead on April and it will be updated on Saturdays
Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones