

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

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10 Chs

The Truman Show

After the war games, there were still 2 more weeks of classes at Anubis House before the end of the semester, in that period of time parents were notified to pick up their children, who would be carrying green folders with information about them, the folders were tightly sealed, only senior students would be able to open them, however, they already knew that it was better not to do so.

When the last day arrived, neither Andy's parents nor those of the Bloosom twins went to pick them up, they waited for two more days, there were almost no students left at the boarding school besides them, it seemed that their legal guardians were not interested in picking them up.

The headmistress, a tall, thin woman, who despite always wearing a gray suit could see parts of the tattoos she had, apparently there were quite a few. She said she would take them home because they could not stay at Anubis House, since it was understaffed at that time, and services were temporarily cut off. Anyway, it's not as if the red-headed twins had far to go to get home, Andrew was a different matter entirely, they would have to take a plane to Kenosha.

The kids wondered why she was acting like it wasn't out of the ordinary for her to have to drive them. During the drive they tried to distract themselves with the typical games you use on road trips, but the same soon became boring, that they were in the presence of the highest authority of the place where they were studying didn't help either, since it limited a lot what they could do, they couldn't even use the bad words and insults they said to each other as if they were their middle names.

They had stopped at a gas station and the brown haired woman came down to fill up the tank, she told them to take the opportunity to go to the bathroom, but to remember what they learned in; "The preparedness and precaution class". The truth is that during that class they taught very diverse aspects related to specific scenarios, although all geared towards staying calm and assessing the environment.

Both Cheryl and Andrew quickly understood that this was a situation where they were not to trust strangers and to stay close to the guide, tutor, leader, boss or any other authority figure. They quickly entered the men's room accompanied by the girl, inside the urinals were too high even for Jason, so the 3 of them had to use the toilets.

- Hey guys - The red-haired girl called.

- wazaaaaaaaaaaa - That was something that had stuck to the 2 boys 2 days ago after watching the scary movie, apparently being out of the student schedule makes no teacher care what the students do as long as it wasn't illegal, they even got to watch the whole trilogy of that saga.

-Stop that!

-Buuu Cheryl buuu- said her brother, the truth is that the girl was more annoyed by the fact that she was not included in their nonsense.

- Anyway, did you see what the folders say?

- Did you bring the folder to the bathroom? - Jason asked

- Did you read on the toilet? Like grandma," said Andrew, "Although once she didn't come out of the bathroom, that day I rode in an ambulance." He said the last in a cheerful voice, he had really enjoyed seeing the inside of an ambulance.

At the last there was a brief silence.

-HOW WAS IT? - the male twin asked enthusiastically.

- It was amazing, even though I couldn't see outside I could feel that we were going very fast, then Grandma Gretchen played with the medics and a machine that made a screeching sound and then sounded like a drum, Grandma really liked it, every time they played it she jumped up and down.

- That's so cool!" The kids were still each still in a cubicle, so they were talking loudly or in Jason's case yelling, "Nana just sits in her chair, she's so lazy!

-Jason, I told you, Nana can't walk!

-I've seen her do it at night!

-You were dreaming! - The red-haired girl liked to pretend to be the most mature of the group together with Veronica, but the truth was that she enjoyed more to participate in the fights and pranks, she and Andrew were the ones who usually lead the plans, while Jason and Jackie were the babies of the group.

Veronica always tried to be the voice of reason in the group of kids, however she always ended up following Jason who followed his sister, like the time when Andrew and Cheryl were arguing about who was more evil during one of the parents meetings that were held at the Lodge house in New York, a kind of vote was taken, naturally Jackie sided with her brother, Jason did the same with his sister, so the black-haired girl was the deciding vote of the competition, she chose to follow Jason.

Naturally it followed something they knew would happen, they had discovered it before and that was the fact that Andrew doesn't give up easily, you could say he is a bit of a sore loser, so he challenged Cheryl to prove it. The whole thing resulted in the children going to Veronica's parents' room, the red-haired girl's idea was simple, they just had to hide Mrs. Lodge's jewelry, Andy upon learning of Cheryl's big evil plan complained and said he could do worse, so he left the place along with Jackie.

At the end of that meeting it ended with the butler and one of the Lodge maids fired, Hiram had to get a new desk and the kids made a pact of silence about it, although that wasn't the first one they made. What they did agree to mention regarding that incident was that "a bad boy goes where he wants" and that Andy should not be given a free pass to do what he wants. In the end they were evenly matched.

-What's with the folders anyway? - Little Burkhart asked.

- He says things about us," Cheryl started to say.

- No shit Sherlock

- Let me finish! - By this point the kids were out of the toilets and the girl was forcing them to wash their hands - It even has information about our parents, for example, ours says our mother was adopted.

- Did you read mine too? - Jason asked offended.

- They are basically the same person, together they barely form a functional brain Jason - Said Andrew with a false tone of pity, the same one to use to give condolences to an acquaintance. By this time they had already left the bathroom and were heading to the van.

- Oh fuck you Colombia boy, go eat a taco - replied the girl.

- Did you read mine," asked Andrew as he opened the car door for the girl.

- They kept watching those comedy movies over and over again, I want to point out again that the first one is the best," he said as he settled into the seat, "I had to entertain myself with something, there was a part where it said ancestry, it says that Jason and I are part German, that's why we are so beautiful and perfect, yours says that you like chimichangas.

- Let me see that

- I have the 3 folders in my backpack, you guys kept losing them.

Andrew promptly reached into Hello Kitty's red backpack and took out the folders which were a bit crumpled because the suitcase was too small for its dimensions. When he opened his, he saw that in the first pages there were things he already knew, there were also observations about his behavior and a psychological evaluation where he pointed out the lack of an authority figure and the fact that he seemed to look for it with anyone, whoever wrote the file also knew about the relationship he had with Jay Gatsby, in the folder he was pointed out as the father figure he chose by default.

There was also information about Rosa, only there wasn't much, in yellow marker was highlighted the fact that no information about her parents was found, her age was around 23 years old and apparently she knew how to use firearms, this is something that Andrew himself didn't know, Rosa doesn't talk much about her family, she was pointed out as her mother figure.

The evaluation emphasized the viability of keeping him in the program since he showed traits of a latent sociopathy that could be forced into a controlled psychopathy, that is to say to convert him into a functional psychopath who could be transferred to KD upon completion of basic education at Anubis House.

What surprised him most was the section on blood ties, he said:

- Jak Burkheart (Apparent father): Genetic samples came back negative, so it is safe to say there is no blood relationship.

- Pam Burkheart (maiden name Teller) (Apparent mother): Genetic samples were negative, so it is safe to say there is no blood relationship.

- Jacqueline Burkheart (Apparent sister): Genetic samples were negative, so it is safe to say there is no blood relationship.

No genetic match was found with any of the samples, it was concluded that Andrew Burkheart, shares no bilogical ties to the Burkheart family.

The way it was written was very insistent in pointing out that they were not related by blood, it seemed like a disguised threat to Andrew's parents, which the boy quickly understood. It frightened him that the gene

The way it was worded was very insistent in pointing out that they were not related by blood, it seemed like a disguised threat to Andrew's parents, that the boy quickly understood. It scared him that the people at the boarding school had so much information about him, they even knew that he burned his father's car, they also knew about the investments that Gatsby had put in his name, most of those were to evade antitrust laws, yet Andy still made a profit from those ventures.

If they knew about the ones Gatsby made in his name then they must also know about the investments he had Jay make for him, it started as a game by the billionaire to teach him how easily he could lose his money, what he doesn't expect is that the stocks held up, sure in some cases the money was lost, but the ones that worked, in early 2005 outweighed the losses by a wide margin to such an extent that along with the savings he has, the boy has a total value of $2,000,000 in his bank account, only Gatsby was aware of that fact, although it seems the boarding school now knew that too.

In genetic ancestry he was 35/50 Latino, specifically Colombian.

It became clear to the boy that his identity was not the one he had always been told, that his secrets were not only his own as he believed and the one that left him with an uncomfortable feeling; that Rosa kept secrets, but without a doubt the one that scared him the most was the fact that his family was not his family, he had just knocked down one of the pillars with which they defined who he was, although in reality it was more similar to almost all his pillars that anchored him to reality being knocked down.

- Wasn't it forbidden to open them?

- I did it last year when I was sent to boarding school, nothing happened.

- But the older kids said they never saw those who opened it again.

- Look at me Jason I'm still here, we haven't disappeared, neither has Andy, although it's scary that he's so still.

- What did yours say?

- I didn't read it all, I stayed on his genetic ancestry.

- He keeps staring at that page, he got scared with the last few, the last few he read the paper looks a little different.

- They are white sheets of paper Jason, there is nothing different.

Andrew ignored everything the brothers said, he was on autopilot for hours, even when the headmistress of the boarding school took them to lunch he didn't say anything or participate in their games with Jason, the woman probably noticed the behavior, but didn't seem to care.

Finally they left the twins at the Blossom mansion located on the outskirts of the town of Rivardale, Jason said goodbye with an effusive hug promising that they would send each other messages during the vacations, Cheryl who was not open with her demonstrations of affection to others than her brother, surprised him with a hug, even and when Andrew drove away in the director's car the redhead girl stood at the entrance of the mansion staring as her friend drove away.

The boy who had just discovered that he has a fake family only looked at the red knife that Rosa gave him, which immediately made him remember that he didn't really know that person, therefore, that gift no longer transmitted him the same security that it used to. The only thing that brought him calm was the gift from the only person that for now he knew had not lied to him, it was a gift from Jay Gatsby, it was something that was given to him when he went to do business in Japan and it is not supposed to be on the market yet, the gift was the Sony NW-A3000 player, of course all the songs it had were Japanese, but at this moment he didn't care about it.

Andrew felt strange, he was attributing it to everything he had discovered, but he was beginning to doubt it, he began to feel sleepy, which was strange because he usually has much more energy, while he was losing more and more orientation he began to hear a song that he did not remember, but it was familiar, it was the sound of a ukulele that was accompanied by the high-pitched voice of a man.

- I'm so happy - Even when she had the headphones of her player she could hear the man's voice.

- Aha! Happy go lucky me

- I just go my way

- Living everyday

- I don't worry - He looked at the director and she just stared at him using the rear view mirror.

- Worrying don't agree

- Things that bother you

- Never bother me - That was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness.

When he became conscious again he didn't know where he was, he had his bags and stuff and was sitting outside an airport, disoriented he started to look around, he soon discovered that he was in Dallas Texas. He started to hyperventilate, he tried to keep calm counting numbers by multiples of 5, but it wasn't helping, seeing that there was nothing he could do he quickly searched through his luggage for the cell phone Pam had given him, his first thought was to call Gatsby, the number was out of service, he tried the rest of his contacts, for a moment it seemed that Jason answered his phone, but he quickly found the line cut, as a last option he tried his father.

As he was about to call him he felt how he was lifted off the ground and put into a cab where he saw a chubby boy wearing a light blue t-shirt, he quickly tried to get out, but they threw his luggage on top of him.

-Calm down mijo, I found you, nothing bad is going to happen.

It didn't calm him down that a stranger told him that, which is why he was asking for help through the window, and even tried to get out through it after breaking the glass by kicking it.

- What a wild boy, no doubt you are a Ramirez, Manny grab him - shouted the woman as she left the airport area in a hurry, on the other hand, the chubby boy was pulling Andrew's clothes to prevent him from jumping, it didn't work very well since he almost managed to jump if Gloria didn't pull him inside.

Soon they began to be followed by the police, Gloria tried to avoid them as much as she could, at some point she got into the opposite lane and almost got stranded, luckily she was able to retake the right lane, consequent to the development of the situation, the situation quickly began to escalate, Andrew doesn't remember who started shooting, he only knows that it stopped him from trying to jump, that and he remembered that it was a car moving at more than 60km/h, for now he would stay under the chubby boy who had thrown himself over him to prevent him from moving, he would use him as cover from the bullets, as Gatsby said; "If a fool I want to do something for you believing it harms you, don't correct him."

2009- Los Angeles

- Well deserving, we are back in California- Who was talking was a brown haired guy who was coming out of the airport dragging his bags- The jet lag is already affecting me, there will be no travel videos for a while, because I will be updating the bestiary and resuming the series I left aside.

- Also soon I will upload a video where I will show all the books I got for D.C, don't forget to give me 5 stars and share my content, subscribe to see more of my videos, Skinwalker says goodbye.

The boy was glad this time to have changed the clothes and hairstyle that differentiated him from the perfect high society boy; Andrew Burkhart, he did not like the image he had to adopt as Alexandro, where he constantly had to cover his scar with his hair and wear brown contact lenses, on the other hand, he did like the freedom that the surname Delgado gave him, it was the pros and cons of the agreement made between his 2 families.

One big con was that Andrew's Yutube channel; AndrewBurkhart, was controlled by his manager and parents, they wouldn't let him use the name he wanted at the beginning which was AndyHeart, the worst is when he reached a million subscribers, his parents signed an agreement with nickelodeon, he was to make sporadic appearances in their series, he just made one within one of their strongest series, the fact that he had done a small role in one of Adam Sandler's movies in 2006 didn't help, he was soon to appear in another of his movies, while he had just told Skinwalker subscribers that he wouldn't be making a trip anytime soon, that was a lie, he was due to leave in a couple of months to film that project.

Going back, Andrew's channel was very controlled, there were guidelines like making jokes or sexual references, he had to take care of his image as an early child Nick, his father would point out that they went out of their way to get him those opportunities, as if he didn't know that it was Gatsby who got them when he signaled his interest in acting, the truth is that no sooner had a month passed since their two families had an agreement was that he started acting, one of his favorite movies was Big Daddy, Jay got him a role after telling him how much he liked Adam Sandler.

Their first channel was born because Jason one day discovered Youtube, this was after his first role, they liked how people made videos of whatever, so they created TheReachBoys, where they recorded themselves showing off the things they had, those videos didn't do very well until they exaggerated their rich kids personalities, being so unreal it was funny, although they soon ran out of ideas and just started uploading videos on Andrew's channel; AndyHeart, they were short videos of when they played at the after 5's club meetings, sometimes they were about shared vacations the families had, those videos tinged more visibility, it didn't take off until after he started commenting on the places he visited with his wealthy family, then he started editing, making his videos full of cuts, thus omitting the slow parts of the videos.

After that came the attention of TV networks, his parents accepted Nick.

He could go on lamenting about how his life was being handled from one place to another, but he was distracted as he recognized 2 people also leaving the airport, it was Jay's son, his mother's husband, along with his partner Cam, and they were carrying what looked like a swaddled baby.

He opened his eyes before this, he imagined a bit how his mother's husband would react, rather how the whole family would react, not exactly bad but funny, he was glad that thanks to his emo look people ignored him. He took a cab heading for the Pritchett house, he didn't let his mother know he was arriving that day, to avoid Manny getting ready for him, after all it's the older brother's job to make the younger one's life hell, anyway it's not like he needed help carrying his heavy suitcases.


Well this one took longer due to problems in my life, I was able to get a 3 day job, but I hurt my foot and was in no mood to write, I could barely walk well.

I also decided to take a time jump, I made the decision that I didn't need to show everything that happens, these are things that I can develop later and keep in suspense.

While in the end Andrew's life seems simpler that is far from the truth, and in fact it will get worse now that he must have 2 separate lives, the creation of a channel for his Alexandro identity has a reason for being that will be told much later, although it is not so difficult to deduce why.

Leave your comments and tell me what you thought.