
A small glimpse on Love

Being in third grade, I didn't expect much to happen in my young life aside from playing games and going to school. Never would I realized that my eyes and... let's just say, my young heart will get a tiny glimpse in what they call... love... (cringe)

Since I wasn't the friendly type of kid, I prefer sitting alone and next to the classroom door. Typical of me to get easily bored by the teacher's lesson, I tend to just look outside and long to be out of the room and play or... I'll pretend to listen but my mind had already wandered outside the four corners of the room 😅.

The building we were in in third grade has only two rooms in it, and the other room's door is connected to ours so when the other section go out, they tend to use our door as well.

A typical day goes by and my young mind is still wandering around when I kinda caught something unusual, there's this young boy I haven't seen before in my two years in our school. I guess he was a transferred student. He was looking at me or rather, his glazed eyes seemed to be looking at me that I caught me off guard that I stared back at him. What i saw is a chubby little boy with straight black hair, a chinito eyes and apple red lips. Maybe he felt that someone is looking at him too that he suddenly focus his eyes on me and smiled. Man! He has this cute dimples on his cheeks and his eyes was no where to be seen. LMAO. I was caught off guard that the initial reaction I gave him was a frown. Maybe at that time, since it was my first to be caught eyeing a guy and still don't know what to do, so what I did was just to frown at him and snub him. i didn't dare look at him for the rest of that day.