
Chapter 5

*November 26th, 2019*

Cem stared at the envelope. Inside would be his answer, the answer he had been waiting for for nearly a year by now. The monastery had certainly taken their time reading through Cem's application. A year prior, he had sent in an application to the monks, hoping to go there and learn about herbal medicines and the way of the monks. The Himalayan mountains were unforgiving to most, and yet the monks were still able to thrive.

Cem ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter, a small chain necklace dropped out onto the countertop and Cem ignored it, wanting to read the handwritten response. His eyes hurriedly scanned the page of handwritten calligraphy. Finally his eyes rested on the last phrase, "Come immediately". In a flurry, he rushed around his room and packed a suitcase, pulling the airplane ticket out of the envelope and stuffing it in his pocket. The ticket was marked to take flight in five hours, he figured he'd need at least three hours to get through security and an hour to drive there and get settled. That left him an hour to pack his stuff and prepare for his journey.

The note fell to the ground beside the envelope. Inside of which, Cem had missed a small pendant. It was shaped to look like a tropical bird of some sort... odd for a group that lived in the Himalayas. Cem grabbed his keys and left his apartment, racing against the clock as he ran into the parking garage and drove himself to the airport.

* * * * * * * * *

Cem stood in front of the dark wood doors, staring at the intricate swirling patterns. He raised his hand and felt the wood, it felt almost alive, as if it had a heart that was beating inside it. The doors swung open and a tall Tibetan man answered the door. His orange robes hung loosely around his body, his head was shaved and his breathing was very calm for someone on such a high mountain. Cem was relieved to see someone that wasn't the carriage driver that hauled him up the mountain.

"I am Cem. I received a letter to come immediately," he held up his suitcase, "I'm here to learn your ways." The Tibetan stared at Cem for a moment before responding, but his words came out in a language Cem could not understand. "I-I'm sorry? I don't quite understand your language." The Tibetan reached past the lapel of his own shirt and pulled at a chain, drawing out a medallion shaped like a lion's head. "That's quite interesting," Cem reached out to touch it, but the man smacked his hand away. He took a step back and the doors swung shut before Cem could say anything more.

"Tough shit, huh?" Called out a voice. "They didn't let me in either... turns out you need some sort of medallion like theirs." A man stepped out from one of the pillars built into the walls.

"Who are you?" Cem asked defensively.

"Does it matter? You and I, we're in the same boat," the man let out a terse laugh, "and I'm extending an invitation to you. If the monks were willing to let you here, you either have potential or a lot of money."

"What do you do here?"

"We're a refuge," he began walking towards the cliff, away from the entrance to the monastery, "the building we occupy was once a prison. It was used to hold the world's most dangerous prisoners. There's one way in and two ways out," he reached the cliff's edge and held out his hand to Cem, "are you ready to take a leap of faith with me, Cem?"

"Do you think I'm that dumb? Do you think-"

"I think you're a man with nothing else to look forward to in life," the man interrupted, causing Cem to fall silent, "at certain points in our life, we're forced to make a decision. There's nothing forcing you one way or the other, Cem. It's time for you to make your own decision for once." Cem reached out and took the man's hand, realising there was nothing left for him back in the States. He was here to go all out or die trying.

The man smiled, his teeth were sharp, Cem was shocked and almost jumped back, but was held down by the man's steel grasp. The stranger pulled Cem closer and laughed in Cem's face. Cem smelled the putrid scent of charred flesh and cigarettes the second before the man pulled him harder, forcing him over the cliff's edge.

Cem heard the man laugh and saw his head peek over the cliff edge as he fell, but he wasn't falling. The man wasn't going further away, Cem had frozen. The man stepped off the cliff and landed next to Cem, standing on nothing but air, but as if it was a solid surface. He extended his hand once more and Cem took it, feeling himself lifted up by this unknown stranger.

"You took the leap and were saved, you're worthy to join us," he let go of Cem's hand and walked towards the cliff face. By passing a hand over it, the wall seemed to crumble, revealing a wooden door with a black skull staring out at Cem. The man whispered something Cem couldn't hear. The door swung inward and the man motioned for Cem to enter, "we welcome you." Cem nervously stepped into the darkness, which was made complete as the door swung shut. "Don't hold onto anything, Cem. Let your body fall freely." Before Cem could ask what he meant, the floor fell out from under him and they both appeared in a large room with marble walls. The ceiling was painted like the night sky, with all the major constellations labeled in clear and concise hand writing.

"Why is everything written in English?" Cem asked, admiring the constellations.

The man walked on, passing Cem by and waving a hand for him to follow. When Cem caught up, the man answered "Firstly, my name is Boban, I'm originally from Macedonia, I came here years ago and have had no urge to leave, this is my new home. As you can see, no one is here, this area is rarely inhabited, most people spend their time in the chapel area or in their beds or out in the world. We are an elite group focused on the worship of the Hidden Gods, a pantheon rarely worshipped outside these walls," Boban stopped at a pure white door, "through this door is your new life, Cem. You walk through here and there is no going back, you will be one of us. If you'd like to turn around now," Boban pointed behind Cem at a dark brown door behind where they had appeared, "you can go through there and return home, safe and sound and without a worry in the world. Or you can step through here and live a life you never would have thought possible."

Cem looked at the black door and then back at the white door. "How do you know my name?"

Boban chuckled, "Usually people ask that earlier than you asked. How I know things doesn't matter right now and I'm unable to tell you unless you walk through this door," he tapped the white one, "and now I've said too much. What a cliché, right?"

Cem stared at the door for a moment. He could walk through or turn back and live in peace, or he could exceed his dreams. Cem pushed open the white door and stepped into a new world.

People hurried past him, apparently in a rush to get somewhere fast. Cem stared, dumbstruck for a moment, the room's back wall wasn't even within eyesight. Boban stepped up beside him, looking out at the expansive room. Everyone seemed to be wearing the same type of clothing. Instead of a shirt, they had full-body robes ranging from light brown to black in colour. Their hair was kept cut short, almost in a military fashion, and it was all jet black. Skin tone ranged from nearly albino to as dark as Cem thought anyone could be, there was certainly no exclusion here.

"This is it, the Division of the Nether as we call ourselves," Boban stared at the expansive walls, "we've existed for nearly a decade, our existence is only known to those inside this order and you are now one of us. Everyone you see once tried to join the monastery above, and all but one were rejected. The one that wasn't died a year ago. He wanted us to reach glory, and one day we will," he turned to Cem, "with a god like you beside us."

"Why do you call yourse-" Cem stopped himself, "you called me a god?"

Boban nodded, "You possess a gift from one of the Four," he knelt to one knee, "it is an honour to have finally found you, Lord."

* * * * * * * * *

*August 20th, 2046*

"Another one is coming," Lochlann lifted his foot, revealing the squashed beetle under his foot, "and we need to be prepared." Fenrir sat down, looking back and forth between Jozie and Lochlann, unsure of what next to do.

"I suggest we seek out Jetzotz directly and hope he helps us," Jozie said after standing in the thick silence.

Fenrir laughed again, which came out as a growl, "Jetzotz cannot be called like a slave! He goes where he wants, does as he pleases, and doesn't follow rules that aren't his own!"

A black rectangle about nine feet tall and three feet wide swirled into existence in the kitchen, and Jetzotz walked out of it, stopping Fenrir's laughter. "I felt Cyxdia die. You, Fenrir, have come to this Earth. And now you've called for me?"

Jozie stood, petrified, staring at Jetzotz. Lochlann spoke up, "Jetzotz, we fear that another superhuman has arrived, and we fear it's also going to cause problems."

"Impossible!" Jetzotz practically yelled. "I created the superhumans to do well on this Earth, to protect it from the likes of Hilohr and his ilk, there is no possibility to-"

"Hilohr has already corrupted one of our own and Cem is dead." Lochlann interrupted.

Jetzotz stared down at Lochlann for a moment, his face filled with anger, perhaps refraining from killing him. But then a smile crept across Jetzotz's face. "One of your own has abandoned you? Then it is as it shall be. I will not be forced to bend to your side nor the other. If you two fail to protect the world from the four that have yet to arrive, I will not prevent it. Now, you have a man to deal with, but you won't... and another arriving..." he paused, his features froze and his grey eyes rolled back into his head. After a moment, a ghastly mist as white as his hair flowed out of his mouth and it quickly escaped the house, "now. There is the superhuman you must track. If you find them, perhaps you can persuade them to side with you over Hilohr? And you say Cem is dead? I am the god of life... I can tell you as fact, Cem is less dead than you think."

"What do you mean 'less dead'?" Jozie jumped in, wanting a response to a relatively confusing phrase. Before Jetzotz could answer, a sharp scream was heard down the street and Jetzotz vanished along with the black rectangle he had brought.

"As useful as ever," Lochlann stared at where Jetzotz had stood, "perhaps we better check out the commotion, if we're lucky, it's the superhuman and we can take him or her down quickly. If we're unlucky... let's not go there." Lochlann walked back into the bedroom and picked up the piece of metal he had choked up. "For the good of the world..."

* * * * * * * * *

*September 6th, 2020*

Cem sat at his desk, he was in charge of the Division of the Nether after just under a year of training. The door burst open, revealing a man that seemed to be in the Division of the Nether, he looked exactly like a normal recruit, black hair, forced physical features, and the drab garb.

Cem held up a hand and said calmly, "Your feet are too heavy to lift. You're stuck in place." The man stopped almost immediately, tugging at his legs, trying to move. "You feel your tongue loosening, you're going to tell me everything about why you're here."

The man tried to keep his mouth shut, but couldn't, "I'm sent by Hilohr, he's become concerned with your worship of the old gods and wants me to forcefully make you stop worshipping them!"

"By killing us all?" Cem prodded.

"Yes, through the death and destruction of the Division of the Nether!" he exclaimed.

"Hmm," Cem thought for a moment, "very unfortunate for you to come here alone. You're choking now, on your own loose tongue. Finding the air around you too much to take in. You can't breathe, you're dying. Air is toxic." Cem stood from his chair and lowered his hand, staring down at the body. There was a soft clicking from the walls and a door swung open, revealing Boban.

"Well done, Lord Cem," Boban said, looking down at the body. Cem stared at him, shocked. It had been a test? "You've past our final test. It is time for you to learn our secrets. Our founder is not dead, he's ready to see you, greet you, and gift you immortality."

"If he believes it is time for us to meet, who am I to deny his calling?" Cem asked, kneeling down to one knee in reverence.

"Rise, Cem, I am not the one you need to show your respect to, I'm a mere pawn compared to the influence and control of our founder." Boban responded. He stepped out of the small compartment he was hidden in, revealing a dimly lit staircase going down. Cem stepped into the small area and began descending. With a soft clicking sound, the door began to shut behind him. Cem continued down, not at all unnerved by the sudden darkness. His feet blindly found the steps leading his path deeper into the mountain. Cem placed each foot on the subsequent step until one gave way and Cem fell through the seemingly solid stairs. He let out a scream and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping for a soft landing that didn't come.

When Cem opened his eyes back up, he stopped screaming, realising he had come to a complete stop just above the stone floor of a large cavern. In front of him was a man with skin like the colour of a sapphire; it almost gleamed like one as well. His eyes were shut, no hair came from his head, and his body was wrapped tightly in what looked like leaves from a tree. The most astonishing part about the man was that he was levitating at least two full feet from the ground.

Without opening his eyes nor his mouth, he spoke, "I am Daosum, and you have done well, Cem. You and I are closer than you think... both in body and in soul.

"Daosum, our souls are far from each other. Mine is filled with regrets from the life I've lived-" Cem began.

"The depth of a man's soul cannot be measured in meters, dear Cem, nor can it be quantified by the views of those surrounding. It is, however, qualified by its proximity to heaven and hell. I can tell you, we are closer than you let yourself believe."

"Why have you brought me here?" Cem knelt down on one knee, "I wish to know."

"You wish to know much, Cem. For now, I can grant you one gift," Daosum pulled from air a bottle with a clear liquid inside, "a gift of life. Drink it, Cem, and be well with the world."

"Be well with the world?" Cem asked. He stood up and walked forward, taking the cold vial from Daosum's outstretched hand.

"That is what I've said. Don't question your teacher, Cem. Follow my guidance." Daosum opened his eyes. Both had hot orange scleras with white pupils.

Cem stared at the vial before taking out the cork. "For immortality." He poured the contents of the vial down his throat, the cold liquid burnt his esophagus as it went down. Cem felt a jolt, almost like an electrical current as his world went dark and then bright with memories and confusion.

* * * * * * * * *

*August 20th, 2046*

Cem breathed cool air again, soothing his throat. He sat bolt upright in the kitchen of Jozie's house. Her hands were on the kitchen knives.

"Jozie?" Cem questioned, realising it was indeed her.

"Lochlann!" Jozie screamed out, seeing Cem, "Lochlann, he's somehow back!"

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