
A Strange Moon's Multiversal Adventure

The start of the adventures of a strange Moon in an hostile universe. A Moon that was a vampiric young woman more than willing to kill and grow to secure her own and those around her's ability to thrive in it. Chapters in advance on Patreon and being crossposted on ao3 and in the future on Royal Road. proof of ownership: (https://www.royalroad.com/profile/478453/fictions)

White_Chaos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

Chapter 33

9/17 10:12 (Summer, Day, Nord Lowrar)

The blades met again and again, faster and faster, as Amber tried to copy Luna's movements while adding in her own attacks using her wings and claws made of flames with this last ones covering her Arma too.

The silver-haired one smiled wider, both her blade and her body enveloped in her Aura as she carefully surrounded the other's flames deflecting them away from herself, using this as practice for her newest Innate Skill as this was only the third time she ever used it in combat, counting that time with the Living Golems and once when she was still Scarlet and recieved Support from her Azure's "Blessing of the Spirits".

"Try to imitate how I am using my Aura with your fire, Vital Energy and Mana, this Skill while different depending on the owner is shared between all Beings."

While Luna instructed Amber she manipulated her own Aura shaping it into additional blades following her own, severing the flames and forcing her to be carefull from all sides as the wrong dodge and she would be cut by what Luna now refered to as [Phantom Strikes].

Aura and flames met again and again as they both started to get used not only to their own abilities and weapons but also to each other, slowly starting to better the way they fought.

Blades danced, fire and Aura covering the bodies of the two Higher Order Species, as the fight intensified more and more, cuts forming and rapidly healing on Amber's skin thanks to the Fire Attribute Luna's Aura was imbued with, thing this last one could have negated but didn't.

"Why do you insist I gain "Unleash Aura" right now? I can see that it is a very powerful and versatile Skill but if I can aquire it all the same, why the hurry?" Amber asked, her blade thrusting to Luna's face from her right hand, her left hand releasing a blast of fire to the white haired one's chest while her left leg tried to sweep the Lunarians legs from underneath her.

"Very simple really. If you acquire it throught your own efforts it is an Innate Skill but if you acquire it when your Race Skill reaches A-Rank, it becomes an Ability Skill instead." Luna calmly explained, her own blade deflecting the other's towards the other's left while moving to the other's right, dodging the strikes by passing to behind the blonde.

"I see, I understand." Amber kicked behind her, flames exploding from it, flying away while forcing her opponent back, expanding the distance between the two and giving herself enough time to attack with a rain of fire.

A Magic Circle formed before the flames, shining in all colors briefly before vanishing together with the flames just in time for Luna to cut the flaming slash in two.

"I told you my story but what about your own?" Amber asked, fire, Vital Energy and Mana slowly forming something like an Aura around her while various Blaze Arrows forming all around the two of them.

"Well, I don't mind telling you my story from a Person with parental issues to another."

"Oh no, maybe I gave you the wrong impression but it's not like I particularly have or even dislike either of my parents. I talk with each of them at least once, often twice, a year." Amber felt like precising her familiar situation while the flames fell on Luna.

"Really? Ah, okay." A pout briefly formed on her pale face before she moved forward, her flames cutting the Arrows into pieces before she decided to explain regardless, her important memories from when she was still Scarlet fully regained by this point. "Well, you see, I was born as a Human with the Innate Skill "Spirit Body" and my Unique Skill "Singularity" fully Awakened. Conseguently my parents were terrified of me and they took in a barely born young girl with the Innate Skill "Blessing of the Spirits" and changed her to look more like me so they could control me. Once I grew beyond their means of control, I killed them both, took everything I cared about and left."

Almost scared to ask, Amber forced herself to anyway. "What happened to your… to the other one?"

"I took her with me, obviously. She was, is and always will be mine." Even if at the moment she wasn't around her, Luna didn't find it hard to connect the Half-Elf in the "Iriblades" with her Azure once she had enough of her previous self's memories or the fact she was searching her.

Amber hesitated, wondering if she should ask her question, before deciding to bite the bullet as they said. "Who were your parents?"

Silence stretched on as Luna tried to remember before simply shrugging. "I have no idea." This was the truth as she quite simply forgot and then never recalled their faces, voices or names finding all of them irrelevant and unimportant.

The training and the explanation then restarted in full, fire and Aura meeting in the middle of the battlefield in a wild battle.

"Well, continuing my explanation. I was turned into a Ghoul before I was able to become a Lunarian. Before you ask, a Lunarian is to an Ancestor what this last one is to a Vampire. That is our rapport as the Ancestors were created exclusively as the Lunarians'… Servants, you could say.

"Lunarians were made by the Moon with the intention to create its own perfect Vessel however it cannot naturally host life on its surface and so it created a vast internal Illusion in which the Lunarians were slowly made. Once a Lunarian reaches C-Rank, thing quite difficult within it, it is able to force itself on Reality passively, becoming real, and increasing the power of the Grand Illusion, accelerating the creation of new Lunarians.

"As such the mature ones moved to Gaea to take in Souls for the Moon throught either converting People into Ancestors or taking Souls, increasing the number of Lunarians that would be created and the speed of such creation. This caused a war between the abitants of this World and the abitants of the Moon, ending in this last ones complete extinction.

"Extintion that is still ongoing as some True Dragons and Phoenix decided to work together despite their rivalry, left Gaea to reach the Moon, become a single Race and, even now, are continuously killing every single Lunarian that Manifests on its surface." This long explanation was said while Luna and Amber were continuously meeting blades, Aura and flames raging all in the Sphere.

"Ah. I… Should I apologize?" Amber started to panic because of the informations. "And how did they lose? I mean, considering how Vampires are enhanced while under a Red Moon and Lunarians are stronger than that, they should have been… well, very strong, shouldn't they?" Fire roared out in an imitation of a Dragon's Breath Attack only to be casually dodged by Luna that responded with a blast of Vital Mana of her own.

"Yeah but I think you have quite a bit of a misunderstanding. First of all the total number of Lunarians that reached Gaea is only 666, 600 at A-Rank, 60 at B-Rank and 6 at C-Rank that gave rise to the Ancestors. Not only that but at the time there were no Blood Moon or even Red Moon as these phenomena were the manifestation of the Moon's hatred towards Gaea and all of its inhabitants. Finally the originals continents on this World were nine." Amber flinched, well aware that only eight remained at this time and one of them was overrun by Monsters before she was even born. "Ah, don't worry. No one responsable for it is even alive by this time on this Planet but I will, once I am strong enough, eradicate the ones on the Moon."

"I see…" To protect her own safety of mind, the Demonic one decided to no longer ask any potentially incriminating question like if the other wanted to continue the past Lunarians' plan, deciding to just deal with things as they happened.

The training restarted in full.


10/5 1:13 (Autumn, Day, Nord Lowrar)

19 Days.

That was the time the two spend together between fighting, studying from Edgar's research and enjoying themselves in each other's arms while Luna comunicated with both of her Mates to offer informations and guidance.

And the result spoke for themselves.

*Luna Gained 33335 Total Magicules.

*All of Luna's Familiars reached their Maximum Potential.

*Luna's Growth Skill "Devouring Evolution" E Strengthens.

*Luna Gained the Ability Skills "Bladesmithing", "Blacksmithing" and "Oath Making" at E-Rank.

*Luna's Skills: "Parallel Processing" D,"Authority: Black Blood" E, A"High-Speed Processing" D, "True Calamity Eternal Mastery" E, "Presence Suppression" D, "Crafting" E and "Lunar Resistance" E; Increased in Rank.

*Luna's Mate Mark with Mafel and Sabel Increased to D-Rank.

*Amber Gained the Innate Skill "Unleash Aura", "Enhancement: Fire" and "Self-Enhancement: Heat".

*Amber's "Unique Arma" E, "Energy Siphon" D and "Sword Technique" E Increased in Rank.

*Amber's "Sword Technique" D Increased in Rank again.

*Various other Skills Ranked Up.

The two of them were currently fighting but the battle was completely different from the first entirely.

On one side of this conflict Amber and her even sharper Unique Arma was enveloped by a blazing Aura as flames constantly attacked the area around her together with various Techniques launched from both her blade and her body.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Luna was clad in her Aura, it violently raging around her and being Shaped into constant attacks towards her opponent, destroying the flames and launching her own strikes at the same time, strikes that were also dealt with by her lover.

Not only that but Amber already started to create her own Unique Style similar to Luna's own "True Calamity Eternal Mastery" thanks to the influence and support of her own Unique Arma while Luna already fully mastered all the Arts she knew as Scarlet and thanks to her Aura they were much easier to use and train with.

The area between the two was completely destroyed, leaving nothing behind, without the two needing to even move, their Auras rampaging freely before the two moved, attacks surpassing the speed of sound were launched as if with the greatest ease.

This conflict lasted 10 minutes of constant attacks capable of rending steel as easily as paper before the two stopped, satisfied of their warm-up.

After all, today was the day, Amber would deal with Aurora once and for all as they already knew where this last one formed her Hoard, a cave in a nearby mountain.

There they easily found their target thanks to the fact that Amber was guiding the way, the newly Evolved C-Rank "Ice Tyrant Dragon", and her Hoard, a group of 90 Beings, 75 being a mix of corpses of People she killed and 15 Adventurers she was able to Overwrite into her own loyal worshipers.

Aurora, now having reached full maturity as a True Dragon and Evolving into a more dangerous and destructive variant especially with other followers around, looked at the two of them, the obsession and desire for both evident in her heated gaze.

The battle started without any conversation necessary.

Special thanks to my Patreons: AchroniaXenia; Arkeus.

Thanks for the Comments to: AchroniaSamara; BocchiWithTism; Teial.

Thanks for the Power Stones to: Teial.

White_Chaoscreators' thoughts