
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: A tale of gods, and human defiance

<p>Yeshua Volkov's POV.<br/><br/>We have struck a deal with the commander officer of the force we have encountered today with antibiotics we can easily make called penicillin. We asked about the portals, and their history. They talked about a mythical story. Specifically this world's history, it's creation, and a prediction about the second coming of the gods. The Armageddon. The time were the gods, their forces of monsters, and their bloody flag rise to bring down bloody vengeance. Where some worlds will be subjugated, some burned to the ground, and some downright destroyed. <br/><br/>Once thousands of worlds we're connected through one world called the cradle over 300,000 years ago. A world were gods, magical entities, and humans lived together in uneasy peace mainly due the other races being stronger tended to be more agressive. Humanity was once unable to use magic, and the gods were at their all time high in their prideful stride. God's being prideful, and dick's to their creations garnered silent hatred from their creations. Unknowing about the hatred, sorrow, and agony they have bestowed on their creations. One day a disgruntled god (Who was bullied by his peers, mocked, and didn't get any appreciation dubbed the god of wisdom) gave humanity knowledge on how to use magic. At this point of time the tips of the careful balance had been desecrated, and as soon as the humans cought on they rebelling against their cruel creators. This wasn't a good idea at first when they were outmatched, and outnumbered. But It didn't last long. Other races joined in. Soon the gods themselves were surrounded by all sides. Others tried to flee, while some stayed back to fight off the combined forces of humanity's allies, and some tried to appease the revenge hungry races. These battles between the gods, and the humans and their allies were intense. Both suffering heavy casualties. Gods against human, humans against gods. It was a blood fest. So many years of suffering, and cruelty under these gods now they had brought this cruelty against their gods tenfold. Now they have united the world against the prideful, and uncaring gods. To show not to mess with humanity, and bring down your pride. So many people taken by their god's depravity, and sacrifice to satisfy them. Now it will not happen again. These gods will be eliminated judging from how these people hate the gods. The gods will pay for what they have done. <br/><br/>One day the gods who didn't left made their last stand in this world. It was a futile attempt. Now the gods are on the run. Some of the humans tried to hunt down the remaining gods but got trapped in other worlds after using up so much of their natural mana just to transfer to other worlds to hunt down gods. Some were successful at this and brought back with them some of the heads of the deceased gods they so hated. Humanity, and the other races celebrated their victory knowing they had purged the things they had sought to purge from this world. <br/><br/>In the future if there are still gods out there other than the god of wisdom they would in act bloody vengeance against the human race. They will rebuild, they will bolster their forces with monsters, and try to take back their lost territories. It all started over 60 years ago. The prediction stated that it will start off small by the gods creating portals, and letting through abominations of nature/monsters to decimate all life outside the portals before even stepping out of the portals themselves to finish off the battle they started.<br/><br/>Some of the scientists heard this and thought this was some kind of myth while some who embraced the insanity we now found ourselves in may have accepted it as a suggestion for the portals, the monsters, and the weird shit we find ourselves in. I mean have you seen the shit we've seen? Wouldn't you think if magic was real would you also believe in the possibility of godlike beings? We have seen physics dropped off the window and saw a floating ship without even a thruster engine or a propeller to keep it afloat. How the fuck are you going to explain how that works in physics? It defied the laws of gravity. Firstly how??!!! How are they able to that without electricity, complex engines, etc?! <br/><br/>When I tried to ask them they just sat there and looked at me. And straight up said to my face that it was wind magic. They had manipulated the wind using magic. How vague is that?! Like how the hell can you use magic to even float something that big! Heck we would need so much oil, and materials just to make a floating ship using propellers. How in Kentucky fried fuck are you able to do that! <br/><br/>I sighed knowing if I ask more I will slowly lose my sanity over this. <br/><br/>To be continued...</p>