
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasi
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51 Chs

Voyage to a new home

New beginnings, planet krypton.

Diana exits the planetary flying ship, making her way to project seed.

Gordon is waiting for her with her son, when she got inside.

"Welcome Diana" said Gordon, working on the incubator.

Their son will spend the next few years inside Growing bigger and stronger.

Diana looked at her husband feeling conflicted, she is happy knowing her only son will survive.

But still the worry of a mother wishes to go with him on this journey.

"Don't be sad Diana" said Gordon, we can go fetch him once we take over Gargantuan, and ward of this threat.

This way we know for certain Gargantuan can live on.

"Your right" she said knowing this was the only way.

She really didn't see a way they would win against that monster.

Walking up to the incubator holding her infant son she looks at him softly.

How she wished he could grow up a strong and healthy warrior for Gargantuan.

Slowly she puts her hand on the thick wall of glass.

Gordon on the other hand was busy putting the serum in his sons genes and cells.

The flask was slowly emptying and getting infused into Faros Kreed.

Deep inside the infant, a wonderous change was taken place.

When the serum came in contact with his DNA it got changed.

It put something extra in there, making him able to absorb dark matter from any kind of energy.

Even other gargantuan's didn't have this power.

Besides this his missing DNA was also being supplemented.

Gargantuan's were either placed into three categories.

Warior, strategist, or researcher/scientists.

Faros Kreed was a pure born Warior.

But now the strategist and research genes were added to his existing ones.

Faros Kreed was born from Diana and commander Gordon, and was conceived the natural way.

So his DNA already was better than most unnaturally cocieved baby's.

The reason he was taken to the incubator tank, was to enhance his genes and make him a better recipient for the serum.

He was born of a general, and a commander and was already at the top for warior genes.

Making his cells and genetic makeup even beter than his father.

He would have made the perfect warior. Stronger smarter and more adaptable than Gordon.

Now with the serum being put in his cells he makes up for what he lacked.

His talent for research, languages, empathy, IQ and even his adaptability and strength got enhanced.

While Diana was still carassing the glass Gordon looked at her, "it's done" he said.

It's time to put him in his escape pod.

Diana looked at her husband smiling wryly.

Are you sure you can call it an escape pod it's a functional battle ship.

Gordon smiled stiffly, your right but it serves the function of a escape pod.

So it shall be a escape pod.

He has to get trough the blockade before he can get away.

So a battleship is nessesary.

He presses a few buttons on the control board, and the incubator gets lifted up in the air, by a big metal arm.

And placed softly on the side of the spaceship.

A hatch open and takes the incubator inside.

Suddenly a member of the kreed family runs inside, Gordon and Diana react immediately and take out their guns.

I am sorry for the sudden intrusion.

Commander Gordon calms down when he sees who it is.

Fabio why did you barge in at such a important time, you know project seed is on the end stretch.

You are right general but a unidentified escape pod just launched from house Ezz. Gordon sighed so even you have no hope for Gargantuan anymore old friend.

Do it no harm orderd Gordon, he knows it's his infant nephew on board.

"Yes as you ordered Commander" said Fabio.

Before making his way out of project seed.


Gordon looked how the spaceship flew off into the dark.

The door of project seed was opend when he turned around, "commander bad news" said Toran his right hand man.

The enemy blockade has detected the launch and tries to intersept both your son and Jurgens.

Gordon's face turns black when he heard this.

"Give the ship full authority to fire."

"As you ordered commander" said Toran.

Meanwhile on the spaceship, the baby still too small to live without the incubator, was going trough the protacal.

He was getting injected with nanites to enhance en strengthen his physique.

And to monitor his life signals.

While the baby got enhanced.

The system of the ship detects hostile warships heading its way. [STARTING PROTACAL] [ENEMIES SPOTTED] [PRECISION GRANTED] [OPEN FIRE] the spaceships heading to the escape pod were stricken with fear, they did not expect that a escape pod would attack them right away.

On board the enemy ship: captain didn't the report say that it was just a escape pod?

"Yes" said the captain with a sour face.

Then why is there a warship right in front of us.

Their shields could hold the first wave of fire but not a second.

The warship they were up against was at least 700 years more advanced than the standard military ship.

The reason Gargantuan was losing this war was not because of them.

But the entity backing them.

Soon a second barge of energy beams came their way, the captain skillfully escaped the shots while giving command.

All around them spaceships exploded after being hit a second time.

Bringing sweat to their brows.

Soon the escaping warship flew fast past them.

The captain holders to the crew to shoot at the ship, and they did.

Lazers aimed at the control centre of the ship were fired off, some hitting some missing.

But it did not matter the ship flew off into space away from plant Gargantuan.

Dammit yelled the captain, not noticing the small escape pod going after the escaping warship.

Jurgen knew escaping the planet was no easy task, so he programmed his sons pod to steathly follow Gordon's escaping son.

On the spaceship there were error messages going on after being hit in the control centre. [ERROR ERROR ] [LOCKED ON PLANET NOT FOUND]the ship flying aimlessly in space was not making much progress.

The small pod following them already deviaded from their flying path.

On planet Gargantuan, Gordon and Diana confront the counsil.

"We can't just surrender" said Gordon

"What would you have us do then?"

"We can't win against this being. "

"You are free to fight against it, but we don't want any more deaths or sacrifices"

Gordon is silent for a second because he knows it is true they can't stop this monster.

Dejected he turns around.

"Come Diana we have to go"

"They made their way back and prepared the ships the house of creed moved to escape."

But then, a being looking like it is made out of nebulae and stardust moved to the planet of Gargantuan.

It walked trough space like it was made out of normal ground.

But before it made it to the planet it spotted a lost spaceship.

Instead of going to the planet it moved to the spaceship.




[WE ARE UNDER ATTACK ] [ SEARCHING FOR ENEMY] [ENEMY IS TOO STRONG ] [GOING OVER TO SECOND PROTACAL] [SPACE JUMP] as the spaceship did so it had already lost its navigation system so it was a random space jump.

And it did not go wel.

As the ship jumps trough time and space it ends up in close proximity to a black hole. [PROTOCOL PROTOCOL] [NOT FOUND] [SHUTING DOWN] [GOING IN SELFDEFENCE MODE].