
A Rat in Clothes

A rat woke up in a dark, gloomy, dirty burrow. The rat was starving, thirsty, and confused. Why did it pass out? Why was it so hungry? What the fuck happened? Why do I feel more confused than usual? WHY AM I AWARE OF THIS!? All of these questions were sprouting in the rat's mind, but it ignored them because of the awful hunger it felt. It went outside to where the scraps of its battle were left. It seems other monsters came and ate parts of the rats rewards. The only reason it wasn't all gone was because of the rat's intense presence in the nearby burrow. The rat quickly started gobbling down what was left, and remembered the past events. It pulled up its status to confirm its successful evolution.


Name: N/A

Race: Dark Rat

Gender: Male

Age: 3 day

Level: 1

Hp: 119/119

St: 162/162

Mp: 38/38

Str: 10

Dex: 8

Agi: 14

Wis: 25

Int: 25

Cha: 7

Con: 20

Mnt: 15

Lck: 37

Skills: Burrow 3, Distant Scratch, Crush, Glare 3, Body Scan, Presence Erase, Focused Muscle Strengthening, Shadow Enhancement, Pinpoint Precision, Acid Resistance 3, Blunt Damage Resistance 3, Support Magic 4, Mana Detection 3, Petrification Resistance, Shade Absorb, Rat Command

Accomplishments: Genocide, Stone Breaker, Lord Slayer

SP: 6

AP: 0

… Hasn't it gotten a lot stronger? This improvement is insane! The rat immediately wanted to test out its new abilities so it began running. It noticed it was slower than normal, then realized it had to activate [Shadow Enhancement]; suddenly the darkness around it began becoming a wrapping around the rat's fur. The rat looked at its new… clothes? It might as well be clothes made of shadows. It then looked at its race ability [Shade Absorb] and activated it. The shadow clothes were suddenly sucked into the rat's fur and its fur became a beautiful dark grey; [Shadow Enhancement] reactivated and added shadow clothes on top of the rats dark fur.

The rat then began running and was moving at high speeds throughout the tunnels. Each skill on its own would be able to match the rats previous best when using [Shadow Strength], but together they moved at twice the speed. That was when the rat had the batshit crazy idea of activating [Focused Muscle Strengthening] and the spell [Strength Enhancement]. It proceeded to do so. Wasn't this thing supposed to be smarter? Whatever. It then ran at speeds which put the Bullet Rat to shame, and ran into a wall.

[You have suffered major blunt damage -40 Hp]

The rat, extremely alarmed by the sudden lost Hp turned on [Burrow]. This was done in an attempt to dig through the ground the rat was crashing into. It worked. The rat was able to drill through the grounds at high speeds and then… breached the surface. It flew out from the earth beneath a walkway for humans. It just dug through the ground in the Kingdom of Sedah. This caused a commotion amongst the humans who just saw a dark blur fly through the ground and arch onto a building.

The rat stuck the landing but was then blinded by the sunlight. It hissed and squinted its eyes. After a minute they adjusted and the rat could see the kingdom. There were carts and humans moving throughout the roads and walkways of the kingdom. It was sunny with only a few clouds and a bright blue sky. The houses dotted the landscape and went way off in the distance. The rat used [Pinpoint Precision]'s zoom in ability to see the very edge of the large walls surrounding the kingdom. Sedah was large and was in the shape of a circle. It had three other circles separating the slums, the common area, and the nobility. Then each area was split into thirds the residential area, the commercial area, and the manufacturing area. In the center of this kingdom was a mighty castle with another separating it from the rest of the kingdom. It had a flag with a crown on top of either a pitchfork or trident.

The residential area was where the citizens lived, the commercial area was where shops, guilds, and such were built, and the manufacturing area was filled with factories. Whether it was in the slums, common area, or the nobility decided the quality of it and size. To a small rat who landed on top of an inn in the residential area, all of this was before its very eyes. Until it heard yelling.

The rat looked down to see people yelling about something and pointing up at it. It knew right away it's presence had been noticed, so it used [Presence Erase] to hide, but people were still yelling about it. It didn't have to worry though, people knew it was there, but they probably couldn't even sense it as long as their vision wasn't focused on it. That still meant it had to hide though. While mulling over what to do it kept wishing it had the strength to just leap away, but that was impossible because of the light. Wait. [Shadow Enhancement] and [Shade Absorb] were still working! [Shadow Enhancement] was weakened, but it was still buffing the rat. [Shade Absorb] was still going at full force too! Both relied on the shadows, but instead controlled them and kept them near the rat unlike [Shadow Strength]. It realized it also had other skills to help, though they weren't needed.

The rat with a clear idea in mind, leapt from the roof of the inn and onto one of an ordinary house. The rat did that with ease and continued jumping among the rooftops until it got to the wall. It then ran down the stairs which allowed guards to climb the walls. It arrived where some guards were positioned and ran right by them and hopped through the holes in the grate-like gate. One guard noticed but that was because the rat ran right through where the guard's eyes were focused. He yelled about seeing a Shadow Rat run by, but was ignored by his hefty friend. The rat ran though the long, green grass in between the wall and the nearby forest. The forest the rat just entered was the Forest of Monsters, Kraude.

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