
Bite The Silver Part 1

Word Prompt:

"Before you, the villain holds your sidekick and love interest over a cliff, taunting you to choose one to save. You take one (1) second to think about it. You then shoot them both, to the shock and horror of your archnemsis."

He looked at me, perplexed and stupefied by my sudden action. My sidekick looks at me in disbelief as blood trickles out of the bullet wound on his neck. He gasps for air, but unable to breathe, and loses the life in his eye. My love looks like every damsel in distress, except she died from the bullet that punctures her broken heart. The villain snaps out of his daze by the time the bodies went cold in his hand. He checks at the bodies, confirming that they have passed on.

I looked indifferent as the villain drops the bodies over the cliff as they lost their purpose. I drop my gun and shatter the weapon with the heel of my foot. The silver bullets would become a later threat if the villain battled me.

"I didn't know you have a cold heart," the villain mocks me as he took out his gun, "I suppose you would be fine with me killing you along with your friends."

I smirked and dashed with the wind. I teleport next to him and tried to grasp his gun. It was too dangerous for him to have that weapon. But he expected my move, dodged my grasp and rolled away from me. He recovers as quick as he rolls and points the barrel to my face. I see the endless black hole and the fear of death. A fire combusts in the darkness and a silver bullet propels to my face. I dodge it easily and I slide infront of him, kicking the gun out of his hand.

He smirked and baited me to his arms reach. As quick as light, the villain retrieves a shiny pole with a very sharp end. It was a silver stake. It shone with the moonlight behind him and he quickly thrusts it down to my body. It impales my heart, pierces and explodes like glass. He pins me to the ground, making sure he immobilized every limb. He grins from his certain victory and twists the silver stake into my heart like a screw.

Then, I move my head at an angle impossible for a human and dig my long canine teeth onto his shoulder, sucking the rich succulent juice beneath the skin.


Doctor: "How the hell did you get rabies and two bite marks on your shoulder?! Did you get bitten by a dog?"

Villain: "..."


Cheers for the first chapters folk!!!

Let's see how my first short story goes!!!

Cobias_Tenemcreators' thoughts