
Introduction 1/2:1

On a raining day at Duflon academy, our mc Xavier Flance being transferred to a new academy in Imperial Castle. He is a young genius man and a great appearance with a red hair like volcanoes that can explode anytime. He hate seeing couples, whenever he saw a couples he will destroy the couples dates so they can't continue their dates.

Xavier once fall in love with a girl named Alicia Fluerant when he 10 years old at his hometown in Borgurndice, he loved all about Alicia like her cute face,her smiling and her kind heart. And this girl are the only friend that he have in his childhood. Xavier want to stay by her side forever and protect her, so he joined the knight training to grown stronger. After four years of training, he are stronger than mercenaries above level 30 when he only 14 years old. But all of his achievement become useless when he found out that his crush already fall in love with someone that older than her.

After all the effort, he failed to capture his crush heart so he think that "maybe if I stay by her side, she will fall in love with me" then he heard someone calling his name with a scary tone, with a great reflex he run to his bed covering himself with blanket and scared to death. He might be strong but he scared of ghost, he tried to see what in a world that call him and he suddenly shock when he saw a legendary bird, Pheonix appear in front of him. Xavier immediately pass out.

To be continued,