
A Perfectionist of a Hero (Dragonball Z and Justice League Crossover)

What if Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z ends up in the D.C universe? Perfect Cell, a being created from the genes of the universe's strongest, smartest and toughest species. Perfect Cell is transported to the DC universe after losing to Gohan. He sees that there are a few strong beings in this new universe. Beings that can surpass his strength and rival his perfection. What will happen if Cell encounters Superman and the Justice League? How will he interact with the Justice League? Will he walk the path of redemption or will he terrorize the planet? Find out how his adventures turn out!

Triple_Sweet · Komik
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Life Update and book update

Ok readers, it has been quite a while since you guys have heard from me, things have been quite hectic for me. Ok let us start of first with some questions.

1. Why have I been gone and why have I not updated?

Things got busy in school, got big research projects, school projects, etc. I could not catch a break and did not have time for any sort of leisure whatsoever. I wasn't stressed out like a madman, but I was mentally amd physically drained. After all those things were over, I had to take a short break which contributed to my time away, along with personal stuff.

2. What about this book?

Okay, first off it is not dropped. Calm yourselves. As I had stated before it wil be undergoing a REWRITE. (For the 2nd time) BUT, updates will happen next week along with new chapters following the week after. I will not write in a new book and will just edit the current book, so that all the viewers can still read from this and make youe lives easier.

So with that said, I am back and ready to write and proceed with my writing hobby! I apologize for being gone but hey, things happened. Happy Holidays to one and all!