
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Orena speaking with Odarr

"So I bought you a Kimono that I bought from level 0 coins I won in the arena and gambling, it is created by a low god she needs to measure you so I would like it if you headed to the store called Spring Blossoms Tailors" Odarr explained to me as we sat down to have a snack with each other "also I will be starting a farm nearby just to see how it is to grow things in the soul land"

I looked at the big dummy the fact he spent money on clothes for me means I must go to this store and get measured. This is going to be annoying because Kimono measurements take roughly a few hours, I looked at him in annoyance "and you did not think to ask me if I wanted a Kimono"

"it's a gift to you, it's something I did with my own money, of course, I don't ask when giving a gift, it was meant to be a surprise but she needs your measurements for your gift" Odarr spoke and informed me of why he is telling me in general, I wonder what she said to get him to inform me ahead of time "also when you meet her I would like it if you would speak to her from what it looked like she was quite nice"

Looks like Odarr found someone he wants to recruit to the pantheon that we are building but does not know how to ask because she is probably another Oni and female. I have to see what kind of personality she has and how she acts but if she is as nice as he says she is I would not mind bringing her in and if I like her as much as Odarr thinks I will, I would not mind her joining us in bed in the future, it would be nice to have a tailor in the pantheon and it would give future Oni women a path beside smithing and motherhood with tailoring added, all Oni women will have something to do.

"I will head over in a few hours to get measured and will she be expecting anything" he pulls a coin out of his hand and realized that he was using one of his coins for my gift, I sighed and asked him in curiosity "and what plants have you gotten in those three bags"

"beets potatoes and wheat" he answered with an annoyed tone to his voice, I quickly realized that he was not happy with what he had gotten and remembered he was not a heavy drinker so his Oni side made him get those plants to make alcohol so it could drink. "rum, vodka, and bread I great balanced breakfast for Oni"

I could not help but snicker quietly at him "I told you so, I am surprised though that your agriculture domain and your Oni side teamed up to make you get these 3 things how many seeds do you have of each of them"

"2500 square feet of each of them" he answered after calming down some "and I plan to plant only 500 square feet of each of them, I also have a book on how plants work in the soul land"

I nodded at the amount that he was planning out to plant of each of them and with the book, it looks like he knows and planned out what he is doing with them "so how long did they say it will take for them to grow"

"6 months for the food to be full grown and surprising enough I will be able to harvest every three months afterward with minimal replanting before I have to replant every 12 months after full growth" he explained the process in which he would harvest and replant his plants with a focused tone of voice that I normally only hear when he was talking about war

I started getting ready to head to my Kimono measurements "anything you would like me to do while I am Odarr"

"no, I don't need anything… actually could you send over Dalic he can help me set up the farm so I can get planting and he can help me set up the land" Odarr explained weirdly almost as repeating his sentence twice I raised my eyebrow at him in question "sorry my mind was processing what I was asking for and caused me to repeat as if I was not clear the first time"

I nodded and started heading outside before calling out to Dalic "Dalic Odarr needs your help with something,"

He nodded and walked past me as I walked towards Damia "let's go Odarr got me a gift and I need to go do what is required to get it"

As we started heading towards the marketplace, I heard Damia ask me a question "My lady what did he get you as a gift"

"He got me a Kimono and so I need to get measured for it to be made" I spoke out of annoyance already Imaging how long this was going to take "I wonder if her being a tailoring God will she be able to do this quicker or better than a regular tailor"

I slowly looked around the marketplace as we walked through it towards the Tailoring shop "anything you need Damia while were here"

"no my lady I have no current goods that require purchases at this time" Damia answered me quickly and promptly

I sighed and nodded as I saw there was no way I could put this off any longer I started making my way through the market. I looked at the various food and weapon stores but there were damn near no tailor shops I did not realize how bad it was for tailors meaning damn near no clothes being created. As we stepped in front of the store I was surprised at how bright and airy it looked. Damia opened the door for me as I slowly stepped in I saw her for the first time "hello miss I believe I am here for an appointment"

She quickly scanned my body specifically my height my hips and my bust, I was very confused about that before she smiled at me "indeed welcome to my store"

"do you not need my name?" I asked in genuine confusion

"of course, not you are exactly as he describe you ma'am" she informed me "he also paid for a light grey plain Kimono so if you will come this way, I can get you measured this should not take more than five minutes"

I followed her into the changing room and slowly started stripping out of my current clothes