
Chapter 7 [Edited]

The next morning, nothing special happened.

I simply returned to camp because I hadn't caught anything, and I deemed, hunting actively at night with all these dangerous creatures around as suicide.

I arrived at camp to hear the sounds of two boys or men, however, you see it, fighting.

I quickly made my way there.

There they are, Murphy and Wells fighting.

They weren't using knives yet, not that I cared anyway.

I mean I could beat both with or without their knives so that was that.

Wells completely humbled Murphy with his raw strength alone, which made his death all the more ironic.

Big strong dude getting killed by a pre-adolescent teen.

After losing badly in that fight, Murphy tried to use a knife that was lying on the ground.

I jumped from my spot and punched Murphy in the jaw. He fell unconscious as a result.

I then stood up and asked Wells what was going on.

"More than half of the people have taken off their wristbands to eat after Bellamy took control of the food you got," he explained

He continued, "He also told them that since they had freed themselves from the ark's shackles, they could whatever they wanted."

"He also told the people that kept their wristbands on that they were being led astray by their morals, asking why they were helping people that wronged them and other bullshit and he wouldn't stop till ."

Hearing this and noticing the slight but obvious deviation from canon, I decided to talk.

"Bellamy, why are you even doing this? No actually don't answer that, I know why. But do you realize you are killing us?" I then addressed the rest of the crowd.

"I hate to say this, but we won't survive long if the Ark doesn't come down. Just like if they don't come down, they will die. It's mutual, we need each other to survive. Who among you lot can farm, who among you can develop and use machinery, who among you, can create and use medicine in case one of us needs it."

There was no response.

"Exactly what I was thinking, no one here! The only two that might have a certain degree of understanding in this field are currently in the process of bringing us food.

"So stop your garbage teenage rebellion crisis and think logically!"

"Unless you're trying to fucking kill us all!" I shouted.

Why are they so stupid, it is like they are keeping they purposefully shut off their reasoning.

"And Murphy, this the last-,"

"Hey, why are you shouting? I can hear you from across the forest."

"Shut up and let me talk. Has nobody ever told you that interrupting others was rude? As I was saying-" I was about to continue warning Murphy until Bellamy interrupted me.

Great, everyone is cutting me off now.

"Let her talk," he said.

"Where, is the food-?" was the oldest in the hundred's question.

"Oh, 'cause you're the one in charge now," I challenged.

"Exactly, now where is the food, Princess,"

His smug attitude along with the confidence and the mockery that I felt from him got the better of me resulting in me attacking him.


I hit Bellamy right in the stomach, from which he fell to the ground.

I couldn't kill or cripple him, that would just weaken our group. But making him feel pain and giving him a few bruises to make him obedient was all I needed right now.

He got up and tried to punch me but the fact that I could sense emotions and intentions allowed me to predict where he would try and strike me.

I dodged and hit him in the jaw then kneed him the in the stomach while he was falling.

"I didn't want this to happen, that's why I warned you. But you probably thought I was a little bitch that runs away while making empty threats." I taunted.

"I can't blame you though, but know that you are no longer in charge."

After saying this, I heard the others grumbling. I couldn't make out their exact words but I could feel that some weren't happy.

"If any of you, have something to say about me being the leader then come down here and let's all hear it. Or you can just shut the fuck up."


I could feel that Bellamy had woken up and he was planning to do something bad.

I turned around quickly to the sight of him taking out his gun.


Everyone was shouting and taking cover.


I took a bullet to the gut.

It didn't go in that far but I still had to withdraw it to prevent infection and to be able to regenerate freely. Well infections were out of the equation actually but I believe it would be better.

I quickly ran towards him in an irregular pattern. I may seem stupid but that was the least suicidal method that I could think of.

I still got another bullet in my arm.

I restrained his arm so that he wouldn't be able to shoot and finally took the gun away from him so that I could put it in my pocket.

The result of my actions today, ended with me having bullets in both the stomach and the right arm and bleeding heavily.

It could have been worse though right?

"Bellamy, are you okay?!" Octavia asked worriedly.

I decided to leave before I did something stupid.

"Did you do this to him?!" she demanded.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Yeah, why do you ask," I questioned back without turning around.

"You bastard," she tried to get up, maybe to hit me or something but her injuries caused her to fall back down.

"Look at me. Can you see what he did to me? Or are you blind? I'm pretty sure I am allowed to defend myself."

She looked on surprised at the damaged state of my body.

"I-," She tried.

"Just shut up, or you'll exhaust yourself," I said finally turning around.

I quickly ran to leave the area and it's onlookers and went to the drop ship to see if there were any emergency kits.

I looked carefully, my logic being that they would have sent us down with one or two things to help us stay alive.

Oh, there it is I think. The area I was looking into was a bit of a mess.

Oh, I was wrong. There really is none, what a shame.

I was starting to feel a bit weak but I didn't stop looking.

A thought hit me, couldn't I just use a knife to remove the bullets?

I almost wanted to laugh. Untill a surge of pain hit me in my wounds and I heard the shells hit the metallic ground in a clanging sound.

I guess that works too.

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