
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · Filem
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104 Chs

Chapter 23: Go fuck my Mother!

You touch her cheeks gently, causing her to flinch slightly. "You all belong to me now. From now on I'll take care of you, and you will never lack money," you assure her as Dorothy looks up at you, puzzled.

"You can have anything you desire—clothes, food, cars, jewellery, houses," you continue, watching as Dorothy's gaze drifts off into imagination.

"But you have to remember just one thing," you interject, pinching her cheek until a sting sets in. "Who does your family belong to?" you demand, your voice unwavering.

"It belongs to you, Master Lucas," she responds, her nervous swallow preceding a clear and obedient answer.

"Yes, good girl," you pat her cheek gently. "Take good care of them both. They are now my property, so you should treat them properly," you instruct her as your hands move to her hair. "And if you ever cause harm to my property," you warn in an angry tone, pulling her hair slightly, "you will suffer twice as much. Understood?"

"Ah! Yes, Master!" Dorothy responds, her voice strained with pain.

"Now clean your mess up" You say pointing at your dick which is covered in various liquids.

She dutifully goes to your crotch and starts cleaning your dick by sucking it off.

"Yes, if you keep doing a good job I will even reward you and fuck you regularly!" You say as she starts sucking your with more zeal.

"All of this—your face, your breasts, your pussy—they all belong to me now. I'm the only one who gets to touch them. Understood?" you assert, grasping her head and start deep throating her.

"Understood?" you ask firmly as you thrust into her mouth.

She desperately tries to nod her head as you are fucking her face.

What you did just now was basic Operant Conditioning. With a woman like her, the combination of pain and pleasure reinforces your control over her.

Typically, this method requires multiple sessions to be effective, but your endurance and the repeated reinforcement during this session, that submission to you should come naturally for her make it work.

As you read her mind, you sense her relaxation. Throughout her life, she's allowed others to control her, so following your 'orders', especially when it promises a lavish lifestyle and incredible sexual pleasure, poses no issue for her.

"Ughh" You empty your balls inside her mouth as she chokes on your dick, struggling to swallow. But you keep her head in place and she starts suffocating on your cum. Soon her eyes roll back and her body convulses.

You take your cock out and plaster her body with your jizz. You have to keep a hold of her body as she had just lost consciousness, yet her body was still shuddering in the orgasm.

You lift her up and place her on the bed which is now damp with various fluids.

Looking at her sleeping so soundly covered in your cum, you take a weary breath, feeling mentally drained rather than physically tired. Constantly reading her thoughts and maintaining precise control over your strength has taken its toll.

As you glance toward the door, you know there's another issue that needs your attention.

Sniffsniff... sobsob.

You exit the room and find Patricia sprawled on the floor, her face buried in her knees, crying uncontrollably. Her clothing was disheveled; her breasts were spilling out and her shorts unzipped.

Your Telepathy was still active, revealing the reasons behind her tears. Annoyed by this invasive ability to read others' thoughts, you press your right finger to the side of your neck for 30 seconds to reactivate the shield, then proceed to turn off your Telepathy Power.

With the mental noise silenced, you can focus fully on Patricia now.

"Patricia," you say softly, kneeling in front of her.

She looks at you with blurry, tear-filled eyes, her face streaked with snot and tears.

"Get *sniff* away from me!" she sobs, her voice laced with anger.

"Shh, calm down," you urge softly, reaching out with your hands in a gesture of comfort.

"Don't touch me," she yells, backing away to the wall. "Go fuck my mother, leave me alone!" Her words were sharp with pain, "I thought you were a good guy," she continues, trying to wipe away her tears. "What about … our k-kiss? *sniff sniff* Did that mean nothing to you?!" Her voice cracks as she covers her face with her hands.

You step forward and wrap your arms around her trembling body, "Patsy, please listen," you plead softly.

"Let m-me go!" she cries out, struggling against your embrace, but your hold remains firm, keeping her close to you.

Sobbing uncontrollably, she buries her face in your chest, her tears dampening your shirt. "I was in Love with you!" she confesses, her hands clutching at your shirt. "*sniff* I even gave you my f-first kiss," she adds, her voice choked with emotion.

"Why did you do that with my mom, Luke? I trusted you! How could you do that?" she yells, her fists weakly pounding against your chest, although her weak punches have little effect on you.

"Will you please listen to me?" you ask, caressing her hair softly, trying to calm her down.

"N-no!" her muffled voice comes from your chest.

"It was the only way, Patsy. I had to do it for you," you explain softly.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She asks in confusion, looking up at you with a face full of tears.

"To save you from your situation, we have two options," you begin, your tone gentle yet firm. "Either I take you away from here, or your mother agrees to drop the topic."

Patricia remains silent, her face buried in your chest, though her sobs have subsided.

"You are still 17 years old, and until another year passes, you cannot go independent," you explain with a sigh. "And if I take you away from your mother, it could lead to a legal battle. She could file a case against us, and who knows what else she'll do? If the truth comes out, she might even go to jail."

A shudder passes through Patricia at the mention of her mother's potential fate, and you continue, knowing you must present the harsh reality. "But if I simply offer her money and convince her to leave you alone, she might very well agree. However, that would only worsen her situation, adding fuel to the fire. It's like damning her to hell, where she'll spiral down a very dark path. I know you wouldn't want to see her that way," you add, your voice serious.

"What do you mean about my Mother's situation?" Patricia looks up at you, her blurry eyes wide with alarm.

"Your Mother, Dorothy, is too far gone in drugs, partying, and sex. She's become addicted to it," you explain gently. "She needs serious therapy, but she won't agree to it. Her long years of marriage have shaped her personality, and even today, she hasn't really escaped its influence"

"Talking with her would only work for a while," you continue, "but she needed something more effective, something to set her straight. This was the safest and easiest way." You say with conviction.

"S-so you're telling me that hooking up with my mother was the only solution? That you did it o-only because of me?" Patricia asks, looking at you incredulously. "I am not stupid, Luke. You don't have to lie to me," she says, averting her tearful eyes from you.

"You just wanted to fuck her, didn't you? You just liked bigger breasts and older women. I knew you wouldn't like someone like me!" she says, her heart wrenching with sorrow. "Even that kiss, I was the one who kissed you! You don't care about me at all!!" she sobs as her tears start falling uncontrollably.

You look at her tear-streaked face and realise the weight of her accusation. It's a harsh truth: you did have other options. You could have threatened Dorothy, bribed her with money to seek therapy, pursued legal action against the director, or simply kept a vigilant watch over Patricia's situation until she could live independently. In dire circumstances, you could have even considered wiping Dorothy's memory clean.

But you didn't pursue those options. From the moment you glimpsed at her desire to have sex with you, you found yourself oddly intrigued by the notion.

Then, as you delved deeper into her mind, you discovered her 'visits' at her friends' houses, sometimes with multiple companions. It irked you to no end; it felt as though they were toying with something that should rightfully be yours. From that moment on, you formulated your plan.

You never questioned it during the execution, but now, a bizarre notion strikes you: under normal circumstances, you wouldn't have resorted to this. This mutation, the source of your power, it is seriously changing you.

You shake your mind of your musings and hold Patricia's face in your hands, her eyes blurry with tears.

You lean down and press your lips against hers, softly, slowly, tenderly, trying to convey your care through the kiss.

She looks at you, shocked, then closes her eyes tightly, not responding to your gesture.

Her lips taste salty, undoubtedly the taste of her tears, but you persist, holding her a bit tighter, pressing her body against your chest.

Your tongue explores her lips, seeking entrance, while your right hand finds her exposed breast and you grab it.


Patricia moans as she parts her lips, allowing your tongue to slip inside. Now, she starts responding eagerly, her tongue dancing with yours, her hands moving from your shirt to wrap around your neck, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss.

The kiss seems to stretch on endlessly, as you delve into every corner of her mouth and mould her breasts with expert hands. As you tease and pinch her nipples, her body begins to shudder, and she starts moaning in your mouth.

You draw back from the kiss, letting it linger between you before breaking away. Patricia's eyes are hazy, her expression one of bliss as she leans into you.

"Was that enough to show you how much you mean to me?" you murmur softly, nuzzling her ear affectionately.

Patricia's cheeks flush crimson as she looks away, unable to meet your gaze.

"Don't be silly to think I don't find you attractive," you continue, your voice tender, a reminiscent smile gracing your lips.

"From the moment I first laid eyes on you in that audition room, I was captivated by your beauty," you confess softly.

Patricia looks up at you in shock, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"But back then, I was just a shy kid and didn't know how to approach someone as stunning as you," you admit, an awkward smile playing on your lips. "Even now, after all this time, I've never found the courage to confess my feelings for you, especially with you being such a big TV star now and surrounded by lots of handsome young men"

Patricia's mouth hangs open, her expression incredulous as she takes in your words.

"So when you kissed me, I was overjoyed, especially knowing it was your first kiss," you say, leaning in to give her lips a short, tender kiss. Patricia's cheeks flush crimson as she comes out of her shock, her eyes meeting yours.

"Never doubt your worth," you assure her, your gaze unwavering. "I'll choose you over your mother every time!"

"Are you telling the truth?" whispers Patricia, her voice tinged with hope. "Do you really find me attractive?" she asks, her eyes searching yours for sincerity.

You take her right hand and bring it down over your dick, which was in full attention.

Patricia gasps as her hand touches the wet, hot thing. She looks down, her entire face turning crimson as she realises that Luke has been naked all along.

"Do you believe me now?" you ask, your voice dripping with sensuality, as you whisper into her reddened ears.

I fucked your mother, but it was for your sake! Why don't you believe me? :P


Just like the previous chap the NSFW image in this chapter that I will upload will be going poof because of webnovel lolz


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