

Blair was returning to his office, on his way he saw a bit of lightning come from an abandoned class. He went towards it wondering who was practising spells. Inside the class, a boy in Ravenclaw cloak was practising a severing charm on the log of wood which was placed in the middle of the classroom. The boy probably was practising for hours as Blair could see a sign of exhaustion in the boy's eyes with sweat drenching his entire cloak. It reminded Blair about himself, As he also used to practise every single spell until he was heavily exhausted.

There was a hip of books placed on the table beside him. Most of them were on mechanism and theory of Magic, there were also some books on advance potions. Blair wondered what this kid was doing reading this many high-level books. Even 3rd-year students would find it difficult to understand it. He didn't approach him instead retreated back to his office. He decided to ask the kid about this in his next class and even teach a thing or two.


The same night.


Blair was sitting on a chair in an abandoned class with The Weasley twins and Prewett brothers cleaning the class with brooms. He didn't allow them to use wands to clean it as it would be pointless detention if there was no suffering in it. He would even sometimes send few stunners towards them and surprisingly they managed to dodge most of them.

'At least my training is working.'

Suddenly a familiar Phoenix Patronus came in front of him.

"Come to my office." It was Dumbledore's voice, unlike his usual jolly voice, it was grave.

"Ok, detention is over, " The four Gryffindor sighed in relief. " I know you brats are not going to listen to me, but please try to lower your pranks on students."

Blair didn't wait for their response instead walked in a fast pace towards the Headmaster's Office

Dumbledore was alone in his office, standing near his companion, gently stroking it.

"There has been another attack and this time it's not an animal but a student," Dumbledore said gravely.

Blair's heart skipped a beat. He knew what happened when the Chamber of Secrets was opened last time.

"Where is the student, "

He wanted to know if the student was alive or dead.

"In the infirmary, petrified like Mrs Norris."

Hearing the headmaster, Blair gave a sigh of relief. Even though it was a terrible thing to be petrified with dark magic, But it was way better than being killed.

"What do you think."

"I am 90% sure that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, But I don't know how..." Dumbledore said, His eyes unfocused like he was thinking about something. "Last time the chamber of secrets was opened by Tom Marvolo Riddle"

Blair's eyes widen a bit as he heard the familiar name .of course it was familiar, it was the real name of the strongest fucking Dark Lord, the wizarding world had ever seen.

"Impossible, How is he back so soon. It's not like we have any staff or students with a turban or anything..... Could it be that bastard have a child as a student in the school."

"It highly unlikely that he have a child and even if he ever had one he would never send him/her to Hogwarts, instead he would train his heir himself. My guess is it's a dark magic item or an imperioed person. But we have to wait and see, that's all we can do for now." Dumbledore replied, finally sitting in his chair.

"Who was the victim."

"Nicholas Prince."

"This doesn't makes sense. I mean he is a half-blood, not a Muggle-born."

"Probably the attacker made a mistake or Mister Prince saw the face of the attacker. Only time will give us answers." Dumbledore sighed. "Anyway If my analyses are correct, I will be relieved of my Headmaster of Hogwarts position, If another student is attacked, Lucius Malfoy will not let this chance go."

'Second attack?"

"Malfoy? That bastard is really getting on my nerve, Even in Wizengamots he had opposed me in so many things." Blair now really was annoyed. He regretted not killing him during the First Wizarding War, He could have easily killed him during the war without any inquiry. He wonder if he should kill silently.

"I know what you are thinking and I would advice you to not do that"

"You don't know what I am thinking about."

"Of course I know, You are thinking about killing him. Blair, the war is over and there are consequences.for killing a person." Dumbledore looked directly into his eyes. "Anyway about me getting kicked out of Hogwarts. I will be back in a few weeks or months, Even early if another attack happens after me getting kicked out. My only fear is if this attacks doesn't stop one of the students will be killed."

1 week later. Sirius POV

Sirius, Theo and Daphne were at the corner of the Great Hall. Today their DADA teacher was going to teach them duelling and defence against the rumoured Monster of Slytherin. He wondered if the monster was even real. There were so many speculations and rumours flying around for this past 1 week after a student was petrified. Unfortunately, his sister was included in most of the rumours. Because of her surname, majority of the students again began to treat him like some dark lady in training.

"Make way you peasants for the heiress of Slytherin, Dark lady in training is coming through..."

The voices attracted his attention. Weasly twins were marching ahead whereas the Prewett brothers were marching behind Aurora. He then looked at his sister who had an embarrassed expression on her. He was happy to see this expression on her face, It was far better than the sad expression she had during this week.

"who is going to be that idiot's partner during this lesson," Theo asked calmly. Before Sirius could reply her.

"Everyone gather around, Can everyone see and hear me? Good. Now, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves. As I myself had done while facing multiple dangers."

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Bradley," said Lockhart, flashing a wide smile. "You all know, he knows a tiny little bit about duelling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. Now, I don't want any of you, youngsters, to worry, you'll still have your Dueling master when I'm through with him, never fear!" Blair just gave Lockhart a smirk, Looking at this Sirius knew that his father was up to no good.

"oh, this is going to be good," Daphne commented.

'Looking at my father's expression. Of course, it was going to be good.'

Lockhart and Blair turned to face each other and bowed, and positioned themselves into a duelling posture.

"As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position," Lockhart told the silent crowd."On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."

Sirius saw his father's smirk widen a bit.


Lockhart swung his wand above his head and pointed it towards his opponent. Whereas Blair casually said.


Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backwards off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor.

Most of the students especially the Gryffindors cheered at this.

Lockhart unsteadily got up. His well-combed hairs were now messy. He walk was so unstable that Sirius would not be surprised if few of his few bones were dislocated or cracked.

"Well, there you have it!" he said, getting back on the platform. "That was a Disarming Charm...as you see, I've lost my wand...ah, thank you, Miss Brown. an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Bradley, but it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy...however, I felt it would be instructive to let them see how the spell worked."

His father looked a little annoyed, he raised and was about cast his next spell.

"Enough demonstrating! I'm going to come amongst the students now and put you all into pairs. Professor Bradley if you could help me." Sirius noticed a little panic in his voice.

After a few minutes, everyone was partnered. Sirius partnered with Theo whereas Daphne was partnered with a Gryffindor.

He and Theo both faced each other. Pointing their wands to their opponent.

"Well let's see what you got Theo"

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