
Ch 1

First let me say it wasn't my fault.

Over the years I've tried to be good person but things just don't seem to work when it comes to me; don't get me wrong I try not not to slap every asshole I meet. In fact I come from a loving home went to college and became a very accomplished chef and got married. she was a gorgeous long red hair, full lips, large tits, full ass, flat stomach, hips that could kill connected long legs topped off with green eyes like emeralds. All so I can hide who and what I am.

I am a proud clinical vindictive womanizer (and other bad things). I worked hard to keep all my darkness pushed down but (and there always is a but) sometimes hard work isn't enough. so when I come home a little bit early from doing a catering event for some rich people who won't take the time to learn my name let alone my face only to find my and her ex fucking. well I ignored it mostly because I didn't give a fuck(after secretly taking some pics) so I left to fuck his wife twin daughters. I also secretly filled for divorce sent the pics to my lawyer his wife, job and her mother and her friends.

I drained all the accounts to leave her with nothing had his wife do the same after seducing her and his daughters. I have to say it felt amazing doing that to someone which lead to keep going. so after starting my own little harem I left behind the old me became a crime lord. First I started selling drugs (to ruin peoples lives) that led to turf wars (which I won) then moved to guns human trafficking etc.

eventually I became so powerful I began to move the world from behind the scenes(I had worldleaders kneeling to me good times). Causing wars for shits and giggles. enslaving my now ex wife because nobody dares to take what is mine. As for the guy she was with after he lost his job I ensured he couldn't get another he then turned to hooking and begging. eventually after years despite my best efforts he finally committed suicide.

Unfortunately like all good things come to an end. On my 123rd birthday (which was later known as the silent rebellion) a group of elite assassins came ripping through my security looking to end me. They were the best of the best no barricade could stop them no guard could hold them but when they finally got to me I was already dead on the toilet literally died from diarrhea no blaze of glory no final confrontation just disappointment.

"So as you can see Mr. Satan if it wasn't for my wife I would have been a good person". The devil looks at me with indifference (some how I knew I was fucked) and says "you finally stopped talking". With a bored expression said "I'm going to be real with you the moment you opened your mouth I stopped listening. So I'm going to tell you now I am not going to send you back to earth to finish whatever you wanted to convince me about stopping this villain of yours because you were selected to reincarnate on a different world is that understood Michael Brooks." (who the hell is this guy talking about?) "Now before you go know that asshole will get what's coming to him he will go straight to hell and suffer for all eternity so just let it go. you on the other hand get to reincarnate into a world with magic with with four perks of your chosing plus your memories as an advantage".

I finally realized this guy doesn't know I'm "that asshole" he is talking about. As I don't want to suffer for all eternity I don't think I'll correct him. With that got to thinking on what perks I wanted and turned to handsomely dressed stunningly good looking man with no horns (all things I didn't notice because I thought I was going to hell) and asked for the following:

Biomancy with supreme knowledge of it's use. Such as but not limited to flesh sculpting, blood, nature, plague and poison magic. wanted a good well rounded power so I can easily adapt to almost any scenario.

Sex based magic that (every little bit helps ;-) )

To be half spirit half human (this is because read alot of web novels even evil has down time).

To be born in a mid level Nobel family (tried poor sucked ass now I want that silver spoon with less responsibility)

The god then nodded without saying anything and I blacked out.

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