14 7 Nights in Hell (part 2)

The 3rd night. The snake energy travelled to the third chakra, Manipura, located at or slightly below the navel, is where our sense of a personal identity lives. It is the power centre, concerned with survival and accumulation. The quality of energy here has a great impact on our digestion, the fire and energy that moves through all our organs, and our general psychological and physical health. When out of balance a person may be arrogant and demanding, feel driven and be overbearing. At the opposite extreme, they may feel weak, ineffectual, depressed, energy deficient and helpless. It is blocked by shame and disappointment. A man is said to be arrogant if he stubbornly refuses to face these 2 feelings. A man is said to be weak if he lets these 2 feelings overwhelm him. The best way to tackle this is to develop a strong sense of improvement and fighting spirit. The hell I faced for this one had me tuned into a spider and I had to climb a slippery wall. The rest went as in the children's story. When I woke up, a feeling of accomplishment hit me as dopamine started to pour in my blood, making me headstrong.

The 4th night. The chakra I was tackling with today was the 4th chakra, Anahata, which is in the centre of the chest in the spine, parallel to the heart. If we could move through life with no disappointments and no loss or grief, then our heart chakra might stay open and loving in the world, but every pain or contraction creates armouring, protectiveness and defensiveness. During the opening of this chakra, I heard voices or sounds from other realms, heard buzzing or humming sounds and the music of a flute. I became detached from worldly things and found old pleasures meaningless. As the snake-energy was working, waves of old grief were released- like when Aleksei had his first heartbreak or when his knee got damaged at the peak of his MMA career. I felt unusual sensations in the heart and had a sudden rising of unconditional compassion. It was like an emotional roller coaster for a while, but as the work here settles out there is a deep peace and internal happiness. It is important to think positively. The hell I faced for this was -- the wailing hell, filled with 10,000 banshees. Their combined wailing is enough to send most to permanent madness. When I woke up, I found my mind becoming more rational as my nerves became active and cortisol level dropped.

The fifth night. Today I dealt with the 5th chakra, Vishuddhi, which is in the cervical plexus behind the throat, and impacts throat, ears and hearing. Shuddhi means to purify, but the work here goes beyond clearing because when the chakra transforms it brings one to terms with the opposites and allows consciousness to understand and accept both the light and dark aspects of life. This brings the mind harmony, inner peace, compassion and a wise perspective. Surprisingly, I found this chakra to be already open so I passed the trial easily and did not face any hell. It seems when one is willing to accept all external stimuli in their purest form, without bias, then Vidhuddhi chakra remains open.

The sixth night. Ajna means to know or follow and this chakra, located between and slightly above the eyebrows, is considered the command centre of the entire subtle body system. It has been associated with the pineal gland. It deals with insight and is blocked by illusions. The only way is to forcibly break these illusions. The hell I faced was naturally filled with illusions, so many that I lost count. When I woke up, my eyes had undergone a stellar transformation as I could see all of this world's esoteric energies like qi in different colours. My range of colours extended beyond the spectrum as I perceived colours that cannot be explained by human words.

The last night, and the chakra is Sahasrara. Present at the boundary at the crown, half of it exists outside the body. It connects us to the spiritual forces of the cosmos. Often referred to as a thousand-petaled lotus, it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. When a yogi is able to raise his/her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point, the state of Samādhi is experienced. The samadhi experience here is an ego death, a movement forever out of the mundane and limited human awareness. Perspectives of life and one's role in it are profoundly altered. For me, it was relatively easy to break through this chakra. Although I have been in this new world for almost 11 years, I did not form a very deep connection with it. I didn't even have any feelings towards Earth, the world where Aleksei Ming lived in. Some may call me frivolous, but that seems to be my natural state. Maybe because I have my memories from a previous life, which likely influences my behaviour. Maybe this is the reason why a soul's memories are erased before its rebirth. On this night, I did not face any hell but instead my corporeal body was sent on a cosmic journey through the stars. Without any sense of time, this journey simultaneously felt as long as a million years and as short as a moment.

On the morning of the eighth day, when I woke up....

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