
a mob's way of defeating main characters in a mech

a tired programmer and engineer dies and is transmigrated to a mecha anime

Delta_Fafier · Komik
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What is this?

I had a dream when i was a child. That dream was to pilot a mech like the mechs in armored core and gundam. But by the time i was an a adult i had given up on that dream. Instead i pursue the career of a programmer and actually managed to get it. i worked for a company that makes mecha games and the company was asked to make a game of a popular mecha anime. 


a anime that me and the entire personell that was assigned to make it is forced to watch. it was a stupidly cliche anime with common troupe's found in anime. But it had a key selling point, mechs. The mech it had are very well designed and exxecuted in the anime. Though some argued that a lot of the mechs in fallen star are taken from mobile suits from the gundam series. 

 and here i am, working my ass off late at night because there's a major bug in the ai controlled mass drone-mechs. The company i worked for usually aren't strict in deadlines and schedule but this is a special case. For the makers of the anime wanted to be done quickly as the anime is still very popular. 

The anime, Fallen star is an anime that is set in the future, more specifically the post-space-colonization-era. the solar system is colonized by the empire, an empire created over 700 years ago during the pre colonization era. 

the anime talks about a boy from earth, he attends the grand interplanetary mech school or the GIMS for short. GIMS is a school usually meant for wealthy or talented kids to learn how to pilot, maintain and design mechs, along with teaching things that would be taught at a normal school like math, history, social studies, and politics. 

now you may be asking why would i tell you all of this now? and considering not much of this has any relevance?.... cause i'm inside of the anime now!.

i don't know how but when i wanted to catch a little sleep from programming all night i suddenly wake up in a strange room....



"hmm? where am i?", i said while still feeling a little sleepy. i look around me and i see a room with a red wallpaper and multiple wooden but very fancy furniture. The room is very pretty and something straight out of the an aristocrat room in the 15th to 18 century. 

"young master! we are 5 hours away from the academy". i heard a voice said that behind the door. I got out bed and look towards a nearby mirror and saw a person i'm not familiar with. 

"who's that?, i saw a boy with dark brown hair of tall stature and a muscly build. His face is worthy face that could get him into a deodarent commercial or something like that. 

"wait is that me?", i asked myself puzzled at the person in the mirror. then as if i was struck by a punch in the head i felt an agonizing pain in my head. It lasted a couple of minutes and during the process i saw lots and lots of visions. 

5 minutes later 

the pain is finally over. I calmed myself down and reviewed what just happened. "who's memory is this?", after that pain i received multiple memories that isn't mine and i finally found out what situation I'm in and who am i now. 

"I'm Roland Browning!", i exclaimed to my shock, "not only that I'm somehow in that goddam anime!".

Roland Browning 

a minor antagonist that during the first moments of the game insulted and challenged the main character to a mech dual to steal the heroine, the mc's childhood friend. 

he was a stepping stone for the mc to debut in the academy since defeating Roland, a arrogant but skilled duelist is an impressive thing. originally in the anime he would have a screentime worth not even have the half episode and the rest of the episodes being Roland fighting the mc and utterly losing. He would later disappear to god knows where and dies in one of the cutscenes involving a terrorist attack. 

knowing this i panicked but i regained my senses when a voice can again be heard behind the door, "master? are you awake?". 

"yes-yes I'm awake just give me 10 minutes!". then footsteps could be heard leaving the door. 

I open the closet and saw many fancy medieval like clothes. I chose the dark red one because it seems the most comfortable. As i was about to a open the door i remembered something. "status window!...it doesn't seem like this is the game but rather the anime". 

i opened the door and saw a big corridor. I saw one of the maids going to the right and i followed her, albeit from a far away since I'm just trying to find my way. While i was walking following her a relatively large window that and i saw the outside for the first time. 

It was space 

i remembered that in the anime it is set in space and that the academy is a large space station shape like a drone. a box in the middle with four circles in each angle. 

i looked around the window and saw that i was in a big space ship. I looked around and notice i had lost the maid. I wandered around the ship until i reach to some form of lounge. There i saw multiple servants, maids, and general workers walking and doing their task. 

not only that i saw a few people i don't know wearing noble-like clothes. "i assume they are the other nobles on board the ship. each ship will carry nobles and students from their respective colony or nation. I'm from mars so this ship carried martian nobles and students.

 speaking of students i saw a few students wearing more modern and simple clothes surrounding the more high-ranking nobles. I sat down on a table that have the view of space directly facing me. I said in a quiet voice, 

"what am i going to do now?"

"i became the first stepping stone for the mc"

the reality is even though Roland is not a character that is important to the main plot but he was the cause of the mc's sudden rise in popularity which is crucial in the political plot later on. Which means i can't even avoid the mc as the mc is basically the problem solver for most if not the entire problems and conflict that happen in the anime by using his op mechs


powerful mechs originally made for heavy constructions and logistics. As technology progress it became obvious that for space warfare mechs with weapons are the best choice. 

while looking at the beauty of space and thinking about all that have happened. I didn't notice that a brown haired girl sat beside me trying to get my attention. 

"umm Roland are you there?", she asked 

"huh? oh sorry", i said 

"why do you seem so out of it?" , she asked again 

"who is this?", i thought 

i quickly rummage through my memories and remembered one person in the anime that looks like her, Petra, a girl that quickly check up Roland after his loss to the mc. From the wiki it is said that she is the childhood friend of Roland is going to the academy to study logistic and business unlike me that gone mainly to learn how to properly pilot a kataphrakt. 

"so umm Roland i was thinking how about a final run to check on your katapharakt piloting skills", she suggested 

"sure i guess", i agreed 

we went to to the hangar and there it is, the kataphrakt. It stood over 18 meters. "now that i looked at it it looks like a Dilanza from Gundam witch from mercury", i mumbled. 

"huh? what did you say", Petra asked. 

"oh no it's nothing", i replied. 

me and Petra walked to a sort of construction lift platform and walked towards the front of the kataphrakt. there's is a panel containing information about the kataphrakt there. 

m23 Boris 

height: 18.2m 

weight: 85.3 metric tons 

power: 100%

current loadout: 1x m1 beam rifle, 1x beam sword, 1x m8 standard shield, v2e1 Kars flight system

i press the opened button on the panel as the front of the cockpit location on the chest opened. While technically this is my first time riding a kataphrakt Roland's memories help with guiding me with all the controls and buttons. i looked to the front screen and there's written on it the status of the kataphrakt. 


chest: 100% 

left-arm: 100% 

right-arm: 100%

waist: 100%

right-leg: 100% 

left-leg: 100% 

weapon-module: 100% (each) 

i started up the engines and press the launch button. then a thought came into my mind, "do we have permission?". 

"don't worry i already asked for permission to the captain", she answered 

"ok then", i replied. i readied my self and a big read screen appeared. 


i press the button and immediately i felt the g-forces on me.