
A Match made In Hell

Marvel is Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall second daughter which means Hope's Twin baby sister. After their Aunt wanted to take the girls Klaus decided to separate them and hide them. He couldn't keep both girls in the same place. He had to make a very big decision which daughter to send away and fake her death and which daughter to hide from the world. Cause two most powerful kids will draw attention of all the supernatural creatures but also Hunters. So he decided to send away. He choose to send his younger kid away and fake her death while he kept Hope and hid her. Marvel was found by Bobby on his motel room door. As much as he didn't want a kid he couldn't leave her there on the doorstep like she never was with there. So he adopted her, making the girl his daughter. After Bobby death Marvel stuck around with The Winchesters. What happened when Lucifer's son is born? And with that comes that The Mikaelsons find that Marvel is Alive? TO×SPN

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Chapter 2

Jack is asleep in the backseat, leaning against the car window. On the opposite side, Marvel is reading a book and listening to music through her earphones. Dean can hear the rock in her ears as well. "Hey, we still got probably 12 hours until we're home. You want me to drive?" Sam asked Dean.

"Do I ever want you to drive?" Dean raised an eyebrow at his brother's obvious question, and Marvel chuckled at his comment.

"Look... losing Mom and Cas, that's a lot to process, Dean, especially on no sleep. And the kid..." Sam said.

"The kid? Come on, man, you know how this plays out. Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren't so bad or that things will get fixed, that's when people that we care about get hurt. And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is to end the problem. So this time, let's start with the obvious. Soon as I find a way to take care of... It." Dean said to Sam.

"Dean, the problem might be our only shot at saving Mom." Sam said to his brother.

"Mom's gone. There's no fixing that." Dean said.

"Stop arguing, and no one is killing anyone." She said to them. The black Impala got parked outside a hotel. They found a room for everyone. Marvel usually sleeps in the same bed as Dean since she has nightmares. That is, while on the hunt, he was forced to share.

"This is a bad idea. We should've just kept driving." Dean complained.

"Dude... you were hallucinating sheep on the road. We need a few hours." Sam scoffed. Marvel let out a yawn exhausted.

And entered the room at speed turning on the light. "This is nice." Jack said looking around.

"Let's ward the room, get a bite, get a few hours of sleep, and hit the road first thing." Sam said to them. Sam turns on the TV. An episode of SCOOBY-DOO is airing. Jack is sitting on the bed, watching, mesmerized. 

Marvel heard the voices and jumped up sitting next to Jack. "It's wonderful." Jack said.

She chuckled at the boy's expression while he was watching TV. She couldn't keep her serious face, a big smile covered her face. 'Hey. No." Dean said to them fully serious in his voice.

"But..." Marvel got up to complain with a frown on her face.

Dean glanced at the TV and chuckled. "No," Dean told and turned off the TV. "And you're on the couch, sport. All right? So why don't you go over there? Sit down and... Here." Dean said to Jack and gave him the Holy Bible.

"Read a book. We're out of here in a few hours." Jack grabs the BIBLE and starts reading through its pages.

"Jack, hey, I can take the couch. Why don't..." Sam offered.

"No, no. It's fine." The Nephilim said to him. Sam threw Marvel the Milkshake and the fries on her way with the burger. Jack is eating a Burger Dean watches him. Sam and Marvel finish warding the door and Sam sits on the couch in front of them. While Marvel lay on the bed with a grimoire filled with Rowena's witchy spells.

"You can slow down, you know. That stuff's not gonna disappear." Dean told the young Nephilim.

"Ever seen you eat, Dean?" Sam said to his brother. Marvel rolled her big blue glass eyes at the brothers. Dean grabs and opens a bottle of beer. Jack imitates him.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. How old do you think you are?" Dean asked him.

"3 days, 17 hours, and 42 minutes." Jack replied innocently to Dean's question. Dean takes a sip from his beer.

Jack does the same coping with him. "This book, mentions my father. Not Castiel, but Lucifer." Jack said.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's big in the Bible. Lotta screen time." Dean said.

"And you... knew him?" Jack asked.

"Well, he's not an easy guy to know. He's, um, he's kind of rough around the edges." Sam told Jack.

"He's Satan, Sam. He is not just rough around the edges he is a psychopath who wants to end the world for no reason." Marvel said to them and Sam glared at her, she just rolled her eyes.

"And that's... that's bad." Jack told looking at Marvel who was reading the book.

"Damn straight. See... he turned on his father, God." Dean said to him.

"God, he's in here, too. Is he famous or something?" Jack asked them. Marvel giggled and shook her head smiling her eyes not moving from the book leaving the brothers to explain him the Bible story.

"Yeah. Um, God created everything." Sam explained to Jack.

"Yeah, and then he skipped out, leaving guys like us to clean up his messes like Lucifer." Dean said.

"Cheers there Dean." Marvel said and sipped on a blueberry milkshake after making a cheers motion with it and Dean with his beer too.

"So, God's like my grandfather. He is family and that's... That's good." Jack said to them.

"Sometimes." Marvel said. Dean puts a foot on the table. Jack does the same thing again.

"Okay, all right, will you stop?" Dean said to the Nephilim boy annoyed.

"Hey, he is just a kid. Stop shouting at him." Marvel said to Dean looking up at him and sending a glare.

"So, Jack, we know Kelly taught you things before you were born. And, you can, you know, make people or things move with your mind. But, um... what else can you do?" Sam asked him.

"I... don't know." Jack said to him honestly.

"Okay. For instance, say you wanted to be someplace else right now. Could you?" Sam asked him.

"Can you teleport?" Dean asked straight away. 

"Teleport?" Jack said confused.

"Yes. If you wanted to be on the other side of that door right this instant, what would you do?" Dean asked the young boy. Jack gets on his feet walks out of the door and closes it behind him. Marvel breaks out in laughs at the boy's actions.

"What...Great." Dean said looking at Marvel who was still laughing the boy knocked on the door.

"You know, he may be more human than we thought." Sam said to them. Sam opens the door.

Jack gets back into the room, smiling. "Like that." Jack told him.

"Come on. You're trying to tell me you didn't pick up anything before you were born? That your father never reached out to you?" Dean said to the young Boy. The blonde girl who usually keeps her eyes on the book, moved them up looking up at the men in the room. "What?" Dean asked Jack.

"Jack? Hey. You all right?" Sam asked him.

"Yeah. Uh, good. I'm good." He said to them and smiled.

"All right, I say we, get some rest. It's been a long day. We're startin' early tomorrow." Sam suggested to them. Marvel closed the grimoire putting it back in her bag. The floorboard creaked from outside. Someone was approaching the room's door. Marvel's eyes shine as she gets ready to cast a spell on anyone behind the door Sam grubbs the Gun as Dean opens the door. She grabs the old man and throws him inside without noticing that It's Donatello.

"Donatello?" Sam and Marvel say at the same time.

"Sam? Dean? Marvel? Is God with you?" He asks them with his usual smile.

Marvel passed him a glass of special witch tea. It helps someone heal and feel better. "You alright?" She asks the old man crossing her arms. Dean looked at the girl and contained his laughter in his eyes she looked like a puppy who was acting mad.

"Ah, pretty much. No soul, of course, thanks to Amara. It's kinda like losing your appendix. You never really noticed it when you had it. But now, when I come to a moral crossroads, I ask myself, What would Mr. Rogers do? And as soon as I nail that, I'm usually good." Donatello said to the young witch. She smiled at the old soulless man always liking his child like personality.

"Why are you here?" Dean asked the old prophet.

"Yes. That is the question we all must ask." Donatello said to them.

"Why are you in Wyoming?" Dean asked him again.

"Oh! Uh, well... After God left, I said to myself, Donatello, you are so retired. I mean, who needs a prophet of God when there is no God? So... a few days ago, I'm online, checking out condos in Boca, and I am knocked off my feet by this weird wave of power. Not exactly like God's. More like... something new, something fresh. I was drawn to it. It's here." Donatello told them. Sam looks at Jack and Marvel does the same.

"Wow. Right here. It's... you. Who are you?" Donatello asks the Nephilim. She also could feel Jack's power. But it was bright no hint of evilness.

"I'm... Jack." The boy said to the old man.

"Jack is a Nephilim." Sam explained to him.

"A child of a human and an angel." Donatello said.

"Archangel, actually. Um... Lucifer." Sam added again.

"Lucifer?" Donatello said fascinated looking at the boy his eyes lighting up in the curiosity.

"And Donatello here is a prophet." Marvel explained to Jack.

"Which means he has a direct line to God or Heaven." Dean added to her information.

"Yes, well, not so much anymore. But, uh... Look at you. The waves of power... so intense. Can you feel it too?" Donatello said looking at the witch girl as nodded at the old man.

"Maybe less human than we thought." Dean said to Sam and Marvel and she glared at Dean for a second.

"Fascinating. You know, I've met your father. Your power's nothing like his. Not dark, not toxic." Donatello said.

"Yeah, his is bright but delicate. Like a ticking bomb." Marvel said to the brothers.

"That so?" Sam said to them.

"Not yet." Dean said.

"If Jack is sending out a signal strong enough to get Donatello out here...The angels are still out there. I mean, who knows what else might be listening? He needs protection." Sam said to them.

"I and Dean are getting him in the tattoo shop you stay here okay?" Sam told the girl.

 Marvel nodded and smiled at them. "You got it, dude." She said and smiled motioning thumbs up to Sam.

After 2 Hours

"It was a reflex. He didn't do it on purpose." Sam protected The Nephilim.

They arrived at the motel and told them what happened. "Who cares if he didn't do it on purpose? He did it. I mean, we didn't see Cas smiting someone every time he got his teeth clenched." Dean agrued with Sam.

"He is just a kid. He doesn't know how to Deal with the power he has." Marvel said on Jack's side.

"Yeah, and what about the vanishing tattoo?" Dean asked.

"An archangel healed himself." Donatello said.

"Another reflex." Sam said to Dean.

"Or maybe he didn't want to be warded." Dean argued back.

"Okay, look, yeah, Jack is on Lucifer's family tree. But we don't know if that DNA is stronger than Kelly's, or his connection with Cas." Sam said to his brother.

"Oh, you mean the connection that got Cas killed?" Dean argued back.

"We're just saying, Jack doesn't have to be evil. We can teach him not to be." Marvel tried to convince Dean.

"Ah. The nature versus nurture conundrum." Donatello said, Marvel looked his way sending a death glare to the prophet.

"Hey." Dean said while Donatello patted their shoulder.

"Dude." Sam said.

"Oh. Speaking not as a prophet but as a scientist, I don't think teaching him is in the cards. It's like asking a lion not to be a lion." Donatello said.

"But this is not a lion! This is a human!" Sam said.

"Also Dad taught me to be good why we can't teach him." Marvel said to them.

"This is different." Dean said.

"No, it isn't come on Dean you think I haven't seen my family tattoo Crest sign on my back? We both know I come from a long line of villains on my dad's side and a long line of werewolves." She said to her brother.

"He a strong dose of God juice." Donatello said.

"You maybe think that I am like them. Good to know." Marvel said to Dean turning her back to the elder hunter.

"Okay, that's it. I'm done, all right? 'Cause he's not God, he's not Cas, he's not Simba. He's the friggin' Devil!" Dean said to them. When Dean turns to address Jack, he's gone.

"I am going to find him." Sam said.

"Stay I am going. I will find him is easier for me and also I need to cool myself down." She said to Sam and without looking at Dean headed outside.

"Jack? Hey. We've been looking for you." Marvel said finding him in a corner curled into a ball. She sat down in the same position as the Nephilim next to him.

"I'm sorry. Everyone was so angry." Jack said to her looking at the ground on his feet.

"Yeah, and, I suppose you wanted to be away from it." She said to him and cracked a little smile at the kid.

"And suddenly, I was." He spoke and turned towards her.

"I'll tell you what. You got some special skills, Jack. That's for sure. We just need to make sure we get a grip on them, so you don't hurt anybody, I can help you with that." She said looking into his eyes.

"Is that why Dean hates me?" He asked the tribrid.

"Dean doesn't hate you. Look, sometimes the wires in Dean's head get crossed and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger, and fear. We all feel things and that is part being one. You know a freak show." She spoke softly at him knowing him. She grew up with Dean and Bobby.

"Why would he be afraid?" Jack asked her.

"Because Dean feels like it's his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you. But we may also need to protect people from you. Also, We have a lot of History with your bio dad. Not a good one." She said to him and layed her head on his shoulder.

"Maybe I'm not worth all this," Jack said looking over his shoulder at Marvel.

"Don't you dare think that? You are worth every try. I will let you into a secret. Everyone is worth it." She ordered harshly. "Sorry but I was and like you I come from a long line of villains."

"What if I am supposed to be evil. Will you teach me how to not be my Bio father bad?" He asked her.

"I will teach you everything, you need to know." She said to him and hugged him. The boy hugged her back.

She got back in the room with him. Donatello and Jack were about to share a room. They left she ran to the bathroom to change into PJs. "What did you two talk about?" Sam asked the girl.

"Well about a lot of things. We have a lot in common. So is a secret, Sammy." She said and winked at him.

"I will always be here for you Marvy. I understand what you go through. I know how is it to struggle to keep all that power in your veins." Sam said to Marvel catching her kinda off guard she launched herself on the younger Winchester brother hugging him.

"I know you will Sam. And I always will be there for each of you." She whispered in his ear like it was a secret but it never was. Everyone knew that she also thought of herself as a Winchester after Bobby died.