

"Hey Jordan do you notice something wrong with Ashanti?" Symere asked looking across the lunch room watching the school's loner. Everyone at the lunch tabled stopped their conversation to look at him.

"What are ya'll staring at?" He asked wiping his face subconsciously checking his hand afterwards.

"Why do you care Mere? She's no one you need to associate yourself with." Jordan said taking a bite out of his burger.

"I don't know something seems off about her ya know." Symere said his eyes still glued to the dark skinned girl silently writing in her notebook.

"She's a freak that's why Mere. Nothing more nothing less." Jordan said with straight voice looking Symere in his eyes.

"Yeah Symere didn't you hear her parents and little brother died in a house fire about a year ago. People been saying she killed them." Micheal said sipping his sprite from a can shaking his head making his dreads move in front of his face.

"Plus she let 3 of the football players run a train on her a few weeks ago." Jahseh said shaking his head in shame. All the guys shook there heads remembering Jonathan, Jay and Kentrell bragging about fucking the "weird loner bitch" a few weeks back.

"If your so worried about her why don't you ask her yourself." Stokeley jokingly said making the entire table laugh. Smiling innocently Symere stood up walking away from the table and across the lunch room.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Jahseh yelled to him as Symere continued to walk away from the rowdy group.

"Mind ya business Jah." He yelled flipping his middle finger at the blue headed boy. As Symere drew closer to Ashanti his heart seemingly got faster and his nerves got worse. By the time he was standing across from her he couldn't even breath.

"H-hi I-I-I'm Sym-mere." He said his braces showing as he smiled at her silently praying he doesn't pass out from nervousness.

"I'm Ashanti." she simply said her voice soft and airy making his heart flutter. He smiled even bigger as he saw her drawing on the notebook.

"I like your drawing it's pretty dope!' he said going to her side to get a better look at the intricate image. As he went to her side he noticed she got tenser and her body stiffed significantly. Not wanting to make Ashanti uncomfortable he stepped away from her complete going back to his original place.

"Do you mind if-" before the short male could finish his question his arm was snatched back. Mere's small body was smacked into a leaner and much taller one.

"What the he- Jordan what the hell do you want?!" He yelled pushing Jordan off of him rolling his eyes when he saw Jordan's angry face.

"I already told you don't talk to her she's a slut!" He said pointing to the uncomfortable girl who packed up her stuff quietly leaving the cafeteria.

"JORDAN CARTER SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Symere yelled slapping his chest going on his tippy toes to try and yell at him. The two bickered back and forth gaining attention from surrounding students.

"Symere I'm just trying to protect you." Symere shook his head leaving Jordan by his self as he went on to search for Ashanti.

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