
A Journey Unwanted

A world filled with magic, God's, Goddesses and more. A fantasy world if you will, most would relish and prosper in a world such as this. Who would not want to live out their fantasies? Not Mikoto Yukio, a young boy with a simple life. A simple life he was content with as long as he had his family. But the world is an unfair place and he finds himself in this new absurd world with something special. Now he must search for a means to get back home and to the few people he held dear. How shall this unwanted journey unfold. Can he remain himself in such an unfamiliar place?

PocketCat2 · Fantasi
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172 Chs

Chapter 154: Reveal thyself

It didn't take long for everyone to gather in the castle area, except for Agatha and Lukas. Astrid, Victoria, and Adrian arrived, the latter still in his uniform for some reason. Mikoto was surprised to see Fiona here with a whole new look no less.

"Love the new look, Fiona," Mikoto nodded approvingly at the bashful-looking Fiona, "Very edgy."

"I don't even know what that means..." She sighed, outfitted with her own armor now. Sleek black armor with a metallic sheen, black spiked gauntlets and greaves with sabatons, and a single coattail with plated armor atop it. Her vibrant pink hair contrasted her armor, and the plated armor even covered her ears like hair ornaments. "I only asked for some plain armor. Now I look like some villainous character." Her ears slightly deflated at that.

"Eh, suits you. Brings out your eyes or something," Mikoto shrugged.

Fiona chuckled, "A very lousy attempt to cheer me up but endearing all the same. Though you look much more ominous than me and much smaller."

"Yeah, I forgot to transfer the mask's charm to my armor, kinda just rolled with my original size," Mikoto waved off, "But still, that Divine Artifact in you is basically brimming with power. It seems compatible with you."

"Indeed," Her hand drifted to her chest with a look of content, "It was apparently made from a piece of the Beast God Morgoth. Being a Solkari, one of his many offspring, I was naturally more compatible than most humans and demi-humans. Still, I did not expect to participate in the festival. As confident as I am in my magical prowess, I doubt I could match a Von Auerswald or Inheritor."

"Have some faith, we'll win easily," he gave her a pat on the shoulder, "Besides, I've mastered all my Familial Arts."

She quirked both brows at that and then spoke with an excited smile, "Truly? You'll have to show me!"

"Show what?" A voice cut in, a smiling Victoria approached the two, much to Fiona's disappointment. "Come now, do not be shy to share. We're all dying to know."

"What we're conversing about is none of your concern, Victoria," Fiona huffed out.

"Oh? Did I interrupt something... private?" She said suggestively, and the Solkari's face grew beet red as she pointed an accusing finger at the blonde girl.

"Why are you saying it like that!?" She exclaimed.

"Saying it like what?" Victoria repeated innocently.

"Grr! You're impossible!" Fiona growled out, the girl stomping away. Of course, Victoria chose to follow her.

"Oh dear Fiona, please don't run away~," she chased after her with a singsong tone.

("Weirdos.") Mikoto shook his head. The king had yet to call for them, so he leaned against a wall, watching his soon-to-be comrades converse.

("I wonder... what is the grand reward for this festival for three nations to participate in it? It wasn't something ever on my mind. I guess it just didn't seem as important.") A festival, its inner workings changing every year. ("Now it's the last festival, and finally the grand prize will be revealed.") He hummed at the prospect. Each major nation seemed desperate for this supposed prize. ("Suppose fighting for this prize is most of their purpose. Their reason, their goal. Not very ambitious. Then again, I'm not one to talk. All I want is to save those deserving. Not very original, but it's better than a sheep mindset.")

"You seem in deep thought there," a voice cut through his thoughts, causing him to glance up at who addressed him. It was Adrian, if he recalled correctly what his name was.

"What do you want?" Mikoto asked abruptly.

"Just looking to make conversation with a future comrade," he stated with a smile as false as can be. Mikoto merely quirked up a brow at that. "See, there has been a lot of talk about you as of late."

"When has there never been?" Mikoto snorted out, "People have nothing better to talk about, it seems."

"True, it's just I expected someone as powerful as you... to be taller," the demon tamer bluntly stated. Mikoto found his eyes twitching uncontrollably at that.

"Oh yeah?" He bit out, "You know I heard you were the one who wrote that cheesy poem that ended up with me. I got a poem for you."

"I would love to hear it," he stated, mustering up his nonexistent enthusiasm.

"Adrian, Adrian, a prick of a sight, a thorn in the side, and a bothersome plight."

"Very catchy."

"Thanks," Mikoto offhandedly said, folding his arms. He narrowed his eyes at the boy. ("He's the guy who uses demons, taming them. I've heard of people making contracts with demons to assist them, but I don't sense any on him. Demons as a whole are a mystery, I guess. The most powerful demons remain in the abyss or whatever else it's called. They seem content there, but maybe this guy can bring them forth.")

"Do you mind if I am blunt for a second and ask you a question?" Adrian suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Ask away, demon fiddler."

Ignoring the nickname, Adrian spoke, "Are you by chance... a spawn of Octavia?"

"Huh?" Mikoto blurted out, somewhat taken off guard by the question. "Am I what?"

"A spawn of Octavia," he repeated smoothly with a lopsided smile. "It's just that-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Mikoto cut him off, "There's only ever been one recorded spawn in a single era, never more than one. Furthermore, only women have ever been selected to be a spawn of Octavia because of how much she favors them."

"In this realm of the extraordinary, the impossible is merely a challenge awaiting a daring soul. Would you not agree?" he merely asked.

Mikoto scoffed, "Sometimes it's wise to leave the impossible be."

"True, but then satisfaction is fleeting and out of reach," he shot back, "But I suppose my curiosity will not be satiated today."

("Giving up already, huh? Well, not like he'd get anything out of me if he tries,") Mikoto mused. Being a spawn of Octavia was not really a well-kept secret, he would admit. But as long as the general populace remained unaware, that was more than enough.

"Say, what is your favorite animal?"

"What?" Once again, a random question was shot at him without context. But Adrian was practically handing him an opportunity to completely deviate from the topic, "Monkeys, I guess."

"Interesting choice. What is your favorite piece of literature?" Another question shot out of his mouth.

"Jojo's, probably," Mikoto answered instantly, the answer actually eliciting a confused gaze from Adrian.

"An interesting title," he noted.

"What's the point of these questions?" Mikoto bluntly asked, "You're clearly not asking them for the hell of it."

Adrian hummed in thought for a moment, "I'm looking to get closer to you. You're an interesting individual after all."

"Sorry, don't swing that way," Mikoto immediately shot out, "Flattered though."

"No, nothing like that," he merely waved off unaffected, "What say you to friendship?" Adrian offered, raising his right hand to shake.

("Friendship, huh? Doubt that's all he wants, but at least he's straightforward.") Mikoto took his hand, "Fine then." A brief showing of companionship, certainly a unique person to befriend. The second spawn of Octavia could not quite put it into words, but Adrian was... odd but normal, a paradox in a way.

Before Mikoto could ponder about it more, the large castle doors slowly opened themselves once more, a familiar head of blonde hair peeked out, and the clanking of armor followed shortly.

"Agatha?" He noted, the girl looked somewhat tired, but other than that, she was in peak condition.

"Agatha!" Mirabella blurted out, all but rushing towards the spawn of Isadora. "You're up already?"

"I'm fine, a bit tired is all," Agatha merely waved off, a chuckle reverberated behind Mirabella.

"Hah! Mira, you're like a happy puppy!" Astrid exclaimed with a stupid grin as she stepped beside her now growling sister, "So happy to see your friend in tip-top shape!"

"I ain't that happy!" Mirabella growled out, convincing no one, "I-I'm just surprised is all!"

"Sure, sure~" Her sister teased, turning to Agatha, "And Agatha, correct? I heard you fought bravely against these Ancestors. For your bravery in protecting the people of Galadriel, you have my gratitude."

Agatha merely shook her head, "Your thanks is appreciated, but I did not accomplish much. In fact, your sister was of more help, no doubt."

"It was nothing, heh," Mirabella uttered out with a snort.

"So bashful," Astrid grinned. "Alright, it seems everyone is here, sadly Lukas could not join as us so we'll have to proceed without him," she noted, turning to everyone else on the main floor. "Alright then, everyone, if you will follow me, we'll go see my father," she got varying forms of confirmation as she started walking, everyone else immediately following after. Pushing past another large oak door, they ascended the stairs in quick succession before stepping onto a higher floor with Astrid leading the way through the vast and ethereal castle hallways.

Agatha shifted her place in the group to walk beside Mikoto as she spoke, "Thank you," she muttered lowly. She unconsciously clutched her hand tightly, "For my arm, I mean." She clarified. "I know how difficult it is to restore an arm. I do not know if I could live like that."

"Don't worry about it," Mikoto brushed off, "We're friends, aren't we? It's the least I could do."

"Just like you to make such a large favor seem small," she chuckled ever so slightly, "Nonetheless, once more I am in your debt, Mikoto."

"None of that, friends should help each other, not make debts. You don't owe me anything," Mikoto merely said.

A small smile graced Agatha's features, "Heh, suppose you're right."

"Ugh, could you two flirt somewhere else?" Mirabella whined with an irksome tone and a pout.

"Still angry about earlier, Mira?" Mikoto snorted.

"Oh? What happened earlier?" Victoria asked, sensing some intriguing events to be unveiled.

"Mira professed her undying love to me," Mikoto immediately said.


"Huh?" Astrid glanced back with a raised brow and a smile, "Is this true, Mira?" She asked, an underlying tone of excitement in her voice.

"No!" Mirabella yelled out, once more a beet-red face. "He's talking shit! I said no such thing! Lucinda, come on, back me up!"

"Well... I... uh..." Caught off guard by being called upon, Lucinda could not find the words.

"M-my, I would not expect this from the princess," Fiona mumbled, covering her red-tinted cheeks.

"My, what a spicy scandal," Victoria uttered with a sly smile.

"I never did any of that!" Mirabella cried out in her own defense. Mikoto, meanwhile, cackled wildly.

("He seems to find this immensely amusing.") Adrian noted for the future.

"Calm down, Mira, I'm only teasing," Mikoto snorted.

"Grr! Screw you!"

"Too forward there, Mira," Mikoto shot back, causing the girl to internally scream. A sight even her dear sister found amusing. Unfortunately, she could not take the opportunity to tease her sister as she noted the familiar doors leading to the throne room.

"Ah, we've arrived."