
An Arrow (1)

After Ray was done with his flying he went back on top the mountain along with Paarthurnax who was in a relatively more jolly mood, "Well Paarthurnax this was fun", "Indeed it was fellow dovah sos, dragon blood but from your way of speaking it seems as if you will have to leave, correct?", "Indeed, but don't worry Paarthurnax you will have other's to teach and trust me from your perspective it won't be long at all and besides I will come and visit at some point", Paarthurnax gave an understanding nod and then a sad face whilst saying, "I understand and Zu'u fent fah hin daal wah dii strunmah, I shall for your return to my mountain but before you leave let's give one last use of our tongue", "Sure!", then before Ray left they shouted towards each other with the use of their voices and then Ray went off the mountain.

Once Ray was at the bottom of the mountain and out of sight he thought, 'Hey Rid, we have about a year and a half send me somewhere fun, will ya?', 'You're letting me choose?', 'Sure, but just this once, I'm in a good mood so pick somewhere fun!', 'Confirmation accepted, looking through Ray's past memories, world found!', 'Wait, did you just say you read my past memories?', '...', 'Hey! Answer me, women!', '...no...', 'I know what I heard...grr...forget it, let's just go, this place better be fun!', 'I assure you that this world should have what you consider fun'

A rift slowly appeared before Ray with lightning cloud appearing above him from the sky making it darken, lightning was beginning to build up and the dark clouds began to swirl around each other as if creating a void or vacuum and then the lightning flashed forward towards Ray or more specifically the rift within a matter of seconds and once it hit the portal expanded and began to turn into the space he saw the first time he went to another world, he stepped in and the rift closed behind him, he followed the direction [Ridley] gave him to see a door with a bunch of symbols from an arrow, a wavey like lightning bolt, an atom symbol, a white feather, a red flame and other symbols, Ray looked at the symbols, some he recognised others he didn't, 'Wait don't tell me you brought me to this universe?!', 'Correct!', 'Holy shit! I didn't even consider coming here, the amount of things I could fix here is unthinkable! But wait, what about the time?', 'You will know when you enter through the door', [Ridley] replied with, 'Huh?! Just tell me dammit!', '...', 'Damn it! What's been going on with you lately?! You started being sassy all of a sudden!', '...', Ray then stopped talking as he understood that he wouldn't get an actual answer and a headache full of frustration instead.

Ray sighed and opened the door to find himself looking at a blue sky or more accurately in the sky, "WHAT THE FUCK?!", Ray was quickly falling to what looked like water but he then quickly stabilized himself and floated a couple of dozen metres above the now ocean below him, "Shit! That was close, I mean it wouldn't have hurt me but it's annoying to get wet with clothes on! [Ridley] what kind of bullshit is this?!", "Uh...I guess I made an error?", "Huh?!?! You made an error?! You?! A system made by 'The God'?!", "Hey! Even I can have flaws sometimes, everyone's not perfect you know, even you who are considered perfect through the 'Ancient race bloodline', emphasise on 'considered'!", "Hmph! Fine!", the pair stayed quiet until an awkward silence began to lurk on them, "...Anyway, where are we?" "You are near to Starling City in the year 2009", "Okay, so Oliver Queen's in Hong Kong right now, yes?", "As of right now but tomorrow he will make a trip back to the city", "I see, I know what's going on now", Ray decided to stop his position of floating above the water and teleported above a tower.

Once he was above he checked his appearance to see if anything changed and it didn't, "I guess the only thing weird as of right now is what I'm wearing, guess we need to wear something more casual", Ray wore a dark blue checkered short-sleeved shirt with a plain white shirt under it, then a pair of black jeans with a pair of Air Jordan 1's and finally a black winter coat over it all but then he looked at al mirror and saw that his now dragon looking eyes were too eye-catching and wore a pair of sunglasses over them.

Ray used his spirit energy ad mental strength to find a location to stay at but before he could do anything else he needed money, "How much system points do I have?", "You have 35,000 system points as of right now", "Okay, so what's the conversion rate for 1 system point into dollars?", "One system point in this world equates to 1000 dollars", "Well shit, I'll be damned, exchange 500 system points for dollars", "Confirmed...you now have 34,500 system points and 500,000 dollars", "Hehe, let's check my [Status]"



Name: Ray Yin

Race: Human/Ancient Race/Akatosh-Kin

Titles: 'One who journeys across'/ 'Akatosh's Favour'

Age: 20

Spirit Rank: 75

Magic Power: 17,500

Powers: Super Strength, Super Speed, Flight, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Magic Manipulation, Spirit Energy Manipulation, Elemental Control, Martial Arts, Sword Arts, Near Invulnerability, Regeneration, [Others]

(A/N: The difference is what it's considered in this world to what he has ingrained in his mind and body, 'Powers' are what the world considers and 'Abilities' are what are ingrained in his mind and body)


[Time Manipulation] [Increased Ability Cast] [Sword Will] [Mana Affinity(High)] [Mana-Manipulation(high)] [Mana Regeneration(High)] [Alchemy(Medium)] [Blacksmithing(High)][Enchanting(Medium)] [Mage-Crafter(Medium)] [Thu'um proficiency(Max)]

System Points: 34,500

Dollars: $500,000


Ray smiled at his [Status] and then decided to look for a decent enough hotel and soon enough he found a 5-star hotel to go to 'Fairmont Olympic' was the name of the place, an eleven-story building, Ray walked up to the front door and entered to find a luxury setting, a few chandeliers above him with an ever-glowing soft yellow light, small round tables with comfy grey seats, the place itself even if its first floor was quite big as the reception area was all the way at the back of the room which made it look even bigger as the steps it took to get there from the front was by no means small, Ray had to walk past rows of tables, chairs and looked at the balconies around the room.

Eventually, Ray got to the front desk to find a young woman on the computer and talking to someone on the phone and before he could say anything the women said, "One moment" before she cut off her call and then turned to her computer and then Ray and when she saw his face she froze for a second, blushed quite heavily and said whilst trying to hold a stutter, "H-how may I help you sir?", "I would like to book a room?", "Have you made any previous reservations?", "No", "Okay, how long would you be staying with us?", "Hmm...a week as of right now", the women nodded her head whilst trying to hide the fact she was looking at Ray every now and again through the corner of her eyes and then she said, "T-that would be $3,000 dollars, sir, cash or credit card?", "Cash", the women nodded her head and then started to carry on typing on and said, "You can pay upfront or later and here is your key", "I'll pay right now", Ray took out thirty, one-hundred-dollar notes and gave it to the women who hesitated for a second before she counted the money and typed it up into the computer's database and then she gave him a key and watched him leave with the thought, 'H-he's so fucking hot!!! Is he a model or something?! No, I would've recognised someone like that! And the best part is I didn't see a ring or anyone with him, he's single!'

Ray looked at the key on his way to the elevator and it had the number '0589' on it, he scanned the place to find it on the sixth floor and soon enough he found the door with the exact same number on it, he opened the door to find a single white and blue bed with a flat-screen tv on the wall a window on the left side of the bed with a stand and two chairs, a bath and shower on the other side of the room and many other things.

Ray took off his coat and shoes and sat on the bed and thought about what he was going to do, 'Well, first things first I gotta help Oliver Queen on his endeavours because who wouldn't want to be friends with the 'green arrow' and help him with some of the mistakes he makes in the next few years if I can, hey Rid, what's the time difference between soul land and the arrowverse?', '6 months in soul land is 6 years in this world', 'That gives me plenty of time to mess around and do some other stuff', Ray kept thinking of things he could do and eventually decided to go to sleep.




Ray woke up and went to have breakfast but he didn't have it in the hotel and instead decided he would explore around and see what he could find, eventually he made it to the first floor where a different person was a the desk and this time it was a middle-aged man who was talking to another one of the workers in the hotel but stopped when Ray came over, "I'm heading out for a while", "Okay sir, what is your name?", "Ray Yin", "Okay...Mr Yin...ah! Found you! Let's see...okay everything is in order, you are free to do what you like", Ray nodded his head and walked out towards the food district of town where he found a few places of interest but stopped at a small restaurant, he walked in and someone led him to a place to sit where he ordered a lot of food leading to a grand total of $248.89 which made him scratch his head but he gave the money and walked out.

He then went to the grave of 'Oliver Queen' and his father but kept himself hidden in the shadows and waited for the Thea Queen to show up, eventually, she did and looked at the grave before another shady looking man came over and started a conversation with her, Ray could sense more people coming over and saw Oliver and Maseo Yamashiro who is supposedly his handler, Ray watched the scene play out and saw Thea about to grab the drugs of the Shady looking guy but then Ray decided to step forward and stopped time within the area, his saw Tommy Merlyn a few meters away from him frozen, none of the people around him knew he was there and he flicked the cheek of the shady looking guy in the face and then swapped the money and drugs so Thea had her money back and the dealer his drugs and went back into hiding.

The shady looking guy fell on the floor with a red cheek that was soon to turn purple and freaked out, Thea was confused and Tommy was even more so but gave the same speech as he does in the original about how Thea can't come to his birthday as its age-restricted for people under the age of 21 and etc, the dealer ran away as he was in pain and Oliver and Maseo gave confused faces as well as they didn't understand what was happening what so ever.

Ray smiled in his hidden shadow form and decided to hide in Oliver's shadow to see what he would do and later that day saw him prepare to sneak into his own company and enter through the vents in his kitchen and sneak his way into an office where he looked around and talked to Maseo on the blue tooth device that they have and then he watched Oliver put his finger on a scanner only to see that it worked and him looking through files and downloading a program on to the computer.

Ray could hear the footprints of someone coming there way and saw Felicity coming there way, Oliver sneaked away into hiding and saw Felicity talking to herself and walk away for Oliver to then carry on with what he was doing and then sneak away, Ray was smiling throughout this whole scene as it didn't fit what so ever and he saw the small smile on Oliver's face as well, so enough Oliver sneaked out of the building and into another car going to another building where Oliver met up with Maseo and Amanda Waller who was looking through the data that Oliver got and they were so concentrated into the laptop they were using that Oliver sneaked out and went to the party of Tommy's wearing an ever so slightly shady looking hoodie but it did the job of hiding his face.

When Oliver reached the entrance Ray looked around to see John Diggle talking to his younger brother but quickly let the thought pass and carried on watching Oliver who hid behind a pillar watching Tommy and a women name Laurel walking over to Thea Queen who came to the party uninvited with a fake ID, she walked away towards the dealer from earlier who covered his face with a scarf this time because of the bruise on his cheek, Thea bought more drugs of him and Oliver shook his head in annoyance, Oliver then followed the drug dealer up the stairs and eventually pinned him up the the wall, the drug dealer realised who was in front of him and tried to pull a knife on Oliver but Oliver effortlessly overpowered him, got rid of the knife and cracked his neck to then push him off a balcony leading to the first floor of the party, Ray decided that it was his turn to show up and froze the space around him apart from himself and Oliver who noticed something wrong and someone behind him and he tried to attack but it failed as he found himself froze but could sill see and hear a voice in front of him, he saw a shadow arise from his own and say, "Oliver, seriously? I'm trying to help you hear and you attack me, come on! Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah you need to leave, Maseo knows you showed up to this place and he's looking for you, Imma go back to what I was doing but seriously you gotta go and also don't tell anyone I was here, you got that?", Oliver nodded his head slightly and Ray smiled and turned back into dark smoke going back into Oliver's shadow, Oliver said with a whisper, "Well...that was...different?", and saw that everyone was still frozen and looked for a few more seconds before departing outside to see Maseo trying to sneak in with a gun in his hand, he saw Oliver and went behind him with the gun and said that they need to leave, soon enough they walked into another quieter location where they began to talk about Oliver sneaking out and doing something stupid and then he started to tell Oliver about what they found on the computer.

Oliver got annoyed that it again linked back to his family's business and said he didn't want any part in this and that he could protect his family through other means but Maseo encouraged him to do so as he knew Oliver was looking for redemption through stopping the bioweapon attack but Oliver retorted that the people he's saving from the weapon are strangers but the people in the city aren't, Maseo gave a dejected face bu then talked about how his family would consider this as being selfish and be ashamed of him but Oliver said that they already are, Ray watched this and thought, 'Damn, this is somehow as dramatic as the show except for the background music but I can live with that'

Maseo left after Oliver went away and then he went to his family's house, sneaking in and once he got in he stopped to look around where he found a tablet to put in a memory stick he's been carrying around with him which contained a video of his father talking to him about the wrongdoings that he did to the city and how he wants Oliver to be better than him and then it ended, Oliver took the memory stick out and start to contemplate about things and then he remembered something, "I know your here, come out", Ray smiled at this for a moment before he made himself look slightly bored and then he came out, "Hm? What do you want?", "Are you like a genie or something?", "I'm not blue or in a lamp, so no you idiot", Oliver ignored the last part of the comment and then asked, "Then what are you?", "Hmm...that's a hard question, for now, let's just say that I'm a mix between a special race of people and a dragon", "A dragon? You don't look like a dragon to me, your wearing sneakers", Ray then smiled at this comment and then took his sunglasses off and showed his dragon claws from his spirit essence, "How about now?", "Y-yeah, I believe you but how are you doing the shadow thing, do you have, I can't believe I'm saying this, but powers or something?", "Magic", is all he replied with and Oliver just had to go along with it, "Okay...now why are you following me?", "Let's just say that your life is interesting if nothing else and I'd like to watch and maybe interfere if I deem it necessary anyway bye~", Ray faded back into Oliver's shadow and Oliver was again in deep thought.

But eventually, Oliver decided he needed to help Maseo and to begin fixing his father's mistakes with that, he went back to his base and picked up a couple of handguns and then left to sneak away towards Maseo's location, where he saw him being caught and when he was about to be shot, Oliver began his assault starting with shooting the guard nearest to Maseo which spooked the rest and the separated, Oliver then threw a gun towards Maseo who caught it and then the pair went to find cover and then they made up and followed a women with white hair with guards surrounding her, they ran around the building quicker than the car could get out and Oliver ambushed i9t shooting it various times and Maseo soon enough joining him till the car crashed into a container, the women with white hair came out first and Oliver smashed her in the head with the back of his gun making her go unconscious and then found another man handcuffed to a metal case and Oliver went up to him whilst Maseo held him and said, "You have a choice", "W-what choice?", "Whether or not you want to keep your hand", the man gave them the case and then he was hit the same as the women, then waller came and took the rest of them including the women back to their base.

Oliver thanked Waller for the ride home but she told him it wasn't that simple and then a man in an army fatigues shows up and calls himself 'General Matthew Shrieve' and began to thank Oliver for his services but then told him he has more work to do and then required him to be debriefed back in Hong Kong.

They got onto a personal Jet and flew back to Hong Kong were Oliver had to be quested on a lie detector multiple times before it was stopped by 'General Matthew' and told him that he again thanks him for his services and told him that he can go with the Yamashiro's as they are going to Japan and from there he can go anywhere he wants to be it Starling city or anywhere else in the world he wants to.

Later that day Oliver met up with the Yamashiro's who were happy about going home and that he can stay with them for a few nights, Maseo says that they have to go on boat and Oliver comments on how he hates them but then he stopped as Ray said something to him, 'Yo, Oliver, your gonna see a man in blue who looks like he works here, he doesn't take this gun and protect yourself, tell this to Maseo as well', Maseo sees Oliver stop and asks, "Oliver, you okay?", "Um, no, Maseo this might sound crazy but there's this guy or thing that like's to stay in my shadow and he said that we shouldn't trust the dock workers in blue upfront and he gave me this gun", "...Your right that does sound crazy...but you might be telling some truth...the worker upfront has been eyeing us for a while now...", but then Maseo sees a shadow come up from Oliver and sees Ray, "Hey, I'm real! Out of all the people to think of me as being real, I would the first thing you Maseo Yamashiro!", Ray took off his glasses and showed his claws as he did with Oliver earlier on and then Tatsu looked at him with a slight blush before saying, "R-Ryu?!", "Yes!", "Oliver, just how-", "I don't know how but Maseo concentrate on the matter at hand, the guys up front", "Right!", they began walking again acting natural until they saw the man get up, Maseo shot him and then they hid behind a bunch of metal cases, the heard and felt gunfire go off the metal cases and Akio Yamashiro began to be scared and wanted to know why they were being shot at, Ray got up and the men began to shoot at him but the bullets were far too weak to even penetrate his skin, "What are you doing?!", "What? Bullets can't hurt me", "My God, he really is a Ryu!", Akio kept looking at Ray in amazement, "You guys should get to the truck", "What about you!", "I can teleport", "Of course you can!", Ray then got to work killing the men off with shards of ice and but there were too many men and he couldn't use the power he needed to without harming Oliver and the rest, the older Yamashiro's could get neared to the truck but Oliver and Akio were still on the other side, "You guys should split up for the meantime, Waller will find it harder if you are split up", they agreed to the idea and they split up with Oliver and Akio running in one direction and the others in another, Ray then made bigger pieces of ice and swiftly killed them off and then got rid of his evidence then teleporting to Oliver and Akio, slipping back into his shadow.

They were about to arrive in a garden but Ray said, 'Don't it's full of A.R.G.U.S', 'When did you get back?!', 'A little while ago', Oliver sighed and then backtracked into the stalls full of people but then he saw someone he knew, or thought he knew, a women, "Shado?", "What did you say? How did you know my sister?", "It's a long story", they talked for a little more before she told them to follow her and they reached her apartment where Oliver saw pictures of Shado with a tattoo on her back and her father who Oliver knew as well, they introduced themselves as Akio and Tommy, Oliver using his best friends name.

The women introduced herself as Mei and asked again how Oliver or what he introduced himself as, how he knew her sister, they talked for a bit but later on, she saw Oliver undress and saw a tattoo similar to the one Shado has on her which made Mei more cautious around Oliver and then she called the police and when Oliver walked in the room she questioned him even more but she knew he was lying to her again but then Oliver saw the lazer to a rifle on one of the pictures and pushed the other two and told them to stay down.

Two men wearing S.W.A.T like armour broke the windows down and then tried to get Oliver but he quickly overpowered them and then the other Yamashiro's came in through the same windows and asked where Akio was who ran into the room along with Mei seconds later, Tatsu wanted to know who she was but Maseo wanted to get rid of the bodies first and then talk later.

Maseo got rid of the bodies and then told them that they should go but Oliver needed a minute with Mei and told her that he can't tell her a lot or she would be in danger but he did tell her what happened to her father and sister which made her cry but at the same time good to know what actually happened to them, Oliver was then about tho leave but saw the mess, 'Hey, can you fix this?', 'Hm? Sure.', Ray used [Time Manipulation] and reversed everything in the room to what it was like to before, it looked magical, Mei was dumbstruck, "I-I met someone", is all he said and then he left.

They went to an old women house who was called Li Ling who was repaying a debt, Oliver said he needed to get Waller back and Maseo didn't want him to go guns blazing and gave him his pass card, Oliver soon enough arrived at the A.R.G.U.S base where he saw a man in army fatigues who tried to shoot at him but before that could happen he was shot dead buy none other than Amanda Waller who looked like she hadn't had a bath in months, but what she said is that 'General Shrieve' had kept her locked up for weeks and she put the gun down to show her compliance and then told him why the general was going rogue, how china was too much of a threat and that they could blame the triad on the deaths of everyone, Oliver believed her and then went back to the Yamashiro's.

They planned to get General Shrieve but Maseo said that he has too many resources and that it's way too dangerous and that Shrieve has planned that they won't get off the island alive and Oliver said if they can't get off then they could take the vaccine for the virus from the bioweapon, Ray came out and said, "Not all of you are going, Tatsu and Akio can stay at my place in Starling city I can only send a few at a time as it's long-distance", "You could've said this earlier you know", Oliver said, Maseo just blinked whenever he saw Ray, "Maseo, it's your choice, they will be safer at my place", "I agree", he said, Ray went up to Tatsu who said, "Wait, give me a minute", she talked with Maseo for a bit along with Akio before they were ready, "Okay when I send you their, don't leave the room, and if someone comes in tell them Ray called them over and here's some money", Ray handed them 5000 dollars and then send them off into his room within a matter of a few seconds.

I was feeling like shit for a while and didn't release a chapter but I'm back on track people!

Also, I made a P.A.T.R.E.O.N, support me if you like-


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