
The Start of The Journey

It was a just like a regular day; wake up my friend, Yale, brush my teeth, go to the dining hall, greet the head maid and thank her for the food, and sit down in one of the many tables filled with children.

Oh yeah, I was an orphan, just a regular case of really young adults being too reckless then abandoning their responsibilities, it happens all the time in 2nd rate galaxy district, but, I was four at the time... Yale noticed how I looked dazed and how my expression went dark.

"Hey, Eind, isn't the eggy mush slightly better today?" He said while pulling my sleeve.

Yale was a boy who was at most half a year younger than me, and he was only slightly smaller and weaker than other kids our age (like about 1/2cm shorter, and weighs about .9kg less), and he had amazing maroon colored hair and dark blue eyes. 'I have a nice, innocent, little brother' I thought, but then other thoughts, more... dark thoughts came flooding in like a tropical storm.

"Mhm, yeah," I got out of the daze, but, it was obvious that I wasn't really paying attention.

Then from across the room, someone yelled at the head maid and everyone turned their heads, "Why the hell does that p**sy have more food than me?!?" He said as he pointed at me. "Huh? He's smaller and weaker than me, he doesn't need all of that!"

Enter the main cuc- bully of my childhood, Skern.

He was like one of the bullies in those movies from centuries ago, but with no entourage; he was older than the majority of the children here, he went up to kids took their money, or sometimes even taking possessions that the kids cared about. He didn't bully me as much, but he was still an annoying d*ck, he pulled stupid pranks like putting Shren-Bat* dung into my bed, stealing our clothes while we're showering, and once, he even tried to pants me. Luckily, he failed, but, wth dude?!?!

Since the 'pantsing incident' happened more recently, I gave him the evilest Lu*gi Death Stare I could muster.

And apparently today he couldn't stand me anymore, he then proceeded to yell, "Eind get your dumbass self over here!"

I then said the most logical thing anyone would say, "No, I don't want to get a beatdown, so why should I?"

He then smiled like he hoped that I would say that, guess what he said? "I hoped that you said that," He continued, " It's because, today-" he started to say while pulling something out of his bag,"-is the day I'm legally allowed to use a smaller laser pistol!" He said as what he was pulling out fully came out of the bag, and guess what it was, yep, if you guessed 'laser pistol,' you guessed right.

Once the kids saw this some hid under the tables and most of the others were paralyzed. Unfortunately, Yale was one of the latter and just sat there with fear emanating from his eyes.

Skern then said, "Come over here, and you know what? Bring Yale too! Hehehe!"

Anger and adrenaline (mainly anger) then made my ears pound. I exclaimed," I'll come over to you but leave Yale out of it! I'll take twice the beating if you leave him alone!" Yale stayed quiet but stared at me in awe for standing up for him even though I could get shot.

After a while, Skern finally responded with, "Ok, I can make that deal. Now come over here!" He said this with a slight bloodlust so even I was afraid what was about to happen.

Now before I describe the gruesomeness that's about to occur, I'll answer the probably the most dominant question that you have, where are the police? Well once again we're a second-rate galaxy district, so the police are much more lax over here rather than a first-rate or a fourth rate, that's because second-rate districts won't have as many criminals compared to a fourth-rate district and we're not as rich as a first-rate district so, the second and third rate districts have the most relaxed police force. The second reason was that the orphanage is 900km away from the nearest city, it's about a 3-hour drive, so even if the maids called the Brigade it would take them at least 1 hour at their highest speeds.

Now onto the brutality, as soon as I got within his striking distance he "shot" me, the damn thing was empty. "Tricked you," was all he said.

But now knowing this, even though he was obviously going to get the first hit on me, I would fight back.

He first threw a punch that hit me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me, as soon as I kneeled he kicked me in the stomach

'There goes the thought of putting up a fight' I thought as he continued to pummel me. All I could do in this one-sided fight was slightly dodge so he wouldn't destroy my face or my 'place'.

Eventually, someone threw a metallic tray at Skern's face. It hit him in the right eye, I found my chance when he was crouching covering his eye, it wasn't bleeding but I could tell that the impact really hurt him.

However, I didn't let myself waste time. As soon as I saw a ladle, I grabbed for it and struck Skern in the back of his head until he passed out. The only blood that was seen was mine, and eventually, I passed out from the pain.


Shren-Bat - A small, slow species of bat which has the worst smelling excrements in the Pruxin galaxy (My home galaxy)

I'm going to do this with every chapter that I can: 975 words.

Hello again, I'm here to say that this is a paasion project and I'm really excited for what's to come. I will try to upload four times a week but, I'm still a Junior so I might be late orpost only once or twice. All I have to say is thank you for reading my novel. Also, hmmmmm why's Yale here, huhhh?

Oh yeah one last thing, the auxiliary chapter (Aka the synopsis) was put on a publishing timer, so don't be weirded out by chapter 0 coming in after chapters 1 & 2.

Nimmcreators' thoughts
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