
A Jedi Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Set in an alternate reality of the universe of Star Wars, Yuji, the son of a Jedi must cross the Galaxy with a Jedi Master and a Mandalorian to reunite the Jedi Order and regain the Galaxy from the Sith Lord’s hands. However, when they seek to overthrow the Empire, they find out many obstacles that stands against them, but do they really stand against the Galaxy? - - - - - - Instagram: @the_real_dark_fox (For latest news about my novels)

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4 Chs

C3: The Poor Ones


"Haa... Jeez, I hate walking walking up this hill," I panted when I finally reached the top of the hill. The rain had finally stopped, though, it had left the whole hill muddy and wet. An awful smell was coming from the ground, probably because of the rain.

It was night, and the only thing lighting up the hill was the light fixed in the doorstep of my house. The Empire never even worried about us, the poor. No one did, actually. Not even the poor.

I opened the door and went in, only to see my mom fast asleep on the couch. The TV was on, and it was only 15 minutes pass the end of her favourite show.

With a sigh, I walked to the couch and turned the TV off. Then, I wrapped a blanket around her before leaving the living room to my room, upstairs.


I took a wash, switched off the lights in my bed room and now... I was lying on my bed, thinking.

What to do? I asked myself.

With everything gone wrong... What was left to do? I didn't know the answer entirely, but, if there are other Jedi alive, we could surely have a chance against the Siths. Anju was here now, and there was surely hope.

But... Why did Mom hide it from me? If the Jedi were alive, the first person who should've known is Mom.

To protect me...? From the truth.

I knew my mother, and she wasn't a bad person. If she did anything, she did for a reason. But, I must join this mission to reunite the Order of the Jedi, I must. If I don't, it will only dishonour my father's legacy. I can't just watch by when I have an opportunity to reunite the Order.

I kept thinking...

The rain started to pour in once again. An before I knew it, I fell asleep.


18 Years Ago...

*PLANET MOSHU, City of Honshu*

A tall handsome man stood at the edge of his house, gazing out of the window. He had long hair, even longer than a regular woman's. It was his tradition to grow his hair longer, to represent his respect to the nature around him and his family.

He was gazing at the view above him. Ships sailing from place to place, as he saw everyday.

However, he didn't feel quite right. Why?

The air was fine. The cool wind, just the same. But, down in his guts... He didn't feel right. There was something unusual about the day. Maybe it was the many problems he had in his head.

Yoda warning the Order to be on the look out for the Sith's plans. He was thinking about it, all day long. In fact, he even lived on the same planet where the Sith lived.

"Huh..." he sighed, gazing back at his family, taking their breakfast in the table. And to his surprise, his wife was behind him all this time.

"What? What's the problem, dear...?" She asked him with a worried look.

He gazed at his wife's eyes, which were pleading for the truth. He couldn't keep everything from his wife, but this was just too risky to be discussed with anyone.

"No... Just, there's no problem dear. Just a faint headache," he smiled at his wife, and came closer to her. He glanced at his wife's eyes, and they were huge. They were filled with love. In their planet, it was a known fact that when a woman gets pregnant, her eyes represents the same colour of the eyes of the baby in her womb. Unlike when Yume and Goku, the twins were inside her, she had big black eyes.

"What?" The wife giggled as Hashiro kept staring at her face. He smiled and said, "Nothing..."

The father leaned down, and kissed the mother's big tummy, carrying the little cute Yuji inside.

/ / /

*City of Honshu, Counsellor Taku's Tower.* (SAME DAY)

This plan wasn't just beginning, because it has already begun, long back when the Republic was created...

Taku, a Counsellor of the Republic, but most of all, an evil woman.

Dark clouds were forming in the skies above them, only casting a large shadow upon the city of Honshu. It was her mother planet, the planet of Lorions.

She sat in front of the glass window that looked down upon the whole city. She was in the top most floor on the tallest tower in the whole district. It was as if the tower was touching the clouds itself.

The Sith Lord sat in the darkness, cross-legged as four of her servants entered the room. They stood in a line in front of her table before calling her highness's name.

"Your Highness, may I have the honour?" One of the Jedi, in a black robe asked from her. Silently, the Queen of Darkness turned.

Her red eyes gave a bloody glint that made the Jedi shudder. "Go on, Solice." Her cold voice was as dark as ever, spoke. Even her tone screamed of fear.

"Your highness... The armies, they are ready. The troops, everything is on place. Are we going to proceed as we planned?" The Jedi asked.

"Of course... Why, do you see anything wrong about the 'plan'?" The red eyes stared straight into the Jedi's eyes. He was wordless. No further he spoke. He stepped back, bowing his head. "No, nothing is wrong, your highness. Please, forgive my... foolishness."

"Hmm...? Good, you may leave," she said.

The Jedi left the room as soon as she gave the order. Now, she was all alone in the room, again, in the darkness. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and walked closer to the glass. A great city, everything so perfect. Perfection...

Though, nothing is perfect. "How many lives are suffering... Just like I was," she thought. She crouched on the ground and smiled. "Soon... We all, will live under one rule. We will be free from war. But for freedom, we need this one shot, guys. For the greater good!"

A tear ran down her cheek.

Only minutes later... the whole city had an announcement.

"The New Republic has been formed. Every Jedi must join Counsellor Sith to the path of freedom, and if anyone stands against us, we shall eliminate them. This is the New Republic. This is.. the new world."

The announcement echoed throughout the city. Ships started to soar towards the skies. But, many were shot down, even before they reached the Horizon.

That day, the residence of the Hashiro family was also attacked, only causing the kidnapping of the two children of Hashiro and the death of Hashiro himself.

However, Hashiro shipped off Akira, the mother of the two children and his wife, to the planet named Genshi with his companions. His kids were kidnapped, how could he just watch by as the Sith ruins their minds? He stood against an army of Stormtroopers. Only one man, against an army.

He only lasted seconds in battle, before the thousand lasers that shot towards him broke through.

/ / /

Author's Note: Short chapter guys... A flashback. Or half of a flashback? Lol. Anyway, hope you guys love it. Comment, vote and support me on ma Patreon (When I create it... which is gonna be created soon) THANKS FOR READING!