

It was raining.

People were rushing about to find some shelter from the rain. I on the other hand was drinking coffee while watching them get soaking wet through the window. Luckily I brought my umbrella so I can leave without getting soaked.

The sound of the baby crying was getting irritating. The baby's mother was trying to pacify the child but was failing. Well, luckily I finished my drink and ordered the bill to be brought. It was a newly opened cafe but it was quite good.

Just then a man entered the cafe. He was a bit lanky with sunburnt skin. He also badly needed a shave. But there was something shifty about him. It took me some time before I managed to pinpoint the cause. It was his eyes they had the same look that a person did before doing something stupid. One that was probably an act that would cause harm both to themselves as well as others.

I quickened my pace. I would rather escape this place than being caught in this mess. Unfortunately, there was only one way to both enter and exit, meaning that I had to pass him. The guy had whipped out a pocketknife. He made eye contact with me.

I passed him bobbing my head to the music coming from my nonexistent earphones. Anyway, it may be my paranoia from watching too many mystery movies last night who knows he may just be a customer here.

Just then I heard the scream of the woman yelling and something suddenly pulled my arm back. I looked behind to see the knife tangled in the string which is attached to the back of the umbrella.


The guy switched his target to me all the while mumbling something. I pedaled backward trying to dodge the knife strike. Unfortunately due to my large size I ended up getting knicked on my arm. Strangely it did not hurt that much maybe due to the adrelanie. I lost focus for a few seconds but that was enough for him as he shoved me causing me to fall on the floor hitting my head on the chair. I pushed through the pain before I noticed him moving towards the woman before my umbrella which fell next to me and pointed it towards him.

He must have heard the movement of the umbrella as he turned around just in type to see the umbrella opening up and the tip hitting the most painful part for men. That was enough for him to drop the knife and fall on the floor in pain. The other café workers came in to hold him down. I quickly kicked the knife away with my foot seen too many movies to know that troupe.

Just then suddenly the world tilted and it was weirdly losing color. Strange people were shouting but no sound was coming. Did someone hit the mute button ?

Later I learned I nearly died due to blood loss. The cut was deeper than I realized. After that, I ended up getting omicron even though I had the vaccine and died due to my body being in a weak state and not recovering.

Now I was in a black room(?) before a dim light flickered. It was like fireflies flickered around me. Some fireflies were brown. Others were silver, some were even…gold.


The golden fireflies flew quickly. They were so fast, that it was near impossible to catch them. They were so many brown fireflies. They flew a bit fast but it was possible to catch them. Then there was the sun. The golden fireflies were flying so fast it was difficult to catch them yet they seemed to be decreasing in quantity as time goes on.

‣You were selected for reincarnation.

‣The world that was chosen for you is Draconic Deus

‣Please select a Sacred Gear

I reached my hand out for the golden firefly.

The card vanished before I reached it instead falling on a silver card behind it.

‣Sacred Gear acquisition successful

And then everything went black.

One second I was your typical toddler the next I fell to the ground clutching my head in soul soul-splitting after a while the pain subsided.

Strange, the matron did not appear to check on me. Usually she would be watching us like a hawk and all the kids were not even bothering with me kind of makes sense after all I was a loner both in my previous life and this life besides I doubt they even paid attention.

I quickly gain my bearings and remember who I am.

I am 8 years old. Thankfully I was born as a orphan with no familial ties. So, good start.

I have brown hair which is unusual for Japanese that is kind of messy, striking red eyes and a particularly handsome face with eastern features. This is by no means a narcissistic self-evaluation.

I was in an orphanage called Stella Orphanage located in Kuoh Town in Japan meaning that I was certainly reincarnated in some anime world and one more fact as proof Coco cola is called Coin Cola definitely to avoid copyright claims.

This thing called Sacred Gear was apparently an artifact created by the Bibilical God created in order to help humanity. A common recurring Dragon-Type Sacred Gear called Twice Critical which has the ability to double the power of user for a given amount of time.

And the fact that if this was some sort of anime meaning that devils are the good guys and the Church evil but the artifacts created by God are for the sake of humanity. So, maybe the main character of this anime has some sort of devil bloodline along with a Sacred Gear that he uses to help save the world along with his friends/harem.

Now how to activate it? Since it said Dragon-Type Sacred Gear maybe imitating a Dragon would help. All the other children went to the other room waiting to have lunch.

Right, I could do it now. Even if I got caught people would think it was just some kid playing and hopefully not adding to my black history in this world.

I originally wanted to scream," Roar of the Fire Dragon" but for some reason I raised my left hand as if I was blocking something. It was always present ever since that day. A knife diving towards my left arm and leaving a slash. I know it is a illusion caused by my trauma but I was unable to cure it till my death.

"Imagine Breaker"

Yet this time there was a loud sound akin to the sound of glass breaking and the knife disappeared however there was a red haze appearing from my left arm.

My sacred Gear had activated. Just then there was a huge surge of energy as a red magic circle suddenly appeared under my feet. Out of it appeared two people one was the matron with gray hair and grey eyes her clothes appeared to be hastily put on while the other was a man with slightly long black hair and eyes. He was emitting a tough vibe as if he was a fighter but the effect was ruined due to the fact that he was not wearing any shirt and the hickeys on his neck was visible.

A dark fireball flew towards me before it ended up vanishing once it hit my hand. I noticed the shocked expressions on their face before I fainted.

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