

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs



As I dragged myself through the front door, I felt utterly exhausted. I stumbled inside, feeling exhausted from the day. Each step was hard, like climbing a steep hill. My muscles ached as if I'd been in a fight. Flopping onto the old sofa, I sighed with relief, glad for its comfort after a tough day. I found my grandma busy in the kitchen

"Oh, you're home already, my dear," said Grandma's soft voice from the kitchen, where the smell of food filled the air. She came to the door, looking worried as she saw me sitting there.

"Feeling hungry? Want food before chilling?" Grandma asked, with warm, motherly eyes.

I managed a tired smile, exhaustion evident on my face. "No, grandma," I said softly, my voice tired. "Kent and I ate already. I'll just rest for a while."

My grandma nodded with understanding, her face showing empathy. "Sure, dear. Take your time. I'll make tea when you're ready to join us."

With a thankful nod, I nestled deeper into the sofa, feeling its comforting embrace. Grandma went back to the kitchen, the sound of dishes clinking and the stove humming soothing my tired mind.

As I lay there, lost in exhaustion, my mind drifted back to the day's events. It had been busy, from work to lunch with Kent. Amid the chaos, one thing stayed the same—the responsibility and expectations weighing on me, growing heavier each day.

The constant flow of appointments and urgent meetings had made me feel empty, exhausted, and barely hanging on. The recent series of robberies at one of the jewelry shops had disrupted my already busy schedule, each new problem needing my immediate focus and endless work to solve.

I shut my eyes, trying to relax with each breath. But the pressure wouldn't ease, tightening around me. How did this happen? How did I forget to care for myself ?

I was snapped back to reality by the sound of footsteps. My grandma returned with a hot cup of tea and put it on the table, looking worried.

"Here you are, sweetheart," she said softly, her voice calming to my tired spirit. "Take a sip, and feel it warm you up inside."

"Thanks, grandma," I whispered, feeling deeply thankful. "You always understand me perfectly.

She smiled softly, a wordless recognition of the strong connection we shared—a connection built over many years of laughter and tears, of successes and challenges. Being with her brought me calm, reminding me that no matter how tough life got, there would always be a safe place to find comfort.

"Why don't you go to your room and relax, honey?" she proposed, her voice gentle with worry as she looked away from the stove, a pot of soup simmering happily on the burner.

I managed a tired smile, thankful for her kindness. "Sounds good, grandma," I answered, my voice showing my tiredness. "I think I need some time to rest."

With a nod, my grandma went back to her cooking, the delicious smell of soup enveloping the room like a warm hug. I headed to my room, each step feeling like a huge task as I dragged my tired body through the door.

Falling onto my soft bed, I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the comfort after a tough day. Closing my eyes, I let tiredness take over, guiding me into a peaceful sleep.

As I almost drifted off to sleep, feeling completely exhausted, a sudden sound broke the peaceful moment. With a reluctant sigh, I reached for my phone, feeling annoyed that someone would dare to interrupt my well-deserved rest.

But when I looked at the screen and saw Kent's name glowing in the dim light, my irritation vanished, replaced by a comforting feeling that spread through me like sunshine. With a mix of excitement and amusement, I tapped on the message, my grin growing with each word I read.

From: Kent

Happy 1st month as Secretary of Gomez Jewelries and Enterprise!

The message was short but sincere, a small gesture that showed how considerate Kent could be. Despite our rocky past, he always knew how to lift my spirits. Reading the message again filled me with gratitude and pride, reminding me of how much progress I had made recently.

Taking over from someone who hadn't been asked to return to work after her husband gave birth was quite challenging. But as time went on, I showed that I was capable and skilled, gaining the respect and praise of my coworkers and bosses. Now that my job was permanent, I felt even more motivated to excel in my new role.

With a satisfied sigh, I settled against the pillows, enjoying the warmth of the moment. The recent months had been full of excitement and difficulties, each day offering chances to grow and learn. As I thought about my time as Mr. Gomez's secretary, I felt proud of how well I had adapted to the role, even with the unexpected events that led to my appointment.

The happiness I felt was overwhelming, like a dam about to burst. After months of uncertainty, I finally had something to be proud of, something real to show my parents—if only they were here to see it.

As I texted back to Kent, I felt a rush of thankfulness mixed with a sad feeling that pulled at my heartstrings. My parents, my sources of strength and encouragement, had always cheered me on, their constant faith in me guiding me through tough times. But now, they weren't here to celebrate my successes, to witness their child pushing forward and achieving on her own.

With a heavy heart, I wrote my message, the words simply showing how thankful I was for everything.

To Kent:

Thanks a lot, kent. Your help and advice have been incredibly important to me. Without your support, I might still be struggling to find a job. I owe you a big thank you that I can never fully repay. You've been a great friend and mentor, and I'll always be grateful for that.

As I typed each word, my emotions lightened, bringing a feeling of release like a refreshing rain. Kent wasn't just a friend; he was a guiding support during my career ups and downs, a source of hope in uncertain times.

As I clicked send, I realized that no matter what comes next, I'll remember the lessons and friendships. Ultimately, it's the connections and impacts on others that truly count in this big, unpredictable world.

As I was about to fall asleep again, my phone beeped loudly, waking me up. It made me annoyed.

"All I want is some rest," I muttered, feeling my patience wearing thin.

I reluctantly stopped complaining and narrowed my eyes at my phone's bright screen, where a strange number appeared. How did they even get my number?

From: Unknown

"Done eating your dinner?"

Suddenly, my heart raced. Who could be asking about my dinner plans? I paused, unsure of what to do. Was this a mistake or a prank? I thought of many possibilities, none reassuring.

Before I could gather my thoughts, another message flashed across the screen:

"Sorry to disturb you. Have a good night, baby."

"Baby?" The word startled me. Who was this person, and why were they speaking to me so intimately? Discomfort grew in my stomach as I tried to understand the message's implications. Was I being targeted by a stranger with bad intentions?

I quickly put my phone on the bedside table, wishing it was just a wrong number. But I had a feeling it was more than that. The messages felt familiar, hinting at a connection I couldn't quite figure out.

Even though I felt uneasy, I tried to ignore the thoughts and concentrate on getting some sleep. Tomorrow was a new day, and I couldn't let this mysterious sender bother me. With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and fell into a troubled sleep.