
Two parts, one replaced, the other bandaged.

Dazai wasn't having a good day. Scratch that, good week. So what could he do to make himself feel better? Spend time with his chibi boyfriend.

Now what he actually just planned to do was to play with him for a bit, and try to get some time with Chuuya. He needed someone, anyone, just not the Agency members. Or the other Port Mafia members. Chuuya had specifically told him to stay away from Ranpo as much as he could. Okay, maybe he just needed Chuuya.

Was he Chuuya-deprived? Maybe he just needed some for time with his lover. Yeah, that has to be it. Afterall, Dazai has no right to feel stressed.

He lost that privilege when he met left Chuuya.

Chuuya said so himself.


Dazai does know where Chuuya is. Chuuya should be at his office. So as he walks into the Port Mafia building, aimed guns heading down as they see him, he wonders. Will Chuuya be happy to see him? Will Chuuya comfort him? Could they maybe watch a movie?

Dazai wants to cook with Chuuya one day. He can make some really good tofu. But... Chuuya said his tofu is for him and him only. So Dazai guesses he can't share it with anyone.

Maybe he could visit Odasaku's grave with Chuuya one day. Actually nevermind, Chuuya said he doesn't want to. Dazai wouldn't wanna make Chuuya uncomfortable, so he'll continue to go alone.

Or not at all actually, couldn't he recall Chuuya saying something about how he was no longer allowed to visit Odasaku's grave? He must've, since Chuuya taught him to memorize things when they first started dating.

Not that Dazai didn't originally have a good memory. Chuuya just wanted it to be better.

So he made it better.


When Dazai opens the door to Chuuya's office. This was not what he expected to see.

He expected to see Chuuya, sitting on his dark wooded chair, doing his paperwork. What he opened the door to, was an angry Chuuya, glaring a him like he disobeyed an order.

"Chuuya, love, what's wrong?" Dazai asked with a soft tone, clear to see his boyfriend could snap at any moment, better him than anyone else. "I have a rough day at work, and then I get a fucking phone call from the guards about you coming to my office." Chuuya stated, it was a fact. Dazai did have a rough week. Or a rough month. But that didn't matter. His insomnia, and constant mental breakdowns where only Ranpo and Yosano comfort him, basically nothing.

Of course it didn't matter, all that mattered was what Chuuya wanted. After a few seconds of Dazai's thoughts about what Chuuya want, he came to an eventual conclusion.


He'd want to fuck Dazai for ruining his day even more. Of course, it's not like Dazai didn't want to- he didn't want to, it's just that he's tired.

But Dazai doesn't think that matters to Chuuya. He's passed out and woken up to Chuuya still going, Arahabaki's stamina coming in handy.

Soft maroon eyes meet piercing (not in a good way) azure eyes. "Chuuya, I don't think I can tonight-" Dazai tried.

"Yes you can." Chuuya stated.

"Oh- then I guess I can." Dazai muttered, fumbling with his hands.

Chuuya grabbed his wrists, bringing him over to the desk infront of the dark wood chair.

"Take your clothes off."


Dazai did pass out during the sex. Honestly, Dazai doesn't really like sex. He's more comfortable being friends with benefits, like the most they go is making-out. Maybe one day he will be comfortable with sex. But today is not that day. It hasn't been that day for years. Not since he was younger than twelve. It's been eleven years since he'd been comfortable with sex. Even with that he only had sex with Mori- so it was different from that.

Mori-, he didn't make Dazai have sex with him. Well, Chuuya didn't make Dazai have sex with him. Just sometimes Dazai is tired, and Mori understood that, but Chuuya probably does, but chooses to ignore it. Dazai's body hurts. He's currently leaking sitting on Chuuya's desk while he's smoking on his balcony. That's when Dazai sighs, before he hears his phone ring. Actually, it's Chuuya's. "Chuuya- your phone is ringing." Dazai said with a struggle, his throat hurt. Chuuya looked back and walked over, picking up the basic black phone he owned.

"Yes?" Chuuya questioned.

"Yes I do,"

"You need him?"

"Yes sir." Chuuya stated consecutively.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you up to Mori's office." Chuuya commanded, staring at the brunette as he flinched. "Mori's?" Dazai asked with pain. Chuuya's eyed turned sharp, it seemed like he was looking at a predator, but Dazai wasn't a angry animal. He was Chuuya's victim boyfriend.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with it?" Chuuya answered viciously.

"Please don't, I really don't wanna go in there like this." Dazai pleaded with heavy breaths. He hopped off the dark desk.

Chuuya raised an eyebrow as soon as Dazai said 'like this'. "Chuuya, he's gonna fucking rape me!" Dazai cried out to the male.

"So," Chuuya questioned. "Males can't be raped, are you finally realizing you're a female?" Chuuya continued.

Dazai fucking tightened his whole body, not in a sex way, but a he felt like he was gonna have a panic attack way.

But Dazai didn't have a panic attack, he did something much, much, better worse.

"You are such an asshole," Dazai murmured under his breath.

"Oh really? And you are so fucking annoying, you're lucky I even deal with your shit." Chuuya started, walking closer to Dazai, past the desk. Glaring at the taller brunette.

"See this just proves my theory that your," Chuuya stopped to raise his hands, making air quotes. " 'Beloved Odasaku'." Chuuya continued, setting his hands down. "Didn't save himself for a reason. You are that fucking reason Dazai. He left because he didn't want to be around you."

"You left the Port Mafia, because you couldn't handle something you did. That just proves you're weaker than everyone else here." Chuuya finished. And silence crowded the room, Chuuya smirked because he felt like he won the fight. But Dazai was shaking, well more like his hands were shaking, but shaking nonetheless.

"Shut the fuck up! Chuuya, what actually do you know! Everything you've ever learned either I have taught you, or the Port Mafia taught you! You can't do anything by yourself!" Dazai clenched his hands, almost drawing blood. "When I was gone you depended on Tachihara and Akutagawa to have your back, didn't you? You couldn't use corruption, which you barely even use, you use that as a way to force yourself onto me. You don't need to use it. You use it to keep me around, so that I wouldn't have to live with the burden of you dying on me!"

"Chuuya, you are a fucking mannequin. Your brain is made of fucking programs and codes, and your organs are fake, you aren't human, Chuuya. And I know you'll say, 'Well neither are you," but I've atleast come to terms with it. I know I'm not human, but you continue to focus on that fact. Just because you dehumanize yourself, doesn't make it right for you to dehumanize me!" Dazai yelled, hands filled with blood.

"Neither of us are fucking human, so let's not focus on that? You fucking built this whole ass relationship on that. We're not human so we must be together! Right Albatross, Doc, Lippman, Piano Man, Iceman?" Dazai mimicked.

"We're gonna focus how Oda died because of me? No, no, no, it's not fair to leave your friends out! You basically caused their death, Verlaine did come here because of you correct?" Dazai questioned angrily. He walked towards the fuming ginger. "Hell! I could call Verlaine right now to ask if you're the reason they died!" Dazai grinned, grabbing Chuuya's phone out of his hand.

Dazai slipped a pocket knife out of his bandages, stabbing the screen of Chuuya's main phone. "What the hell!" Chuuya screamed. Dazai dropped it onto the ground, tucking the knife back into his bandages. Dazai slipped his beige coat back on, he can get another vest later, and pulled up his soft pants. "Tell Mori you need more of his conditioning lessons." Dazai smiled as he stood infront of the door to Chuuya's office.

"We're done."


Dazai stormed out of Chuuya's office. Pressing hard on the buttons on the elevator. Dazai is not weak. He is, relatively skinny, on borderline underweight, but he can throw a punch. If he tried honestly, he could probably break someone's nose. As Dazai steps into the elevator after the 'ding', he texts Mori.

'Try teaching your ginger canine better.'

The message said. All Mori sent back was a simple smile.

It seemed like an eternity, but that was probably because of what had recently happened.

When the elevator dinged again, Dazai walked out, catching a cab to bring him to the Agency building. It was around... Dazai looked at his phone's time, Six P.M. So most of the Agency should be gone, the only ones there would be Kunikida, Atsushi, and/or Ranpo.

Dazai puts his phone back into his pocket, and starting laughing to himself quietly.

It's funny what just happened, huh?

For him to think that maybe Fyodor, Mori, or some sort of 'formidable' villian would break him. How pathetic he was. To not see he was being conditioned. Actually he could see, but he just wanted to make the relationship work so bad, that he let it happen. "We're here." The driver mumbled, holding his hand out for the cash Dazai gives him. Contrary to popular belief, Dazai is not dirt broke.

He actually has money, just uses for emergencies. But that doesn't matter, he doesn't plan to be here for any more emergencies to happen. So Dazai, right now, is spending his money however he wants right now.

Actually, this must be a pretty disturbing weird sight to see. Dazai being angry, and he's rarely, truly angry. Dazai can easily fake anger with someone like Akutagawa, and Mori. But Dazai being for real angry? He honestly needs to blow off steam, he might shoot Kunikida if the blonde tries anything.

Dazai walks up the Agency building's stairs, pressing roughly on each step. Reaching the door, he slides the knobs around, opening it to see actually, all the three of said Agency members.

"Dazai! What are yo-" Kunikida started to lecture loudly. "Shut it Kunikida." Ranpo said quickly, as the blonde man's head snapped back to him. "Why Ranpo-san, he's nine hours, fifteen minutes, and about thirty seconds late!" Kunikida questioned. "Shut." Ranpo reminded. Ranpo turned his attention to Dazai, letting his eyes trace the brunette's body.

Quickly seeing the brunette's missing vest, and how uneven his clothes are, he stands up from his chair. "Dazai, come with me." Ranpo states. Dazai just stares and walks with him to the break room. A simple couch, miniature kitchen, and vending machines resign in there.

"Now," Ranpo starts. "I know some of what happened, but I'm not a god, I'll need you to explain what actually happened to you, Dazai." Ranpo finishes.

"Well, it started with..."