
Chapter XI: A gentle side of her.

(after a week Lara's bandage is removed)

Lee: oh Lara! your is hand is healed

Lara: I told you my injuries is not serious you're just overdramatic.

Dean: I think physically you're okay but I think inside is not.

Lara: why?

Dean: oh i forgot how would you know if you are a dumb.

Lara: I'm tired of you, don't talk with me.

Dean: but that's a fact!

Lee: dean you should be kind with her, you know what she been through and she also has CIP.

Dean: let's not talk about this in here.

(In art subjects)

Art teacher: good morning everyone today is Friday this the last seat work this week, for our last piece I want to all of you to be creative how to imitate this simple apple here in front of you and how you can paint this simple apple in creative way? you can start now.

(when they all started dean was noticed Lara being serious and tying her long hair. he doesn't know why he being observant in Lara but when he saw Lara tying her hair, he find a new side of Lara that he doesn't know. he become more curious to Lara).

Lee: (whisper) dean! dean! deeeean!

Dean: what?

Lee: look at my painting, how is it?

Dean: you kind of smart but honestly you don't have a talents when come to arts so keep it up Lee!

Lee: I will never to asked you again.

(Lee saw the paint of Dean)

Lee: (he jokingly said to dean) how could you do that, it just a simple apple but how can you add a person that eat an apple in your painting.

Dean: this is my creative way to draw an apple.

Lee: who is that person?

Dean: Ariana Grande

Lee: why you choose her?

Dean: she is famous so that my painting will become famous too.

Lee: oh Goodluck.

(lee look Lara's painting)

Lee: Lara! is that 3d painting, how could you do that?

Lara: I used to paint this when I was kid and learned it little by little and try it again how is it? isn't look real?

Lee: it looks real, woah Lara can you teach me how to do that?

Lara: sure anytime.

Dean: how could you praise her instead to your long time friend, my painting is good too. look it's Ariana Grande eating an apple.

Lee: I compliment her because that's the fact dean that she did great, I didn't even recognize that she is Ariana Grande.

(after the arts they go chemistry lab for their next subject, They sit each other and lara is on the middle sit of between lee and dean)

Dean: (dean is being observant again, he look Lara's handwriting) (he is talking to his mind) why I become more curious about her since she save us from the attacker, am I being attached with her?

Chemistry teacher: we are now finished in the chemical compounds and that's the last topic for the first quarter. that's for now. goodbye and enjoy your meal.

(rrrring it's for lunch time)

Lee: where's Lara?

Dean: she pick up her phone and walk away.

(Lara answered the phone and It was kai).

Lara: hello! kai what is it?

Kai: my dad is in hospital (sobbing) what I'm gonna do Lara?

Lara: stay there I'm going to you.

(Lara going upstairs to told lee and dean that she need to go and asking them to make an excuse for her disappearance).

Lee: oh Lara let's eat!

Lara: I'm sorry I can't eat right now I need to go and Lee can I ask you for favor, make an excuse to next subject. (after that she brought her bag she walk away).

Lee: what? where are you going? Lara!

Dean: make a call for Jackson

Lee: okay, (he called butler Jackson). hello sir butler, Lara is going out in urgent and we don't know where she going.

Butler Jackson: I already track her, okay I will call her. ( hang up his phone). he call Lara but she doesn't pick up her phone.

(Lara is arrived at the hospital and walk directly in the nurse desk)

Lara: excuse me miss, may I know there is Mr. Darwin Shin(kai's father full name) admitted in this hospital.

Desk nurse: yes, but he is in the emergency room.

Lara: okay, thank you (and then she run towards the emergency room) kai! (panting).

Kai: Lara (kai sobbing).

Lara: tell me what happened to your dad?

Kai:(he hugged Lara and he told to her what happened to his dad) I....I heard him in the room talking to somebody about the company bankruptcy then I saw dad having difficulty to breathe and I call Mr. han that we need to go the hospital immediately until now there is no doctor leave in that emergency room, still don't know what really happened to him.

Lara: kai let's pray that he can survive (while holding his hands).

(suddenly Butler Jackson arrival in hospital)

Lee: (rrring he called Butler Jackson) hello sir butler, did you find her?

Butler Jackson: yes, Mr. Xiao she is in emergency room with Mr. Kai Shin.

Lee: hayst what a relief okay I call you later Sir Butler. ( lee is in the restroom because the class is already started).

Dean: (whisper) what happened?

Lee:(whispering) Sir Butler already saw her.

Dean:(whispering) where?

Lee: in the emergency room in the medical hospital.

(In the hospital)

Butler Jackson: Ms. Lara can I talk to you alone?

Lara: oh you're here? okay.

Butler Jackson: Ms. Lara I hope you do not, do that again next time call me instead of going alone.

Lara: im sorry I'm just worried, kai don't have a person beside him and I'm came here urgently.

(In the school)

(The first semester exam is near)

Miss Jane: Everyone I have a big announcement to all of you today that the first semester exam is near so that you have to prepare and have a reviews to all subjects. be prepare everyone that's for today. good bye students.

all students: Goodbye Miss Jane!

(after the few hours Lee and dean decided to go at the hospital).

Lee:( he called butler Jackson) hello Sir, we are here at the main entrance of the hospital. may I know where we can go?

Butler Jackson: wait for me and I will go to you there.

Lee: oh Sir (waving at him).

Butler Jackson: Mr. Xiao I will lead the way to Ms. Lara

Lee: thank you sir. ah can I ask you to call to my name sir.

Butler Jackson: okay Mr. Lee, you also call me by my name.

Lee: I mean by name only.. okay you can call me whatever you want.

Butler Jackson: Ms. Lara your friends are also here.

Lara: what? why both of you doing here?

Lee: I'm sorry we become anxious of what really happened to you so dean and I decided to see you.

Lara: sorry for not explaining.

Dean: you just leave us without explanation, we thought there some bad guys again.

Lara: I go here urgently because of kai, his father is in the emergency room. Kai is my close friend. kai, they are my friends in Younhwa Academy, he is Lee and he is Dean.

Lee: hi sorry for your dad

Kai: it's okay. nice to meet you to both of you.

Dean: me too.

( suddenly the doctor appear from the emergency room).

Doctor: who is the guardian of Mr. Darwin Shin?

Kai: me, I'm his son

Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you that your dad having a heart attacked but fortunately he is still alive however we are not sure if his body is in normal condition same as before. he is in under observation if your father is awake.

(then the nurse from emergency room transfer his father in the Private room)

Kai: Dad! can you hear me!? dad! please don't leave me!

Lara: Kai your dad is not yet fully recovered please calm down( then kai lean on her shoulder while crying and Lara hold his hand and comfort him while dean saw the way Lara comfort him).

( when kai calm down from the condition of his father, lee and dean decided to go home)

Lee: kai, Lara sorry but we can't stay longer.

Kai: it's okay.

Lara: okay I will say goodbye to them kai.

Kai: go on.

Lara: let's go, sorry that I always make you worry.

Lee: it's okay as long as your safe.

Lara: oh wait( Lara stopped by the desk nurse) Miss can i ask you that don't accept any visitor in the room 210 from the media reporter or not family related except to Mr. Dylan Min and me, Lara Min.

Nurse: okay, Ms. Lara Min.

Lara: okay, go home safely Lee and also you dean bye (waving at them).

Lee: okay call me when you get home bye bye (waving at her).

Dean: bye.

(when they both in the car of Dean's family car)

Dean: Lee

Lee: hmm what?

Dean: I never thought I would see in person the gentle side of Lara.

Lee: I told you before Lara is a gentle person. Did you remembered that I saw Lara coincidentally with her friend while smiling gently at him, oh right! I recognized his face and he is kai, woah I'm so genius about recognizing the person faces haha.

Dean: oh I see.

( then dean talking to his mind. why she isn't like that when she is with me? the way she hold his hand and comfort him so much different when she is with me).