
the beginning

year 1827

my heart pounding against my chest my bare feet gliding against the cold stone ground. find her i hear one of the guards scream as i continue running my breath shallow i continue as fast as i can away from the castle i once called my home away from the man who took everything from me away from the devil remor. As i take my finally steps im close to freedom i see the light my eyes glistens at the blinding sight before darkness takes hold of the light in front of me and is replaced by a man with short black hair and gray life less eyes. Eyes i know to well eyes that have haunted my dreams at night the eyes of of the prince of night himself the eyes of Remor the man i hate the most. i gasp and take a steps back i turn around to run theres a guard behind me i cant escape. i feel him creep up behind me his hands wound around my neck his voice his trickles in my ears low yet meancing and before the darkness fully takes over i hear him say "you are mine till im ready to let you go little syrus i own you my love". i wake up in a room im ever so use to high dark ceilings low red drapes and a large bed no i do not sleep on the bed because "whores" arent allowd to sleep on his bed im only here to please the demon as one of his "sluts". i drag my self off the cold floor and i start tending to my needs i start by brushing my hair i let down my long shoulder length hair and retrieve my hair brush i sit in front of the mirror and when i look into i want to cry my eyes suken and colorless from sleepless nights. My skin is pale yet smooth because master dosen't like crackes skin he finds it revaulting my lips slightly chapped probably from last night my hair looks like a birds nest. after tending to my hair i stand up to take a bath and when i turn around he's standing there watching me with those life less eyes. i clear my throat and proceed to do what im doing until he speaks "So you refuse to greet me now after your little stunt last night" i look him in his eyes and reply "master i didn't realize you we're standing there or i would have said hello" he watches me in mock amusment as tho im a stupid little girl playing with hot coal "So your trying to lie to me now little syrus have you no decency to at least come up with a good lie". I look down and shake my head "i apologize master i shouldn't have lied please forgive my stupidity and lack of morals i have wronged u".he walks up to me i want to run away he looks down at me he puts his hand under my chin so i would look at him "you can make up to me tonight" with that he drops my chin and leaves the room i fall to the ground and begin crying why me, why would he want me i remeber being a girl who had friends a man who loved and appreciated her a family then all that was taken from her in one little day one day changed everything now she's a bird stuck in a gilded cage away from everyone she ever loved or cared about.