
A Furry hater reincarnates to another world as a beast.

Haruki, a 28-years old adult that works in a normal advertising company. As a child, he loved anime and animals, but the idea of conjoining the two? Not so much. At first, he found it funny, but then, when internet sexualizing everything, He found out that most furries were just hiding the fact they love beastiality. Disgusted and traumatized by that thought, he harbored great disgust against furries. One day, he got run over by a truck and got reincarnated into another world as a beast! Now what will our Haruki do in another world as he became the target of the very beings that he hates?

Senpaipuku · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Chapter 18

Why is that even possible?! no more like why isn't possible right? Its a fantasy world after...

AS IF! No way! No-no! Hell no!

You're telling me, I've got to babysit these two?!

"What are you? What's your name? where are you from? How come can you speak?

The girl is already asking me a barrage of questions.

"R-r-ruri! Get away from him!"

"Ha? are you still here?"


This two don't even know, do they?

How can I make them believe? Its not like I could just tell them 'You're both Heroes and are destined to fight the Demon Lord' or something, right?


"Hello? Sir Fox?"

'What was that?'

"You better hide in the forest before the village people see you."

'Why would they be going here?'

"Because my brother just ran away and went back."


Are you kidding me?!

So not only is that kid hot headed towards those who are weaker than him but is he also a fucking coward?!

And now this girl...

Creepily looking at me brightly.


'Come with me.'

"Oh? okay."

Seriously? That easy?

With that, we went on our way inside the forest.

After talking a little walk, the girl finally decided to speak.

"Where are we going, Sir Fox?"

'I suppose this will do.'

"Hm? Are you gonna eat me?"

'Heh, do you want me to?"

"Heup- haa... haa..."

What the... what's wrong with this girl? All of the sudden she's blushing and sweating.

"Uhm.. uh.. ha.... ha..."

'Are you okay?'

"I-if you're gonna eat me... huff.. ple-please do it fast... huff.."


What do you mean?

'Haha.. I was just joking with you, you know?'

I then tried to be friendly by patting her with my tail but all of the sudden-


"haa.. haa.."


"..oh no~..."


I know when a bitch is in heat but, seriously? how and why?

and also... that fast?

What's with this girl?

'D-did you just...'

The ground was literally drenched.

"Wow... that was the first time I ever felt that... it felt amazing.. What did you do to me sir fox?"


Oh my god..

'First of all, how old are you?'


Jesus... I just watched a sixteen year old girl ejaculate right in front of me.

'W-why did you...'

"I don't know myself sir fox... b-but it felt.. amazing."


"I've always been indifferent amongst the others..."

Oh, a flash back.

I sat down and she just naturally sat beside me.

"Ever since I was a child, I often laughed at seeing other's in pain.

Even now, I still liked seeing others in pain.

I'm weird aren't I?"

Why am I not surprised... the clicheness doesn't stop.

"As we grew up, I know that I can't let these kind of feelings grow and so I locked them away.

But.. because of that, Slowly, the imagining of inflicting pain on others became... killing them.

I always felt that heat whenever I'm imagining of killing them... the villagers, my friends, even my own brother....

I hate it! But.. I can't help it.. I just don't know what to do with this feelings...

But one thing is for sure... If I don't rid myself of these feelings, I really will kill someone..."

Wow... dark. Mhkay.

'Well wha-'

"But today... when I thought I was gonna die... it felt amazing, the heat was much more extreme..."


A sadomasochist? okay, that's new even for me.

"Am I weird sir fox?"

'Definitely, after all, who the heck wets themselves in front of strangers- not to mention me, a fox'

"Oh I see.. so that's what you think as we-"

'However, what's wrong with that?'


'If I learned anything in life, is that you should live the way you want to since if you don't, you'll die having lots of regrets."

Considering I once already died, Heck who am to say this? I can't even live the way I want to nor can I die peacefully.

So what I've been doing is just basically making the most of it. I mean look at me, I hated furries but now living like one.

I got no choice but to deal with it and just make the most of it. Besides, I'm already working towards my goal, right?


'But it's not like I'm telling you to murder your people, I'm saying that you could use that thirst of yours for something else.'

"Something else?"

'Having said that, I'll give you the perfect excuse. You are a Hero.'

"A... Hero?"

'Yep, The one destined to fight the Demon Lord.'


'Yeah, You'll go on many adventures around the world, beating strong and powerful enemies, get stuck to all kinds of situation, and finally, beat the Demon Lord and his army'

'Sounds troubleso-'

"That sounds amazing..."


"Does that mean... I get to kill?"

She looked at me with sparkles in her eyes.

Yep, she's definitely enthusiastic about this.

'Yep. That's why I told you I'll give you the perfect excuse to quench your thirst.'

"Haa... haa.. I can.. haa.. Kill?"

Wow, she's already getting excited.

'Ummm yeah, but calm down for now.'

"Oh right.. sorry for showing you such an unsightly side of me."


"Ehem, Nice to meet you sir fox, My name is Ruri Lucredia, What's yours?"

Oh wow, she now looks like a dignified girl. It's she just flips a switch.

'You really aren't impressing anyone with that drenched skirt of yours.'

"Oh my, you're right. This is so embarrassing...."

Wow, now she really looks like an embarrassed normal girl.

'Uhh.. yeah, sure. Anyway, as for your an-'

"I'll go."

'Really? You might die you know?'

"I m-might die.. Haa... h-?"

'Don't get excited by that.'

"Uhn.. yeah, okay. That was very unlady-like of me."

'Alright then, when do you wanna g-'

"Right now."

Haa? seriously?

The look on her eyes makes it look like she's serious.

'I won't ask why since I don't care. Just go back and take all the stuff you need. I'll wait here.'

"U-uhn.. okay!"

With that, she went back towards the village.

I on the other hand, stayed and wait like a good d-

Was I just about to say dog?

What the hell is wrong with me. This fox thing shit is ruining my head!

I really need to fix myself, fast.

Anyhow, I guess I already got one in the bag, now how about the other one?

No wait- actually, I think we're already good. Besides, the other one wouldn't be helpful at all.

Especially since I hate his attitude. Has this big attitude on other while being a coward himself.

It's a good thing the other one, even though a weirdo, has a competent attitude.

Come to think of it, I haven't viewed my stats for quite a while now huh?

I was too busy with too many things and It kina slipped out of my mind.

With being said, Stats!

[ Name: Haruki Satoshi

Level: 65 EXP: 83450/1200000

Status: Alive

Race: 4-Tailed High Mana Fox

HP: 230000/230000

Mana: 400000/400000

Attack Power: 645000

Skills: Mana Scratch (Lv. MAX), Mana Bomb (Lv. MAX), Tail-whip (Lv. MAX), Gather (Lv. MAX), Intimidate (Lv. 8), Pig's Greed (Lv. MAX), Dull Tongue (Lv. MAX), Wind Walk (Lv.MAX), Mana Dash (Lv. 7), Mana Beam (Lv. 3), Quake Detection (Lv. MAX), Mana Cleave (Lv. 3)

Titles: Slime <Kinoko>'s Master.

Blessings: Gaia's Blessing (Earth Attribute), Aolus's Blessing (Wind Attribute). ]

Huh...I'm really gonna need to earn new skills.

It's too bad that I can't learn the skills I once had since that bitch God locked it and said it was a fair exchange.

But it's really hard to learn a new skill... especially what the wind god said.

Wait a second!

That god said that it's easy to get skills while being below level 10!

And then those two... they're barely level 6... hehehe....

I guess I'll take the coward with me whether he likes it or not.

Because if I only made one person do it, she might break. Even if she is twisted, she is still a person.

However, even if they got many skills, how am I gonna take it from them?

Considering the editing stats thing on Kinoko, there should probably an option like that as well.

A grin crept up to my face as I found a new exploit.

I guess this is gonna be fun after all...