
Training and timeskip

After reaching the mountain I was pretty much exhausted, so after turning my body back I immediately felt a sleep. It's morning now and I have just returned from my trip to gather some fruits from the trees around the mountain.

My first priority right now it's to find a way to get stronger. And to do that I should start by learning how to control the powers I wished for. Due to that I decided that I will master them in order , so I will start by the ability to turn my body into fire, the way to train it will go like this. First I will shorten the time it takes to turn into fire, secondly I will start to control the shape of my body, starting with a little ball of fire then an animal and eventually any shape I wish to like ornamental chairs. Lastly I will train my control over my transformation, to the point I will be able to just turn little parts of my body with out having to transform my whole body.

~Timeskip 2 years~

After two years of intensive training I have mastered pretty much everything regarding my transformation although I was still not able to turn my self into an ornamental fire chair, but I have reduced the time it takes to turn my self into fire to be below a second, and I can now turn into any shape I want as long as their size is not bigger than mine for example I can turn my self into a fire wolf but I can't turn my self into a fire elephant. Besides that I have grown to be around 1.67 meters tall and have developed a pretty athletic body since it requires a lot of energy to turn my self into fire, due to that reason I have been exercising my self for the past two years, and I have also got a big scar on my back from my first fight against a monster which happened 1year ago.

~Flashback 1 year~

I was on my way back from gathering fruits of the trees around the mountain and suddenly something sharp cut my back and push me away. Once I touch the ground again I only had time to turn my head into flames before It got smashed by a giant lizard.

(I have been training for a whole year how can I still be this weak. No I refuse to accept, if I don't defeat this monster here, then it will be the end of my journey), with this thought in mind, I readied my self and run forward against the lizard, and when it is preparing to strike I turn my self into fire burning it just a little bit due to it's hard scales, that are almost fireproof, then once I'm behind it I pick up a sharper rock and propel my self forward with my fire, piercing the lizard's head.

~End of flashback~

From that day on wards I started to fight with the weakest of the monsters, which allowed me to develop my own martial arts form which was pretty similar to the Muay Thai back on earth, it is basically the same thing but adding my abilities into it, for example, turning my body partially into fire allowing my self to get faster and consequently stronger.

Anyway since I already completed the first part of my training, it is time to move on to the second phase. This time I will be training my ability to use the fire element, which means I will be learning how to control fire, lightning, heat and any other skill that as a connection to the fire element. To do that I must first establish a connection to the element and develop it to the highest level, for that I will start by meditating in front of a fire pit and then increase the distance between me and the fire, lastly for this training to be complete I must be able to keep a connection with the fire even in the water, this will also help me develop my ability to control heat.

~TimeSkip 2 years~

On top of a mountain in the middle of a forest you could see a lake and on the center of that lake you could se a teenager no older than fourteen and what was unbelievable is that all around the mountain everything was frozen except for the lake. Then suddenly the boy opened his honey colored eyes...

(Dante's pov )

Ironically it took me two years yet again to strengthen my connection to the fire element to the point where I could keep a whole lake unfrozen during winter, which meant my control over heat as also improved a lot.

During this time I have also incorporated the heat control technique into my fighting style in tree different ways, one direct way of using it against someone else and two indirect ones.

The direct one is to heat up my body when I strike what allows me to punch through tress like a hot knife cutting butter. The indirect ones consist of heating up the surrounding area what allows me, for example, to heat up the air in front of me disturbing the atoms in the air, making them collide and produce energy that I can then use like electricity which allows me to shot lightning from my hands, something I had come up due to my past knowledge in physics, the other way is to reduce the heat of my surroundings what allows me to freeze everything in the area I'm affecting, this also allowed me to create cold fire that instead of burning everything it touches, freezes everything it touches. With this the second phase of training is concluded, now it is time for the third and last phase of training before I finally leave this forest, which by now I had already explored the center, even thought I still can't go pass it, I'm getting closer to do it .

Now for the last phase of training it will basically consist of bettering my control over the use of fire like increasing the range of my attacks, the power behind them and reducing the amount of energy required to perform any of my techniques.

~TimeSkip 3 years~

I'm now looking at my reflection on the surface of the lake and reflecting about this past 7 years that I have been in this world. First of all I have reached 1.87meters of height, and I have become even more handsome with short black hair big and sharp honey colored eyes, along with a more than athletic buildt body and a perfect face. After losing my self for little bit in my reflection, I began to think about those seven years, more specifically the last three, I have increased my range of attack in some special cases to hundreds of meters of course that those ones take a lot of energy to perform, but my average attack range is about 50-100 meters, my control over the fire element has also improved even more which allows me to control and direct flames or lightning that haven't been created by me like the lightning of a lightning storm, as long as, they are not further than 100 meters from me. And above all this I have come up with new ways to use my powers.

Now it is finally time to leave this crazy forest...