
Guinea pigs and abortion 

Chapter 5: Guinea pigs and abortion 

Simon opened the sealed iron box and took a sandwich out of it before eating it as his breakfast. After this quick snack, he left the building and headed out onto the streets of Brixton. 

He put on a small pair of black gloves with a transmutation circle drawn on them and left through a side door that was supposed to be locked and led to a dirty alley. 

Arriving at the street, Simon saw that there weren't many people on the streets yet, but some were already going from one side to the other, and although some people looked at him slightly, nobody really seemed to care much about him. 

Simon looked around and saw that the building he was in was an old 3-story brick building that had several graffiti pieces on its facade in addition to marks of fire. There were other old buildings around, most of which appeared abandoned. 

Simon walked for a while and ended up coming to a liquor store. There weren't many things inside. The drinks looked cheap, and the snacks were also of questionable quality. 

Simon saw that the salesman was lying on the counter, and he looked to be no more than 20 years old. He approached the young man and saw that he was unconscious and had probably overdosed due to his pale skin and vomiting. 

Simon didn't mind too much, he just took advantage of the situation and opened the cash register and took out just over 300 pounds before turning around and walking away carrying a few bottles of water, soft drinks and some snacks. In addition to some drinks and cigarettes. 

He went back to the building and hid once again in his little room in the basement. He placed the drink and cigarettes nearby, not because he wanted to use them, but because they could be useful, you know. For someone with no income, these things are still worth something. 

Simon counted the money he had, and together they totaled no more than 500 pounds. And that was because it was money he had stolen from Thomas's snacks. 

- It was for your own good, old man, hehehe 

Simon laughed as he remembered when the old man went to look for the money he had hidden to buy sweets and couldn't find it. Thomas was a sugar addict, but he had diabetes. So not being able to eat sweets was torture, and to make matters worse, Anna insisted on watching him all the time. 

So whenever he could, he used some money he had hidden to buy snacks, but now that money was gone, and he couldn't ask who took it, it was hell. 

Simon did nothing else the rest of the day. He just stayed in his little room, writing some things down in a notebook and eating some snacks when he got hungry. Finally, he took a few naps, going into his private library while waiting for night to arrive.

Around 6 p.m., as the sun started to set, the streets of Brixton changed. People started wandering the streets with the most varied intentions. Some for fun, others for making some money. Brixton was a place marked by protests and violence at the beginning of the 1980s. The economic and social issues there were quite chaotic. Simon heard noises coming from upstairs as people were talking or arguing. Noticing this, he closed the notebook he had with him, slipped between the walls of the building, and began to climb.

Through the gaps, he saw some drug dealers selling some things and then guiding the addicts into the building. There they found more "comfortable" rooms to get high, and they also found some cheap prostitutes who must have had more STIs (sexually transmitted infections) than their fingers could count. 

Simon saw that, but he didn't care much, this kind of thing was more normal than anyone could imagine. He spent a whole hour inspecting the building before going back to his secret room and sleeping. 

He spent the next 5 days watching the people and the building's structure, as well as preparing his new location, before finally deciding to act.

Around 3 a.m. Simon was wearing dark clothes and a gas mask that covered the lower part of his face. Even though the building was old and abandoned, for some reason it still had running water and electricity. Simon prepared some small homemade nitrous oxide bombs and spread them through the building's ventilation. And soon they were going to explode. 

Simon kept quiet and waited patiently as he looked at the small watch on his wrist. The people inside the building slowly started to feel tired; some noticed something was wrong and tried to leave, only to pass out in the hallways; others were so high they didn't notice anything and just blacked out.

No longer hearing the noise on the upper floors, Simon climbed the basement stairs. On the building's grounds, some people were already unconscious, but Simon did not act hastily, he first approached the doors, and with a touch on the ground, the transmutation circle on his glove shone before a steel door formed and sealed it. 

This is the only entrance to the building. After that, he transmuted slides that led down to the basement and began to throw everyone down them before going up and repeating the process. In the end, he obtained nearly 30 new research materials before returning the structure to normal and heading back to the basement. 

Seeing so many people unconscious, Simon removed his mask and gave a smile that looked cute on his childish face, but it wasn't even close to good. The previously dirty and messy basement was now clean and organized. 

The space in total was approximately 20 m² and the walls were covered with a layer of acoustic foam before being covered by a steel wall and another layer of white foam. Simon also made test benches and testing materials he was aware of.. 

Looking at the people lying huddled in the corner, he quickly filled ¼ of the space with cages, where he trapped his new test subjects like the animals they were.

Simon didn't really see these people as human beings anymore. After seeing how they destroyed themselves for the sake of a momentary pleasure, he felt disgusted. Although there was a time when he was in a similar situation, finally, the hypocrisy

Furthermore, he really forced himself not to think of them as humans, although it was difficult, it was not impossible.

Simon remained silent and waited for a while, to see when his test subjects would wake up. He stood there reading an old book that he had found that must have belonged to one of these people. Getting bored from waiting so long and seeing that it would soon be 6 a.m., he then decided to take some money and go out to eat something nutritious, seeing as he hadn't eaten very well in the last week.

While he was gone, some people began to wake up. The first person to wake up was one of the drug dealers.

- What the fuck did you give me, bro? Huh? Hi, what the fuck? Akanni, Akanni wake up, bro.

- Huh? Raphael? Why so much expensive noise?

- Where are we?


- Hmm?

- What happened?

- Noise

- I'm sorry...

- ...

People gradually woke up and came across steel bars around them, trapping them. They began to scream and ask for help, but no one responded. After a few moments, they heard a door open, and they fell silent when they saw a little boy coming down the stairs carrying a cup of coffee and eating a sandwich.

- Hey, kid, where is this?

- Who cares where this is? Take me out of here.

Simon looked at the trapped people and walked over as he calmly ate his sandwich and sipped his coffee. He didn't bother to answer or even speak to these people.

After finishing, Simon turned around and put on clean clothes and a different pair of gloves. Before, he started transmuting various objects in front of everyone present.

- What the heck is that?

- Magic?

- How could magic exist? Idiot

- But...

- Shut up, Akanni; magic doesn't exist; it must be something else.

- Magic does exist, idiots. Just you muggles who don't know

- Who are you calling a muggles, old man? You're just another fucking addict.

Simon, who had been listening to his test subjects argue and ignoring everything until that moment, turned to look at the old man who had spoken

He wore threadbare and dirty clothes; his beard and hair were white; and he had a tired and embittered face. But his eyes looked at Simon in such a way that he felt the deepest hatred and resentment at the same time as he showed envy.

Simon stopped what he was doing and approached the cage that held the old man. They both looked at each other for a moment before Simon uttered a single word.

- Squib?

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