


Daniel came into the couple penthouse, he just ascended from heaven, he's here for a visit, he didn't fall. His wings are still bright white, a big clue on what he is.

He doesn't really understand why would angel come down to earth and live a mortal life here, some stay, some come and go as visits. But the one who sin, the one who decides to fall, they never come back to heaven.

Daniel is on a mission, get the girl and go back to his life as an angel, this life isn't his. He always expected the couple to live somewhere from an abandoned haunted house to the streets, he never expected to find them in a penthouse in one of the city most known and elegant parts.

He's standing at the terrace, from here he can see the sleeping body of the little angel, he always wondered how her body matured so quickly, does she sin with the fallen? Is there any chance for redemption for her or is she corrupted.

He took one step toward the sleeping girl, that all it took for him to take one step for a silent alarm to go off, angels, demons, fallen, they all got magic. It varies from one to another but protections spells are very known, he just hit one, a stupid move on his part, thinking the fallen would leave his treasure without protection.

The girl didn't wake up, she was still asleep under the sheets, from here I can't see no wings of hers, does she know how to hide them or doesn't she have ones to begin with. All angel get their wings from birth, as we grow up we learn to hide them, but someone who's born human where are hers.

The fallen didn't take long to come back, after all the protection was set to protect and alert. Just few second and he was there, in the face of Daniel sneering, his black wings on full show, his face showing how angry he is.

/"You are on my land/" the fallen says angry.

/"Apologies, I'm sent from heaven by the angel mother, Evangeline wants her daughter to be trained by an angel/" Daniel says, it's only half the truth. The other half is him wanting to take her away to heaven forever.

/"We don't need you/" Luca spit, not believing the audacity of the said angel, where was she when his little Ella had hard time in her life or when her angelic side was driving her mad.

/"It's angels and God orders, refusing me would make you a fallen/" Daniel says with straight face, he was so proud of himself, he practiced that one on the mirror.

Luca spread his wings, shielding Ella from any stray looks, showing his black majesty, he'd already fallen.

/"Not you but the one you are keeping away/" Daniel says with a smirk, demons might be evil but angels are sneaky, they know how to make the others obey them.

Luca face filled with rage, his baby is pure, his baby is simply a baby, if she falls the others would eat her alive. He never bow down, maybe just for his baby when she wants a kiss but never to anyone else. If letting this one into his house is what it takes for saving his baby soul then be it. .

/"You got one month, teach her and leave/" Luca says in his dominant voice.

/"That won't be enough, I'll be staying until we conclude her learning/" Daniel replies, he'll be staying until Ella is ready to leave with him.

/"Three months, do your best angel or I'd say you decided to against god order/" Luca knew how to reply and get what he wants, the other angel face fell meaning Lucas just won.

He was ready to leave and get inside to his baby when she decided to start crying. Ella had a nightmare and her daddy wasn't there to keep her safe, she might not mind sleeping alone for a bit but he always come to bed later that night.

She woke up and didn't find him, she started crying thinking he left her, he got enough of how needy she is. When they met she was close to insanity, she's a child in the body of a grown up, she got both sides but they fight for dominance. When Luca came he introduced her to ddlg, to age regression, he explained a way she can have both headspace, although most days she's in her little three year old headspace and others she's younger.

Luca didn't care about the angel standing there, if he's going to stay with them for three months, if he's going to teach her anything he'll need to know how Ella is, maybe he'll get too scared and leave.

Luca opened the door and walked in their bedroom, a red teary angel welcomed him with both hands up wanting to he held, he did that quickly sheltering her creamy skin by his wings. She got short shorts and tank pyjamas on, the view of her body was only his.

He turned to the angel who was speechless, he just saw one of heaven most feared fallen pick a girl up and cuddle her, not just any girl, an angel.

No need to see her wings, Daniel knew she's pure, this got him wanting to save her even more.

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