
A Fairy’s Journey

What does it mean to be free? Is it the right to do as you please? To live as you want? To not mind other’s opinions? Is it to live without regrets? Watch as a soul who tirelessly worked for others use his new life to understand and find his own freedom. *** [Note: I don’t own anything other than the OC’s] [Note: Cover is not mine]

SaintlyPervert · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Show of Power

-Chapter 8: Show of Power-

"[Banishing Shift]". As the compelling voice rang out, a green light engulfed the flaming bird, and the next second it disappeared into nothingness.

"Oh~? It worked! Cough! I thought I was going to die from the heat alone. I guess I can't underestimate the power of a commandment, even if they're weakened." An androgynous elf with long emerald green hair and jade coloured eyes floated in the sky with beautiful wings reminiscent of the cosmos.

This was, of course, Zephyr, the human who had been reincarnated into the world of the Seven Deadly Sins as a fairy. 

"Thanks for the help; I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." Zephyr smiled as he looked at the floating shadowy woman on his right.

Instead of answering, she floated behind him to wrap her arms around him; however, she just ended phasing through his body. The vengeful spirit looked at her shadowy body before looking back at Zephyr.

Zephyr smiled sincerely as he moved closer to Snow Flower's Spirit. "Since we will be together from now on, I promise I'll help you find a way to interact freely with others."

The spirit stared at Zephyr for a few seconds before nodding, and she then disappeared into the sinister sword that Zephyr was holding.

"Cough! Cough! Damn…that was strong." Zephyr muttered to himself as he looked at the litres of blood falling to the ground. "Luna, quick, give me a Senzu bean." A green bean appeared in Zephyr's mouth, and he quickly chewed it. 


Suddenly all the burns on his skin and the paleness from the blood loss disappeared.

"Amazing… It really is a miracle bean, but more importantly, these clothes seem to have a regeneration feature. Interesting~ I definitely need to thank whoever reincarnated me."

A few minutes before Zephyr stopped Monspeet's attack.

Zephyr closed door without waiting for Daji's answer and focused on the prompts in front him.

[Ding! An Emergency Quest has been assigned.]

[Name: Show of Power]

[Description: You have received a decent power-up from your starter pack. Show the Sins that you're not a frail fairy and that you are on their side and do not fear the Commandments.]

[Objective: Destroy the Hellfire Bird before Mama Hawk eats it.]

[Reward: Class function will be unlocked for the system, Random Mastery, 10,000 SP]

[Penalty: Class function will forever be locked.]

[Time Limit: Before it reaches Mama Hawk]

[Do you accept?]


"I accept. But~ A show of power, huh?" Zephyr muttered thoughtfully and asked, "Luna, what is my current strength if you were to calculate it using the magical eye thingy that Hawk has."

[It would be 22,000. Your magic power is 17,000, while your strength is 5,000.] Luna explained.

"Oh? That is actually quite high, the only person that can currently compete with me in the Sins is Escanor, well during the daytime that is." Zephyr said in surprise.

[Its because of your fairy wings awakening which greatly boosted your magical energy by a whole 15,000 and the Yato bloodline that gave you 5,000.]

"So I had 2,000 at the start. But why didn't you calculate spirit?" Zephyr asked curiously.

[The spirt value is a measure of composure, determination, and perseverance. It would be hard to get an accurate numerical value for multiple reasons, one being that an experienced fighter could keep his composure even if they were dying.] Luna calmly informed.

"I understand…Wait a minute why didn't anyone point out my power level if it's this high?"

[I made it appear as 3,000. 2,000 in your magic power and 1,000 in spirit.]

"Eh? You can do that?" Zephyr questioned in surprise.

[Of course! It's just data, and that isn't enough to calculate a person's overall power. So it was easy to deceive that trash item.] Luna responded smugly.

The corner of Zephyr's mouth curled upwards at her response, "So what will they see now?"

[7,000. Though, the moment you use a skill that uses mana, your original power level will be shown for a split second. Even if they get suspicious, it's not like they will take action, and even if they did you won't be staying in this world for long.]

Zephyr hummed in agreement at what Luna said. She was right, he was planning on going to the Demon Slayer world after visiting the Druid's Sacred Land. He wanted to train and test his physical prowess, and the best place was the cave in the sacred land.

Shaking his head at the thoughts Zephyr asked, "How much time before Monspeet attacks?"

[3 minutes.] Luna reminded.

"Alright, I guess it's about time I bring her out." As those words left his mouth, an unremarkable sheathed sword appeared in his hands. 

The sword consists of a brass guard with a simple pattern and a short pommel of a similar composition. The grip is made of cloth that is wrapped around the handle of the sword, which allows the user to comfortably maintain a firm grip while in the middle of combat.

(A/N: Picture is on wiki fandom you can go check it out).

As Zephyr stared at the weapon, a purple shadow started seeping out from it.

[System Warning: An external entity is trying to possess you!]

[Possession has been negated due to your perk!]

[An external entity is trying to possess you!]

[Possession has been negated due to your perk!]

[An external entity is trying to possess you!]

[Possession has been negated due to your perk!]




[Possession has been negated due to your perk!]

"Are you done now?" Zephyr asked, as he looked at the shadow that started to take the form of a woman.

The shadow looked at him before it started circling around, as if she were looking for what had stopped her possession. She kept this up for a few more seconds and then stopped. The spirit moved her face to Zephyr's and stopped right before their lips touched. She peered into his eyes for some seconds and then suddenly disappeared.

"Well, that was weird. I guess I was approved of using the sword." Zephyr said with a smile and continued, "Luna? One of the perks makes me immune to possession, right?"

[You're right, take a look.]

[You have discovered the perk, 'The Dove'.]

[Description: Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees. This perk makes it so that you are immune to any and all forms of control and subordination, along with that you are also immune to being possessed as well.]

[Perks discovered (3/5)]

"What's with the weird quotes these perks have? The one before had some gibberish about breaking shackles and freeing dreams and this one is telling me die." Zephyr uttered in amusement.

"Anyways-!", Before Zephyr could continue, he froze on the spot. A few seconds passed before he quickly got himself together.

"…Was that bloodlust? Luna?" Zephyr asked in cold sweat.

[Yes. What you felt was Monspeet's bloodlust /killing intent.]

"I see…I'll go down now, since the others must of felt it too".

In the Boar Hat, a minute before Monspeet released his bloodlust.

"Mama Hawk! Stop for a second!" Meliodas shouted, making everyone look towards him.

"Meliodas? Why did we stop?" Hawk asked curiously, before a look of understanding flashed in his eyes: "Oh! I understand now! Why didn't you just say if you needed to take a dump? Ow! Ow! My ear!" Hawk complained.

"Captain let's-" King stopped as he looked in a certain direction and asked, "What are these absurd presences?! I could feel them all the way from here!"

"Hm? They are two of the Ten Commandments, Monspeet and Galand. It seems like they're fighting someone".

Right as Meliodas finished speaking an overwhelming amount of bloodlust washed over everyone.

"Big sis! This bloodlust…" Slader stuttered, but it was enough for Merlin to understand.

"Hmm… Yes, it seems that they sensed us as well". Merlin calmly replied.

"How the hell did they smell us from hundreds of miles away! Even my nose isn't that good!" Hawk exclaimed.

Elizabeth who was on the side said, "I don't think he smelt us…"

"Captain! A great mass of power is heading our way! It'll be here soon!" King notified.

"Mama Hawk change-"

"I'll deal with it". A voice interrupted before Meliodas could finish.

Everyone looked towards the direction it came from in surprise.

"Zephyr?" King called out.

Instead of answering, zephyr walked to the edge of Mama Hawk. Snow Flower that he put in his inventory once again appeared in his hand.

"Hey pretty boy! Are you seriously going to use that worn out looking sword! You're going die!" Hawk shouted in shock.

Zephyr turned to the Captain of Scraps Disposal and smirked at him, "Are you sure about that?" As he asked that question Zephyr unsheathed the sword.


"Eeek! What is that?!" Hawk shouted as he saw the violet coloured sinister aura burst out from the sword.

Everyone else also looked in surprise, since they didn't think that such an ordinary looking sword could release such an ominous aura.

"A cursed weapon?" Merlin asked, her previous interest in Zephyr further increasing.

"You're right, her name is Snow Flower. But now is not the time for questions." Zephyr replied as he jumped off of Mama Hawk.

"Zephyr!" Elizabeth shouted in surprise.

"He's going to die!" Hawk screamed hysterically.

"Are you an idiot? He's a fairy, he can fly". Meliodas spoke up.

And if to prove his statement, Zephyr could be seen floating. However that wasn't what shocked everyone, it was his wings that did. Multi-coloured, beautiful wings that were shaped like a lotus was on each side of his back.

"Beautiful…" Elizabeth muttered.

"Little brother Zephyr really is my brother from another mother". Slader exclaimed in awe, making everyone stare at him weirdly.

"A cursed weapon. Weird wings. Storage spell. The confidence to stop an attack from a Commandment. And an increase in power level by 5,000 in less than an hour. He really is full of surprises. Don't you think so Captain?" Merlin inquired, her curiosity to Zephyr reaching new heights.

"Yes, he is. He feels different now, even if it is suppressed, I can feel the strong bloodlust that is hidden. Even I can't beat him right now." Meliodas said thoughtfully.

"Waaahh!!! It's here!" Hawk shouted bringing the others out of their shock.

Everyone gazed at the fire bird getting closer to Zephyr, their heart's beating fast due to the nervousness. They saw as the edge of his clothes started burn and his skin sweltering. Just as they thought he was going to get engulfed, a green light shone as he swung his sword with two hands and said.

"[Banishing Shift]".

And the bird of fire vanished. Or to be precise, it was sent to the zero-dimension space, in other words, it returned to nothingness.
